Early in the morning the grandfather and grandson due was already in the open field. Chouji instructed his grandson to at least wear his PE uniform temporarily until he brings some of the equipments tommorow.
Yon was still in the Houtian Realm so there aren't any changes yet to his physical appearance since the realm focuses on his dantian and reiryoku potential first. Yon's hair was black and almost the same as sasuke's hairstyle.
His skin as mentioned before was paler than a girl's due to first he was still a kid and he doesn't go out much during the time the old soul was depressed. It wasn't until recently when the new souls transmigrated that the body was able to go out in the sunlight.
His PE uniform which was a plain white T shirt and a dark blue short failed to cover his pale skin that when Chouji noticed this, he almost doesn't want to train the kid. Good thing it was still early in the morning.
"Yon, When the sun becomes to hot later on I want you to put on your hat okay?"
"Sure Jisan"
"Alright then let's start."
"Almost everything begins with instructions for you to be able to know exactly what to do. So first let me go ahead and explain to you the basic kendo techniques for someone who's just starting."
"Okay!" Yon replied
"The first one is Kiai. It is done when you yell, scream, shout or do anything else that's loud & proud. When you execute any if not all kendo techniques, almost all the time it should be accompanied by kiai."
"This battle cry is supposed to represent the inner strength, flow of energy and determination while in the same time demonstrating to your opponent that you're in it to win it."
"There is no correct or unified way for everyone. Kiai evolves alongside his user – some become louder, others quieter. As long as it comes naturally, it's all good. Do you understand Yon?" When Chouji was explaining the Kiai, he wasn't looking at Yon but instead was looking up.
When he asked Yon and looked at him, he was surprised to see the boy sitting in a lotus position in front of him as he nodded his head to his question which meant he was saying 'yes' to his question.
"Good! Next is Kendo Footwork which has two technique of movement that are essential in every aspect of Kendo. Ofcourse there are a few more but as your teacher these two are much more important." Yon nodded once more and Chouji saw it.
"The first one is called Okuri-ashi. It is simply put as a sliding step. It's usually very short and is used to maneuver between strikes. It's believed that this movement technique originated from necessity – when warriors fought on unstable terrain where a slip or a fall meant death, they developed this super-safe probing way of walking so they could keep their eyes on the opponent."
"The second one is called Fumikomi-ashi is a kind of odd stomping step/leap (not a jump) that pushes the user into hers or his opponent. This motion is used when striking and/or attacking, and was probably created under the influence of general samurai offensive doctrine that called for a swift, deadly and simple reaction in every situation."
"Did you understand all of that too or do you need me to repeat anything?"
"I understand it all Jisan. Please proceed to the next one." Yon answered still in a lotus sitting position with his eyes closed. Chouji was a bit reluctant but decided to continue and test Yon later on if he really did undertant.
Unfortunately for him, his grandson has already stepped into the path of cultivation or specifically the path to become an immortal. His comprehension has long since left a normal human's capacity. Since Yon didn't have any manual to follow, he decided to treat Kendo as a Martial Arts manual to build up his foundation.
Although he thought of going to the internet and try to check for any chinese martial art. He thought that it was better to be taught in person than simply reading through something provided by the internet.
"Then last one which I said that I will begin teaching you tommorow, Wielding a shinai."
First of all, although shinai looks like a stick, it represents a sword. It is constructed from 4 elastic bamboo strips, has a hand grip, hand-guards, front side and a back side. Only the last third portion of shinai is used to strike, but the whole length can be used for paring or blocking.
"All cutting/hitting techniques in Kendo are more or less based on one general downward cut. This means that the shinai is held by both hands and that strikes or cuts comprise of three elements: movement, strike and kiai."
"The movement starts from the lower abdomen and travels from there in two directions – to the upper-body, or the shoulders, elbows and wrists that will delivers the strike, and to the lower body that will drive the practitioner to his or hers target. The strikes can fall on the head, left or right side of the abdomen, wrists or the throat region. Are you still able to follow Yon?" He didn't answer but simply nodded. Chouji was becoming more and more concerned if his granson really understood. But he still continued since he's going to ask Yon afterwards.
"Then let me continue. The cuts can be long or full, when the shinai is lifted above the practitioner's head, or shortened, when the shinai travels the shortest possible distance, thus cutting the reaction time. The first option involves shoulders and elbows, while the second one uses mostly elbows and wrists of the practitioner."
"Now let me tell you what the basic cuts are called. First we have the Men-uchi which is a hit on the head, then the Kote-uchi which is a hit on the wrist, usually the right one and finally the a Do-uchi which is a hit on the side of the abdomen. Since you've been telling me that you understand all of this.?" Chouji glanced at Yon and he was met with another nod.
"Then does that mean it's alright for me to ask you questions before we begin on training with our bodies?" Yon nodded once more.
