
Bleach: Karma Reincarnation

Samuel 'The Soul Reaper' is the most feared American bounty hunter of the 19th century. However, when his most recent kill attracts the attention of a hollow, he stands no chance. After being killed by the hollow, Samuel awakens within the Soul Society as the second son of the noble Shiba Clan. So begins Samuel's, now Kizuru's, journey to the top - fraught with adventure, battle, & violence in this world so foreign to his old western mind.

Squarepeg · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Zero Division

Kizuru had a nice drink and meal with Isshin, and now he was returning to the Squad 12 barracks. Turning in his head was the image of Gin's shocked face when Kizuru tore open his cover. Gin and his rivalry sustained throughout Gin's entire 1-year stay at the academy, but it had never gotten nasty. He did not know how far Gin had progressed since his graduation, but he knew it would be hard for Gin to match his Buzuro without unlocking Bankai. The existence of Bankai is revealed to academy students right before their graduation, and from the description, it was apparent that anyone who had achieved it was at least Captain level.

Kizuru also learned about the existence of geniuses so talented that it nearly gave him an inferiority complex. The hot topic when Kizuru entered the academy was the retirement of Yuri Samehada, the previous Captain of the 3rd Division whose Bankai caused such a spectacle that shinigami started calling him the Captain of White Lightning. Legends were also told in the 12th Division of their first Captain, Uhin Zenjoji, who achieved Bankai right after learning how to walk.

When he reached Squad 12, he saw Hiyori talking with Captain Hikifune in the barrack's front walkway. Kirio seemed to be explaining something to Hiyori, who seemed to be surprised, when she noticed Kizuru approaching.

"Just in time, Kizuru. The Captains are assembling outside the Seireitei, I am taking you and Hiyori with me."

Kirio spoke with her typical lively personality, but her eyes narrowed for a second after looking at Kizuru. She could feel a distinct change in his aura. An experience like the one he went through in South Rukon would change anybody, but instead of being downtrodden or stressed as many people would, he seemed to be calm. In fact, she thought she could detect a little excitement in his eyes. As for what he could be excited about after being maimed to the point of death, she had no idea.

"Why? What's going on Captain?"

"You will see, let's go."


In a desolate field outside the walls of the Seireitei, 13 figures in white coats were gathered. Head Captain Yamamoto and Captain Hikifune were the only ones who brought along their Vice-Captains. The other Captains thought it was odd Kirio brought Hiyori, especially since they all knew the occasion, but they found it even stranger that she brought Kizuru as well.

Kizuru also did not know the reason for his presence, but Kirio had her reasons. When Kirio rescued Kizuru from his encounter with Aizen, she took special note of the destroyed surroundings. The way the forest and earth was warped and the remaining wisps of Kizuru's reiatsu put some pieces together in her mind. She was one of the most ancient Captains in the Gotei 13, so she had naturally read more than her fair share of ancient texts as well as modern literature.

Suddenly the overcast sky brightened as the clouds had parted - but before Kizuru could look up a large boom resounded from in front of the group. He covered his eyes to protect them from the dust, and when the dust cleared he saw a large cylinder standing upright on the ground.

When the doors of the cylinder slid open, two men stepped out. Kizuru was amazed at the shuttle's grand entrance, but the two men who exited it underwhelmed him. That was until he looked around at the Captains - all of whom had serious expressions on their faces. Seeing that this was obviously a serious occasion, he took the hint and stepped backward behind his Captain.

"Haha! That ride is always thrilling!"

"Why are you all so serious? Who died?"

One of the men, who had a thick black beard and pronounced eyebrows, laughed in excitement. The other man struck a pose and cracked a joke, which made nobody laugh. He was wearing a white trench coat instead of a Captain's Shihakusho over a black kimono, a black tophat on his head, and a golden pince-nez on the bridge of his nose. The second man's appearance made Kizuru shocked and nostalgic, as this style of clothing was reminiscent of his old life. What he did not know was that western fashion was currently trending in 1800s Japan due to modernization, and this particular Captain enjoyed keeping up with current fashion trends.

Noticing Kizuru's surprise and curiosity, Kirio spoke softly in his direction.

"This is half of Squad Zero, a squad made entirely out of Captains that guard the Royal Palace. They called us here today to make an unknown announcement. I've only seen them come down twice in my over 700 years as Captain."

Kizuru nodded in acknowledgment. He could tell that this was a big deal as an aura of nervousness permeated the Captains.

"Welcome, Captain Hyosube and Captain Nimaiya. I wonder why the exalted Squad Zero has come to visit us today?" Head Captain Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto greeted and questioned.

The one who answered was the large man with wooden sandals, a bald head, a prayer bead necklace, and a bushy beard. This was Ichibe Hyosube, the de facto leader of Squad Zero.

"We have come on explicit orders of the Soul King!"

Hearing this, the Captains made various expressions. For some of them, today was their first time even hearing that Squad Zero existed, and although they had all heard the Soul King's name before, they knew absolutely nothing about him. Even to Yamamoto, the Soul King was shrouded in mystery.

"What are his majesty's orders?" Yamamoto anxiously asked.

"Kirio Hikifune is to be promoted and join us as a member of the Zero Division!" Ichibe confidently declared.

