
Bleach: Herald of Fate's Breaker

Following the second End Times, the Warrior of Light Josua Kurenai fought against the mighty Zenos yae Galvus, who played host to Zodiark. Empowered by Hydaelyn, he faced the former prince in a final showdown upon the lunar surface. When all was said & done, he was given a choice: to return to his comrades, or live his own life in a realm far beyond this one. What will he choose?

Josua070 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9: Proving One's Mettle

"Know that I'll kill your god if I have to. Maybe even if I don't." - Josua Kurenai


Morning came and Shugo woke up from his sleep. He still couldn't shake off the feeling that Gurenbana did something, but as to what, he still couldn't pinpoint it since as explained prior, there was no lingering evidence that she had done something. Saying that she wasn't there would be incorrect, since somehow, he could still smell the rather fragrant, and somewhat nostalgic scent of a flower coming from the blanket of his futon, and even, Twelve forefend, some parts of his Shihakusho.

That last part made him a bit flustered as he checked all around, only to sigh in relief as it wasn't near his lower area after checking his whole self for some time. It was mostly onto his upper left side of his body.

He puts on his socks and then his geta, before tidying up the place since he'll be leaving the dorm for the start of his official duty as a Shinigami in the Thirteenth. It was painless, since he already dealt with his stuff the night before, and only had to do some things. He folded the futon neatly, before putting it to the far-right side of the room and putting the folded blanket atop the folded futon.

After ensuring that there was nothing else that he forgotten to bring or do, he puts on the remainder of his Shihakusho, before overlaying the outer part of it with his honor graduate haori.

'Hmm… These waraji aren't exactly the most comfortable… Sigh, I might have to request Captain Ukitake to allow me to wear my Geta boots when the opportunity arises…' He mentally sighed.

The pair of waraji was by no means bad. It simply lacked the feeling of protection, or even the proper feel of shoes. Even the most common geta he used in Kugane was far more comfortable in comparison.

Shaking his head, he left out the dorm room's door, before turning back for a moment and looking at the tidied-up place that was his residence for the past two years.

"It hasn't been long, but I shall remiss this place." He muttered, recalling of how it was almost like how long he had lived in the small estate he bought in Shirogane, with barely any time to utilize it before he eventually left the world.

He closed the door to the dorm room, before locking it with its key. He then left for the lobby near the academy's entrance. He then went to the receptionist desk to hand over his dorm key.

"Ah, Kurenai-san? Leaving already?" The receptionist lass asked.

"Yes. I've officially graduated yesterday, and I've been assigned to the Thirteenth Division starting today. Hence, my departure." He answered with a smile.

"Ah… Oh… Well, I hope you'll do great over there!" She blushed before giving him her parting words.

"Don't worry, I shan't be a stranger and visit. If the time and opportunity permits, of course." He thanked her.

He then bids farewell as he exited the lobby and left the academy's gates. He also said his goodbyes to the academy's gatekeepers, who were also familiar with him. They wished him well and went back to their duties.

Walking out the gates, he stretched his body. Feeling a bit relaxed, he brought out the directions to the Thirteenth Division. Apparently, it was supposed to be made by that unseated officer, Kuchiki. However, it was immediately replaced with the one made by Kiyone, according to what he heard from the banters between the two co-Third Seats and Kuchiki after the meeting last night as they left the halls.

"According to these… I should go through the Ninth's before passing through the Fourth's to the north, and then going through the Eighth's to near the gate and then take left to the Thirteen's HQ… Seems simple enough…" He muttered.

After taking a glance, he smiled a bit. Passing through the Fourth's, it meant that he could at least drop by for a bit to see Unohana and the Fourth. He stored the directions map back into his inventory and began Shunpo-ing through the designated paths.


The marvels of Shunpo were certainly noteworthy. It does allow him to traverse more area in less steps than sprint, though it does drain only a bit more stamina than Sprint that barely, if even, drains his stamina. Only barely several moments, and he already passed through the Ninth's area, and he was very much one flash step away from the Fourth's HQ.

