
Chapter 13

We are finally over 15.000 words and the word count chapter is deleted!


Ok, it was time to gather up the crew.

It was morning, Ichigo was probably awake and arguing with Urahara before getting convinced that he needed a training arc in order to not to die within five minutes after going to Soul Society and I was about to get my loyal sidekick.

"You are thinking something rude aren't you?" Tatsuki narrowed her eyes at me while I tried to figure out how exactly a dragon schrift had given her mind reading powers.

"Of course not." Then I decided to play dumb since there was no way she could prove it and continued to walk toward Urahara's shop. Where I would get my own training arc cause even though I had some impressive powers I wasn't delusional enough to believe I could beat a captain as I was now.

Except for Ukitake if his sickness got better of him but let's be serious, what are the chances of that happening when I need it rather than against some super strong enemy where his swords reflection power could be useful against after I actually became friends with him.

Anyway, we reached the Urahara's shop and we're greeted with the sight of a shitty brat bullying an adorable cinnamon roll.

"Please stop Jinta-kun!"

"SHUT UP!" The redheaded little shit roared as he kept giving the little Ururu a noggie.

Fortunately for Ururu, a giant made out of muscle came to her rescue.

"That is not proper behavior against a fellow worker, Jinta-dono!" Tessai yelled out as he hit the redheaded boy with a very clean karate chop. One good enough to even impress Tatsuki by her whistle which got the muscular giant's attention.

"Hmm, Cain-dono and Tatsuki-dono I believe. Owner is waiting for your two with Ichigo-dono in the basement." The man said as he led us inside the shop and then to a secret entrance to their training ground.

I had to admit that it was impressive. The fact that they managed to dig something this big without anyone being wiser and all of the laws they broke while doing it that is.

And I could also see Urahara standing next to a hole.

"Yo." I raised my hand in greeting as I made my presence known.

"My my, Cain-san. It has been a while!" Urahara said with exaggerating movements of excitement.

"I was at the shop last night." I gruffly said to the genius pretending to be an idiot as I watched Tessai jump down to the hole and looked down in it.

And just as I suspected, our resident orange headed Shinigami was down there on the bottom of the hole with bindings on his arm and a chain coming out of his chest.

"Ichigo?! The fuck?!" Oh yeah, I had brought Tatsuki hadn't I.

"Tatsuki! The hell are you doing here?!" Ichigo shouted back at us and I decided that I didn't want to deal with their childhood friend bickering TM so I went towards Urahara instead.

"How long has he been there?" I asked to the man and he simply waved his fan in front of his face before answering.

"Just short of six hours. He has sixty six more before we'll have to put him down." The man said jovially as if he wasn't talking about the fact that he might need to kill a high school boy who was also the son of a captain class Shinigami who would come after his ass if that happened.

I will just act like this is some sort of trust he has in Ichigo and not him being crazy.

"So, what will we be doing now?" Cause yeah not to be rude to Ichigo but me becoming good enough to beat a captain felt a bit more important.

"Before we start, there is something I would like to ask." Urahara said as his fan closed with a loud snap.

"Do you have any hollow like powers?" Huh, never thought he would be this forward.

"Yes." I nodded my head as I needed this guy's help and saw no drawbacks from being truthful.

"I see. Then can you please demonstrate?" Urahara said as he picked his cane off the ground and started spinning it with his index finger.

I on the other hand simply shrugged and let the komainu like hollow I had killed yesterday materialize from my shadow. Looking just as ugly as it was last night and making Urahara's eyes widen enough to make a dinner plate jealous of their sizes.

"Is that…?" Huh, I rendered the, arguably, greatest genius of this universe. Go me.

"A hollow yes." I nodded before continuing and ignoring Tatsuki's frightened shout from behind. "Any hollow I kill, they enter my shadow as spirit particles and I can call them back for battle."

"Any of them?" Tatsuki said as she laid a hand on my shoulder with wide eyes and I immediately realized what she was thinking.

"Yup, even that porn industry reject that almost killed you." I said seriously as her face went red with anger.

"Bring it out." She practically ordered but honestly, nah.

"Get strong and I'll bring it out." I said gruffly but it seemed to have worked since she was glaring towards Urahara instead.

"Ok. Training plan. Give us." Her bossy attitude should be irritating but maybe due to the fact I could easily kill her, she looked adorable. Like a kid trying to act grown up.

"Hmm oh yes. Well I had suspected that you had some hollow based power but this honestly surprised even me so, yeah." He looked embarrassed but from my and Tatsuki's face one could easily deduce that neither of us cared.

"Uhh, go to this address. They already are expecting you." He said as he fished out a paper out of his coat's pocket and gave it to me. While I glared at him.

"Are you saying you called us here simply to give us a piece of paper." I said and Tatsuki joined me at glaring at the nervously sweating man.

"…yes." And then I flipped him the bird and left his illegal training ground for the location of our training and new teachers who I believe I knew of.