
Bleach: Inconceivable Existence!

I really shouldn’t have completed that stupid form. Now I am in Bleach where a maniac that can hypnotize everything and another maniac that can see future exists. Good thing I completed that form with OP abilities. Warnings: •Harem •OP MC •Somewhat Manipulative MC •Not a Shinagami MC •Some JJK elements

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 10

How did things end up this way.

"Oi boss! Who the hell is this guy!"

"Jinta-kun, it isn't nice to point at people."

"Shut up Ururu!"

Oh yeah, I had thought that following a stranger with candy would be a good idea. Go me.

"Now now; Jinta, Ururu, we have a guest here. It wouldn't be nice to annoy a guest especially since we don't actually get many." Urahara said while using his fan to 'hide' his smile in a way that I could see it wide and clear.

Bastard was enjoying this.

After the children left, Ururu did while Jinta had to be carried away by Tessai, the shopkeeper ex-Shinigami simply continued to smile. A second became ten, ten bacem thirty and then thirty became a full minute and I decided to open the talk myself.


"Ah ah ah ah, there is still one more person we are waiting for." Kisuke waved his fan towards me with an admonishing tone that made me want to punch him across the room, no wonder nobody except Yoruichi made a noise when he was framed to be a traitor.

But I was a kind and patient man so I waited along with the man of punchable face, hoping that the 'person' we were waiting for was the one I was thinking about.

"I apologize for being late." A voice masculine enough to make Vegeta question his own manhood was heard through the store as a black cat walked through the front door and sat in front of me.

"I am Yoruichi." Yoruichi said as she raised a paw in greeting and then all of my willpower crumbled like a biscuit in Dwayne Johnson's hand.

"OH MY GOSH ADORABLE!" Those were the words that came out of my mouth as I threw myself at the wide eyed cat who had no idea what was happening and forgot to dodge as she was now in my arms.

So yeah, I would like to say some shit like this being just some random thing I wrote in that character bio before waking up in Bleach but unfortunately, I would be lying.

I liked cats, sue me cats were awesome.

I didn't let go even as I felt claws on my arms since a quick application of Blut Vene and Hierro combination protected my arms.

"Umm, Walter-san... can you let Yoruichi-san go? I think she is a bit... uncomfortable in your arms." Urahara awkwardly said and I couldn't blame him even as I let Yoruichi go, I was a bit... extreme when it came to cats after all.

"I... I am sorry." I bowed my head even though I was not. I just got myself a few seconds of fluff and I technically touched Yoruichi, something all Bleach fans had wished for at least once.

"It's okay." Urahara said with his fan covering his mouth but he wasn't looking at me. No he was looking at Yoruichi, who actually looked like she was traumatized a little.

"You invited me here to…" I said as I trailed off, trying to convey I was expecting him to continue.

"Hmm, oh yeah, that. Honestly this is a bit embarrassing since I am not exactly this blunt in talks usually." The former captain of the twelfth squad rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and I had to control my urge to snort. Meeting me in the middle of the night, letting his employees annoy me and then making me wait for Yoruichi… and he actually had the gall to call it blunt.

I was starting to think that maybe, just maybe, Kurotsuchi Mayuri might be onto something when it came to hating this guy.

"Please, can you tell us who you exactly are?" Urahara asked and let out a small amount of spiritual pressure, which was enough to crack the floor he was sitting on.

It's small things like this that reminds you that the shop owner in front of me was such a monster that even Yhwach, the mustache king of Quincy race, had deemed him to be a threat. A man that had intelligence and power far beyond almost any Shinigami. A man that I had to bullshit through.

And I actually had a way to do that.

"As you already know, I am Cain Walter, or Walter Cain in this country. And I am a Quincy." I said as I stood proudly, trying to convey I had no fear of the man in front of me.

"And why, exactly are you in Karakura?" The man asked as he slightly lowered the tip of his hat, admittedly looking cool and mysterious.

"I guess saying 'education' won't be enough. Even though it is a part of my plans here." I chuckled, an action that was mimicked by both Urahara and Yoruichi.

"Yes, education is important after all." The shop keeper said as he fanned himself with a silly smile, the tension from before while not completely but mostly gone from the air.

"As I said, I am a Quincy. My original purpose in here is to see the other two Quincy families in this town." I said.

"Hmm yes. There is the Ishida family who have been Quincies for a very long time. But who is the second family?" Urahara said as he peered from under his hat.

"Please do not play dumb." I said, my tone laidback. "I know Kurosaki family was also one of Quincies, though none of the current members seem to be one." I said as I let out an information that very few knew about.

"Hmm, that isn't exactly public knowledge. How exactly did you know about Kurosaki family?" Yoruichi asked from her sitting position, seemingly having gotten over her small trauma in my arms.

"My family might not be famous but we did keep record of the famous ones." I said with one raised eyebrow, daring her to challenge me.

"Makes sense." Urahara said as he closed his fan with a loud snap.

"And now that you have seen them, what do you intend to do?" Urahara asked, seemingly laidback but I knew that an unsatisfactory answer could lead to not one but two captain level Shinigamis trying to end me.

So, how should I answer them…