Taking the step, he instantly arrives at the Fourth's HQ. Some of the members, upon seeing his arrival, went to the HQ's entrance to greet him. He then went to Unohana's office, finding her to having her teatime with Isane at the moment.

"Mother, I've come to visit." He greeted her with a smile.

"Shugo-kun, welcome back." Unohana greeted back with a smile.

"Shugo-san! Welcome!" Isane greeted him after turning around to see him there.

"Isane-san." He also greeted Isane with a smile.

He then went to sit on the Zabuton between Isane's and Unohana's, just a bit behind theirs though because of the table between the two's seats.

"I'll get you a cup. Be right back!" Isane said as she stood up and went to the back.

"Ah. I was about to tell her it wasn't necessary, but I suppose a cup of tea wouldn't hurt." He shrugged.

Unohana only smiled as she took another sip of her cup of tea. It didn't take long before Isane came back with a cup and handed it to him.

"My thanks." He thanked her as he poured from the teapot on the table into his cup.

After it was almost full, he puts down the teapot back onto the tray on the table and drank from the cup. It was warm, seemingly suggesting that it had been sitting there for at least more than an hour. He lets out a breath of steam, enjoying the cup of warm tea. The air may not be cold, but one can certainly enjoy its warmth.

"So, what brings you here?" Unohana asked.

"Oh, I was simply stopping by. I wanted to see you all, perchance strike a small conversation or two, before leaving for the Thirteenth." Shugo replied.

"Ah, you did say you're going to join them. Is it today?" Isane asked.

"Indeed. Though I think the Captain wouldn't mind me stopping by here." He answered with a chuckle after the last remark.

"True. Ukitake-san is certainly an understanding person. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Unohana said, taking another sip from her cup.

"Wait, if you're also going to the Thirteenth, mind if you could also bring some medicine for him?" Isane then asked.

"Hmm? I don't mind." He tilted his head before nodding.

"Great, then wait here for a bit!" Isane drank a bit from her cup before she puts it down and left for the Relief Station.

Shugo drank half the cup at a small pace as he waited for Isane to come back with the aforementioned medicine for Captain Ukitake.

"It's been two years." Unohana suddenly said.

"Indeed." Shugo looked at the bamboo fountain, after putting down the cup that was still 3/4th's full onto the table, though it's more like nearing half filled.

"And it seems like things will be more interesting for the times to come." She remarked with a smile.

"I shall try not to worry you, Mother. Though if I do, I'll have to trouble you then." He replied with a smile.

She only smiled as she took another sip from her cup, while he picked up his cup again and continued his drink at a steady pace. Before long, Isane came back with the prescribed medicine for Ukitake.

"Just give this to my sister Kiyone. She knows the dosage, so don't worry about that." Isane said as she sat down and gave the pouch filled with some medicinal pellets.

"I understand. Wait, by perchance, is your sister the Third Seat?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yeah. I think she's the Third Seat, alongside Kotsubaki Sentaro, if I recall correctly." She pondered for a moment before nodding in confirmation.

"Ah, the short-haired one with the gloves then? Understood." Shugo recalled her appearance.

"Yep, you can't miss her. Easy to spot." She nodded, albeit sheepishly when remembering her sister's behavior.

Shugo nodded as he finished his drink at a steady pace in one go. Putting down the cup, he was preparing to stand up, before he stopped and sat down for a bit.

"Before I leave, I want to gift the two of you with this." He said as he held his palm open.

Using the local reishi, he formed the same memory crystal that he gave to Ukitake. This time, however, he made two, though they contain the same thing: his memories prior to his arrival. It certainly alarmed Isane and Unohana, though the two knew that he wouldn't do something without any warning simply like that.

It didn't take long for the crystal to be completed. He then handed them over to both the Captain and the Lieutenant.

"You've heard of my story. But should you find the time, please see it with your own eyes." He said solemnly. "And to use it, simply pour a bit of reiatsu into the crystal, and it'll transmit the records within into your mind, at a rate that depends on your physical health at the time. It'll be like viewing a record of sorts. Fret not, it won't harm you in any way." He jabbed the basic information in one go for them.