To this, all of the Captains opened their eyes wide and many audibly gasped, even Yamamoto and Kirio herself. Kirio had brought along Kizuru with an intention after learning of Squad Zero's impending descent, but she had no idea this was the purpose of their visit. After being a Captain for over 7 centuries, she knew that members of Squad Zero were selected based on their contribution to the Soul Society. Kirio's invention of the Gigai and Gikon was impactful, but she knew several people who made greater contributions than her.

Although their shock had not worn off, all the Captains congratulated Kirio on her promotion. The only one with a sour face was Shinji Hirako, who somehow felt a certain person was involved despite the implausibility.

Ichibe walked forward and put his arm around Kirio's back, smiling at her and congratulating her as well. Kirio also laughed, but more out of confusion than out of joy. Suddenly remembering something, Kirio gestured toward the silent and low-key Kizuru.

"Captain Hyosube, this is my 6th Seat, Kizuru Shiba." Kirio said, prompting Ichibe to look over at him.

Seeing Kizuru, Ichibe scratched his chin and made a noise like he was admiring a rarity.

"Oooooh! Aaaaah! I see!"

Ichibe pulled Kirio aside and huddled his head to hers - like he wanted none of the other Captains to overhear his words.

"Did you notice?" Kirio was the first to ask.

"Yes. This kiddo is definitely a Half-Soul!" Ichibe said like he had made an intriguing discovery.

"Half-Soul?" Although Kirio noticed an abnormality in Kizuru's reiatsu, she had never heard of a Half-Soul - not even in the ancient texts. She brought Kizuru here in hopes one of the Squad Zero members could identify this abnormality, as they would definitely have a higher spiritual sense than her. And luckily, that was exactly what happened.

"Yes, a Half-Soul. A Half-Soul is a soul that has reincarnated in body, but not in mind. As a result, Half-Souls have untamed reiatsu due to the colliding Yin and Yang energy within their soul. This prevents them from using traditional Kido." Ichibe stuck his finger out while speaking like he was an academy instructor.

"Reincarnated in body, but not in mind… You mean-?"

"Yes, Half-Souls retain memories of their previous life, if not all their previous lives. Although for a shinigami with a lifespan of hundreds of years one previous life may not seem like a long time, memories are wiped clean during reincarnation for a reason. When souls reincarnate into the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, or wherever they may end up, they start with a blank slate and develop naturally. If they are lucky, they are reborn with enough talent to become a shinigami, and only a few have the potential to become Captain level. However, if a soul retains their memories through the cycle of reincarnation, its latent potential does not receive a limit. However, this does not mean they are destined to reach beyond Captain level, it only means it is a possibility." Ichibe became serious as he explained the definition of Half-Soul.

"How uncommon are Half-Souls? Have you ever encountered one in real life before?" Kirio was both excited at the prospect of such a rare being, but also concerned about the fate of her 6th Seat.

"They are very rare, and yes, I knew one before. But that was a long, long time ago." Ichibe looked into the distance and reminisced. Kirio got the feeling the time he was reminiscing about was so ancient it dwarfed even her lifetime.

After looking into the horizon for a few seconds longer, Ichibe sighed.

"His surname was Shiba, you said?"

"Yes?" Kirio affirmed his question but was curious about what that had to do with anything.

Without telling her why he wanted to know, Ichibe strolled up to Kizuru and held his hand up as if to give Kizuru a high five.

Perplexed but acquiescent, Kizuru awkwardly held his hand palm-up in front of him.


Ichibe smacked down on Kizuru's hand. Kizuru felt something enter his palm, and when he looked at his hand he saw a hexagonal bone medallion in his palm.

"Kiddo, your Shiba Clan controls the Kakaku Taiho (Flower Crane Cannon). When you achieve Bankai, take this medallion to the Kakaku Taiho and launch it into the sky."

"Yessir." Kizuru was curious, but he did not ask any questions. He knew his place, especially in comparison to this man who even the Head Captain treated with due respect. Besides, he had no idea how long it would be until he achieved Bankai - the academy did not teach students the method or any details beyond a vague description.

"Good kid! Now then, Oetsu! Captain Hikifune! Let's go!" Ichibe shouted into the air.

Ichibe, the fashionable Oetsu, and the newly promoted Kirio, walked toward the pillar the two men exited from a minute ago. The rest of the Captains backed away, unsure of how the pillar would return to the sky. Before the doors of the capsule shut, Kirio looked back out and saw Hioyori. She had exchanged a few words with Hiyori when Ichibe was talking with Kizuru, but Hiyori was handling the departure roughly.

When the doors closed, a white banner came spiraling down from the sky. The ribbon-like banner twirled around the pillar, riling up wind and dust. After a few seconds, the pillar lifted up from the ground and started floating back into the sky - picking up speed as it went along. Before the shinigami knew it, it had disappeared beyond the clouds and the sky became overcast once again.


Within the rumbling dark capsule, Ichibe again put his arm around Kirio's shoulder. Oetsu also looked over.

"Captain Hikifune, welcome to the Zero Division. We will arrive at the Royal Palace Shortly. However, before then, I have another message from his majesty for your ears only."

'Huh?' Kirio thought.

"His majesty doesn't speak conventionally, so I will do my best to translate. His majesty says 'Keep your mouth shut about Sosuke Aizen, he will create the Blade To Shatter Fate.' As for what that means, I have no idea."

Kirio's eyes opened wide. The reason she was chosen above others to join Squad Zero in the Royal Palace, far away from Shinji and Head Captain Yamamoto, suddenly became clear.

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