And so, his 47 years old grandfather was slack jawed when Yon answered all of his questions even giving out his own opinion about the basic techniques. Chouji was so delighted to his grandson and immediately taught him how to execute Kiai and Kendo footwork as he discussed earlier.
Yon did way more than Chouji's expectation. Although Yon didn't use his reiryoku while training kiai and kendo footwork. His mastery was still fast enough for his grandfather to call him a genius.
"Yon, Let's stop here for now."
"But I just started Jisan. You can't be serious."
"Hahaha. Don't fret my child. It's because you're a genius that's why we're stopping."
"Huh?" Yon was confused.
"Let's have our breakfast first then you can return to training yourself."
"Why just myself?"
"Because I need to go and buy us a Shinai so I can also teach you the last basic technique we discussed."
"I thought we'll start that tommorow? what made you change your mind Jisan?"
"Because you have already mastered the other two that I don't have anything to teach you now. And also 'it's better to strike while the iron is still hot'. Who would have thought that my granson is a kendo genius! Hahaha!" Yon sweatdropped at his grandpa's antics. 'It was just a simple shouting and moving but he's already labeling me as a genius. Is he serious or just spoiling me?'
The duo then ate their breakfast with Chouji praising his grandson all throughout the meal. Affterwards, Chouji went out to buy their very own equipment to use instead of just borrowing from the dojo. To Chouji's defense, it was worth it to spend money for his genius grandson who might one day become a master of Kendo.
Meanwhile Yon didn't return to the open field but went to his room. He intended to deepen his understanding of the basic kendo techniques taught by his grandfather. After awhile his grandfather returned so he got up and joined him in the open field.
Chouji brought a whole set of equipments even the full armor (Bogu) but for now instructed to just wear the uniform minus the full armor set. It was almost the same as a student shinigami's uniform of black below and white on top. And ofcourse Chouji also brought a Shinai and Bokken. Shinai is used for sparring sessions Kendo while Bokken is used for training not only in Kendo but also in Iaido training.
[Note: Aikido was included in using a bokken according to source but I removed it]
"Yon, Since you have mostly memorised if not mastered the Kiai and Kendo footwork. It is now time to train in wielding a shinai."
"Ohhh! Finally!" a very honest excited reaction coming from a 21 years old anime fan in the body of a 7 years old kid. So in the eyes of the old man, it was pretty much normal. Since there was not target to practice on his grandpa wore full armor (bogu) to be the target practice of Yon.
"As I mentioned before. There are three basic cuts that you must learn which is why I wore this protective gears. The head protective mask is to protect myself when you execute the Men-Uchi called Men, the gloves is for the Kote-Uchi called Kote and finally for the Do-uchi is this stomach and chest protector called Do." But Yon could see another set by his grandfather's waist that the old man didn't explain. So like any normal curious chil, he asked.
"Jisan what about that one that's hanging on your waist?"
"Oh this? This is a Tare."
"What's it for?"
"It's to protect the upper legs and groin."
"Huh? Then is there a basic cut called Tare-Uchi?" His grandfather fell to the ground with his feet standing up while twitching upon hearing his grandson's sentence. Yon tilted his head in confusion.
'well if he was wearing those to protect the part where the a basic cut is to be executed then why is it that he only introduced three but wore a fourth one?' was Yon's line of thought.
Being a loner throughout high school and college. One would definitely lack a few common sense. On Yon's case, he's definitely still a child in mind even though he's 21 years old already before he transmigrated.
"Ahem, Listen well grandson. A strike to the groin or eyes is an act of dishonor and disgrace. You must always practice honor even in the face of your enemy. Remember it well Yon, Do you understand?" Yon could see the seriousness in his grandfather's eyes and feel his solemnity with his spirit sense. Though it was negligible for a 4th Order Houtian like him, it was still something for normal human being/mortal.
"I understand, Jisan." Yon repplied exuding his own serious face. (ofcourse without exerting his reiryoku)
"Good then let's start!"
Chouji first acted as a target practice but as he could feel Yon improve slowly. He began blocking and parying Yon's basic cuts while letting him think of a solution to break past his defenses. The training continued until late in the evening.
"Let's stop for now. On weekdays you will join me in the dojo after school and train along with the other kids your age. Let me tell you now that you are already ahead of them but do not be complacent. Never underestimate anybody."
"Yes Jisan."
"Good. On weekends, we will train right here to further develop your skills."
"Thank you Jisan, You're the best!" Yon was gratified and hugged his grandfather. Slowly, Yon was adapting to his new reality.
After they had their dinner Yon waited for his grandfather to fall asleep. Once he was sure that he did using spirit sense. He went to the hill where he trained spirit Gun and Spirit Sword. He plan to further develop what he just learned by applying reiryoku in all of those techniques.
End of chapter 7
Reference for grandpa Chouji's teachings (https://kendo-training.com/basic-kendo-techniques/)
Let's face it. I am not very knowledgeable about Kendo so please excuse me if I make anything that does not go with your undertanding of the art.