Was it a sign of trust? The two did not know. However, it was clear that he was putting in some into them, if he had not already. They won't know though, since he picked up the pouch of medicine, stood up from his seat and was preparing to leave.

"My thanks for the tea, but I have to go now. I bid you two farewell, Mother, Isane-san." He bowed lightly before he left the office.

"Bye! Have a nice day!" Isane shouted after him, just before he left through the office's entrance.

Unohana only smiled. Looking down at the crystal, she sighed. He certainly looked solemn when he gave them to her and Isane. She was happy that he would trust her, even though he didn't know her past. That was something that she certainly appreciates truly.


It wasn't as if Shugo did it on a mere whim. No, only a small part of it was on his mere whim. The real reason was he simply wants to try and trust them. They were his benefactors, and they were more receptive compared to the others that have met him. Perhaps Captain Ukitake may also be a part of the group, but he simply hadn't interacted with him enough to have a solid image on the man.

He already had his fill of being backstabbed. He had more distrust than actual trust, especially to those outside of the Scions. The Crystal Braves may had been made by a Scion, but they were not Scions themselves. They answer to only one person who's a Scion, and that proved fatal since a lot of those Braves were in the pockets of one Teledji Adeleji, who very nearly committed a successful coup against the Sultana and almost caused the destruction of the Scions with their help.

The few acquaintances he made that he trusts outside the Scions are mostly the heads of the various city-states and their retainers. Even then there was still a bit of a distrust towards them due to not exactly being helpful in some matters that he had faced before, which includes the aforementioned Teledji Adeledji fiasco.

Regardless, it is what it is.

At the moment, he was going straight towards the border between the Twelfth and the Fourth with Shunpo. It barely took him a few moments before he reached the intersection before he turned right and going straight towards the Eighth's.

It wasn't as if he didn't meet any patrolling Shinigami from the start of his journey through the Seireitei. He did meet a few, but whenever they asked, he only showed the map to them and asked for further details. Thankfully, they weren't pushing it too much since they also saw his honor graduate haori, and they probably assumed that he had just graduated and was being called to his assigned division, which was right in their conjunction.

Taking two more flash steps, he arrived at the intersection between the Thirteenth to the left, the North Gate at a distance north, and the Eighth's Barracks to the right. He turned left and went straight for the Thirteenth's HQ. It was very easy to spot it since there was a sort of clearing and some garden area by the entrance to the HQ.

One flash step later, he arrived at the entrance. There were two Shinigamis stationed there, guarding the entrance.

"Halt!" One of them said, holding out his palm in gesture.

"State your name and rank!" The other one ordered.

Shugo sighed. "Kurenai Shugo, Honor Graduate of this year's Academy batch. I've been enlisted into the Thirteenth Division with the approval of Captain Ukitake Jushiro!" He said crisply.

"Hold here. I'll go inside and ask." The first one said as the man went into the HQ.

The other one kept his guard as he watched over the supposed "Honor Graduate". It wasn't as if he was lying, technically. His Haori was more than proof that he was an Honor Graduate. However, it was the matter of his assignment. Technicality at its finest.

A few minutes later, the first guard came out from the entrance and was slightly running.

"Sorry… For the wait… You're expected… The captain's… Waiting inside…" He said, huffing a little to catch his breath.

The other guard then stepped aside, while gesturing Shugo to go inside. He simply nodded in reply and went into the building, guided by the first guard since he did not know where to go once inside.

Following the guard, he saw that the place was less than busy in comparison to the Academy. Perhaps only the Fourth would be equally less than busy, but even they would occasionally have to treat injured Shinigamis that patrolled the Rukongai districts or the Human World. Not to say there's no activity, but it was less hectic and somewhat passive in comparison.

Walking through the HQ, he saw the unseated officer from yesterday, Kuchiki. She was seemingly busy with some paperwork.

'Wait… Kuchiki?' He pondered for a moment before reaching an 'Ah.'.

While he doesn't know her full name yet, he did know of the name Kuchiki. It was the name of one of the Four Great Noble Clans.

'And if I recall correctly…' He pondered further as he walked behind the guard.

The Captain of the Sixth Division was supposedly a Kuchiki as well, according to some of the rumors. Not that it matters to him personally. Though, it's something that he'll note for future reference.

Not long after, he arrived at the Captain's office.

"Head in. Third Seats Kotetsu and Kotsubaki have been expecting you." The guard said before he left and headed back to the barrack's entrance.

Opening the door to the office, he saw the two aforementioned Third Seats busy with paperwork on their tables, which are on the opposite of each other. There's an empty table just a bit further, presumably Captain Ukitake's.

"Kotetsu-san, Kotsubaki-san." Shugo prodded the two.

It took several moments before they looked up and saw him there, standing in wait. They immediately jumped him.

"Ah, you're here newbie! Good!" Sentaro exclaimed loudly.

"Captain's not really well today, but we could still do the test. He'll just have to observe from the Ugando Quarter near the Training Grounds." Kiyone shrugged.

"Well then, go on, lead him to the training grounds. I'll go tell the Captain!" Sentaro said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hell no! You do that, I'm gonna be the one to tell the Captain!" Kiyone countered.

The two were glaring at each other, it could be said that their glares even produced electric static in the space between their glares.

"Why don't we go to the Captain first, and then go to the aforementioned training grounds after? I'm sure the Captain would appreciate that instead of the two of you bickering here." Shugo suggested.

That got them to stop mucking around, though it ended up with them immediately dragging him to the doorsteps of the ailing captain, literally.


Ukitake was laying on his Futon. His sickly body was flaring again for the day. And of all the days, it had to be the day where he should be receiving his newest recruit.

'By the Soul King, does this illness always finds a way to mess with me on important days?' He groaned mentally.

It was not as if he despised being like this. Yes, it's inconvenient. But to say it did not benefit him would be a lie. For one, he learned to be patient. He also learned much knowledge of medicines and healing techniques to help support his poor health, which in turn, allowed him to heal others should the situation requires.

This was not mentioning his masterful reiatsu control, since he needed to control his reiatsu as his life support for his body. Though still it didn't help much with his lungs, only keeping it from spiraling further downwards.

Laying on the futon, he closed his eyes to calm himself down. Just moments after that, however…

"CAPTAIN!" He heard two familiar voices coming towards the front of the Ugando.

He saw as his two Third Seats came with a rush, before the two prostrated on the ground while drifting towards the entrance of the Ugando. They stopped just at the front of the entrance, with skid marks of their fist and knees from their drifting visible on the wooden floor. This was almost a usual sight, however, this time, there was another person behind them.

It was the recruit that he met yesterday at the Academy's Assembly Hall, Kurenai Shugo.

"Ah, Kurenai-kun! I see you've arrived. Welcome to the Thirteenth!" Ukitake greeted warmly.

Shugo nodded with a smile. 'At least Captain Ukitake isn't one for prejudices.' He noted.

Ukitake then turned towards the two Third Seats. "Good work, the two of you. I'm sure it's been hard on you since I was supposed to- "He complimented before he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

That alarmed Shugo, while Kiyone and Sentaro scrambled to assist him. However, Ukitake held up his hand and stopped them.

"It's fine, you two. This always happens, remember?" He spoke.

"Captain, let me get you a change of clothes!" Kiyone stated.

Sentaro glared at her. "Nuh uh! I'm gonna get the Captain his change of clothes!" He retorted.

The two glared intensely at each other, again. Ukitake could only laugh nervously while Shugo shrugged. It seems like this would be his daily scene once he started his tenure in this division. He then recalled the medicine that Isane told him to give to Kiyone for Captain Ukitake.

"Ah. Third Seat Kotetsu, I believe this is supposed to be given to you. Courtesy of your sister." Shugo said as he brought out the medicine pouch from his inventory, disguising it by seemingly taking it from the inside of his Shihakusho.

"From Isane-nee?" Kiyone raised a brow before she saw the medicine pouch and exclaimed, "It's the extra that I requested yesterday! Thanks!" as she grabbed it as fast as lightning from his hands and thanked him with a smile.

Using this as a chance, Sentaro bolted to get a change of clothes for Ukitake while she was thanking Shugo, leaving behind a fuming Kiyone. She followed suit, presumably to put the medicine into storage for later use and then going after Sentaro.

It didn't take long before the two came back, each having a change of clothes for the Captain. As to whom did the captain chose… Imagine it yourself, hehe...


The two Third Seats forgot their purpose in bringing Shugo to the resting Captain. And instead, they were reminded with the following question he posed to Shugo.

"Anyways, now that you're here, are you ready for your placement test?" Ukitake asked.

Shugo only nodded. He didn't need to say much, since it was pretty much the only thing that he needed to take care of. His enlistment into the Thirteen puts him directly into the division without a need for a normal entry test. That being said, the supposed placement test also serves as an entry test, in a sense.

Kiyone and Sentaro lowered their heads, feeling a tad shamed for forgetting their purpose. They quickly recovered though.

"Great! Then, feel free to start the test on the training grounds just over there!" Ukitake clasped his hands and pointed at the nearby training grounds.

The two Third Seats nodded as they brought Shugo along to the aforementioned training grounds. It wasn't too large, though it was considered sufficient enough for the test, according to Ukitake's judgement, anyways. There's also a clear view from the Ugando towards the training grounds, hence that's also a consideration, though that's obvious by that point.


At the training grounds, Shugo was told to stand on one side. Both Kiyone and Sentaro stood on the opposite side, while the two were being observed by Ukitake from his Ugando.

"The test is mainly to see your capabilities. Grades and testimonies are one thing but seeing the real thing on our own is a whole other thing. It'll let us have a better grasp of your capabilities." Ukitake explained beforehand.

"I see." Shugo nodded, understanding the reasoning.

It wasn't hard, really. Even if Ukitake himself saw from the memories, the others will need convincing, and the placement test was such a way to prove his worth and capabilities to them. Hence, if anyone else in the future would question the legitimacy of him getting his position, there would already be a proof that will disregard such a question should it ever arise.

Back at the training grounds, Shugo stretched his arms and legs. The opposite of him was Kotetsu Kiyone, who was getting ready for the mock battle. Kotsubaki Sentaro kept to the back, waiting until it was his turn. The test will be conducted in two parts: the first part being handled by Kiyone, and it involves Kido. The second part will involve physical (as in Zanjutsu and Hakuda), and it'll be against Sentaro.

"You ready, new guy?" She asked.

"Well enough, Third Seat." He nodded in answer.

"Good. Ready…" Sentaro said as he raised his arm, being the referee for the match.

The two readied themselves as they take their stances. Kiyone had taken off her gloves, while Shugo took off his Honor Graduate Haori.

"START!" Sentaro shouted as both Shugo and Kiyone raised their hand.

"Hado #31…" Shugo muttered, as he compressed the spell's chant.

"Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!" Kiyone chanted at the same time.

"Shakkaho!" Both exclaimed at the same time as well.

It was impressive enough that she was able to chant as fast as she did, considering that Shugo essentially didn't chant audibly or visibly. But regardless, the deciding factor this time around is the power. And that's what she lacks in comparison.


While he may have "omitted" the chant, his raw power was nothing to scoff at. As the two red energy projectiles impacted against each other, it caused an explosion that blew her back a dozen steps, while he was barely fazed.

"Hado #4…" He muttered, using the time she was staggered as his chance.

She was still trying to stand her ground as she rebalanced her staggered body.

"Byakurai." He called calmly as he pointed with his finger at her.

Upon seeing the condensed reishi forming at the tip of his finger, she immediately snapped back and chanted, "Bakudo #39! Enkosen!" without bothering to chant the full incantation.

The concentrated lightning bolt of reishi slammed against the hastily formed barrier. Before the barrier broke, Kiyone was dragged away by Sentaro.


Blasting through the barrier, it impacted the wall far behind her, near where Sentaro originally stood (he went back to behind her, just outside the supposed engagement point). The wall nearly broke, as it was scorched by the heat of the bolt of condensed reishi.

Both Kiyone and Sentaro looked at the mark in disbelief, before staring at him with the same reaction. Ukitake was a bit worried that Kiyone might get injured, but he sighed out of relief after seeing Sentaro dragging her out of harms way before it could happen.

"Oi, that's goddamn dangerous! You could've seriously injured her!" Sentaro reprimanded.

"I beg your forgiveness. It wasn't my intent." Shugo shook his head.

"W-whatever! He passed the first test anyways! Sentaro, you're up!" Kiyone asserted, a bit shaken, but still assertive enough. She blushed at Shugo.

"Heard it the last time, shrimp!" Sentaro grumbled loudly as he stepped up, after making sure Kiyone was fine.

It was then that Kuchiki Rukia came to the training grounds. She came towards Kiyone, checking on her.

"Are you injured, Kiyone?" She asked.

"No, no, I'm fine, Rukia-chan." Kiyone shook her head.

'Hmm… So, her proper name is Kuchiki Rukia…' He looked at her in ponder.

"Rukia-chan! Why are you here?" Sentaro asked.

"I heard the explosion from my room. I came as fast as I could." She explained before staring at Shugo, who only shrugged.

"Is it because of the graduate over there?" She asked sternly.

"A-ah… W-well…" Kiyone stuttered while sweating a bit.

"Y-you see, Rukia-chan… We're conducting his placement test, and it turns out he's pretty powerful…" Sentaro explained, albeit being quiet at some parts, but it was enough for her to understand.

"I see. You're to be his next examiner then?" She prodded.

"Y-yeah." He nodded.

"Then I'll take over." She declared.

"What?!" He shouted out of shock.

"Captain?" Kiyone looked at Ukitake in the distance.

Seeing Rukia came in, and upon the results based on just the Kido test, he could ascertain that Shugo wasn't a slouch in any way. It was more than likely that he'd be able to win against Sentaro, and while he doesn't want to admit it, Sentaro was definitely going to lose if the two fight. With that in consideration…

"Kuchiki, you have my permission." Ukitake said audibly, before he coughed a little more, though thankfully there's no blood this time around.

"Thank you, Captain Ukitake." She bowed in gratitude, before she stepped up, while Sentaro and Kiyone moved away a bit, enough to be safe from danger.

One was the adopted sister of one of the Four Great Noble Clans, while the other was the heir to a supposedly defunct mid-sized Noble clan. Facing down against each other in the mock battle, it felt like it was more of an actual battle, just from the sheer tense air around them.

"State your name." Shugo said.

"Kuchiki Rukia of the Thirteenth Division." She replied neutrally.

"Kurenai Shugo of the Kurenai Clan, candidate for the Thirteenth Division" He declared in kind.

"Ready?" Sentaro asked perfunctorily, before continuing with, "And… START!"

Staring down at his opponent, Shugo Shunpo-ed to in front of her and slashed downwards. Rukia, surprised by her opponent's sheer speed, raised her blade to meet his.


'Heavy!' She thought as she felt the weight of his slash.

Seeing his attack repelled, he switched to a roundhouse kick and swatted his feet against her. Seeing his speed at work again, Rukia raised her hand to meet his feet.


She was blasted several steps away from the power of his kick, though she was still standing and not knocked off her footing.

'His attacks are all heavy, yet fast! Just what is he?!' She groaned in her mind as she held back the throbbing pain on her left arm.

She was preparing to counter him when she saw he didn't move, as he looked away towards Captain Ukitake. Seeing this as her chance, she closed in with Shunpo and swiped her feet at his head. However, he immediately noticed and puts up his arm.


The sound was very audible, as she was on the ground, her feet throbbing in pain. On the other hand, he wiggled his hand to shed away the pain. It only looked slightly pink, not even bruised in the slightest. She stood up as she prepared herself for his retaliation, but he still stared at the captain.

"The test is finished. I've seen enough." Ukitake said audibly.

This gave both Kiyone and Sentaro, who were on the sidelines, a sigh of relief. The potential slaughter was avoided. And it would certainly spell trouble of the young miss of the Kuchiki clan to get injured, by another noble no less, even if it was for a test in the division, though granted, it would be miniscule in possibility for her clan to do anything, since Byakuya wasn't a petty person, and he knows well enough that the man didn't intend to severely injure her.

With the test wrapping up, the four went to the Ugando for the Captain's ultimate judgement upon his position in the division. Shugo helped Rukia up, or to be precise, he gave her what the humans call a "princess carry".

"What are you doing, you fool! Put me down!" She protested, punching at his torso, blushing out of embarrassment.

"Fret not, Kuchiki-san. 'Tis only due to your injuries that I've yet to lay you down." He replied neutrally.

And it wasn't as if he held any romantic interest in her.

After walking for some time, they arrived at the captain's current lodging, the Ugando near the training grounds. Shugo then put Rukia down onto the floor, well enough to not injure her further. He then also sat on the floor in a relaxed seiza.

It was time for his results.


Ukitake was in deep frown. Not out of anger, or spite, or anything remotely like that. In fact, he was quite happy that his newest recruit was such a monster. The problem was what position he should put him in. Frankly speaking, it would be a massive understatement that he's eligible to be a Lieutenant. His pure combat prowess alone attests to that. The issue lies within that he's a fresh graduate, very literally just graduated a day ago. The three (or rather two) that battled against him would not mind, having seen (and experienced) his strength firsthand, but what of the rest? Would they accept someone they consider still as a new babe in the Gotei to be their Lieutenant?

He was certain that the rest of the division would still accept the young man, but it would take a while before they even accept him into the division, let alone as a Lieutenant. It was truly problematic.

"Captain?" Rukia snapped him back into reality by calling him.

"Ah, what is it, Kuchiki?" He asked with a smile.

"Why not make him the Eighth Seat first? After a few years, you could promote him to a higher position, and nobody would have any qualms with it." She suggested, as if she read his mind.

That drew a blank look from him, before he bursts into laughter. Rukia looked confused, same as both Kiyone and Sentaro. Shugo only kept his silence.

"As expected of you, Rukia. Seems like what a future captain would do!" He laughed before going into a coughing fit, with Kiyone and Sentaro immediately went to his side.

'Just how long has he been ailing like this?' Shugo frowned, watching Kiyone wiping the blood off the mouth and hands of the captain's, while Sentaro was dipping and squeezing the towel used.

Deciding to see if he could ease his illness with his White Mage spells, he inched forward.

"Captain." He called.

"Yes, Kurenai-kun?" Ukitake looked at him.

"Would you bid me to ease your illness?" Shugo asked directly.

"Pardon?" Ukitake was caught off-guard.

"I'm asking if you'd allow me to ease the strain in your body." Shugo elaborated, perhaps a bit stern.

This drew looks from the two next to Ukitake and from Rukia.

"Now look here, rookie…" Sentaro was ready to furl his Shihakusho's sleeves before he was interrupted.

"I understand that you care for the Captain, Third Seat Kotsubaki. However, my treatment will not harm his health in any way. At most, it'll only ease his pain for a time." Shugo blankly told him.

Seeing that the oddly-hairstyled man was about to jump on the recruit, Ukitake moved forward to stop his Third Seat. Looking at Shugo, he gave a nod in affirmation for his permission to treat him.

"Understood. But I must forewarn you three: do not be alarmed with the next few actions I shall undertake. It'll be clear with time." He nodded, before giving the last remark as he puts his hand onto his Zanpakuto's grip, albeit rather casually.

The trio of Rukia, Sentaro and Kiyone nodded, before they saw him placing his hand onto his Zanpakuto. They were nervous, yes, but having been warned beforehand, they stayed their hands and refrained from doing much.

"Defy Fate, Gurenbana." He calmly released his Zanpakuto.


The massive boom of reiatsu soon made the three paled in shock, and to some, fear. Outwardly, there was no change. However, when they glanced at his Zanpakuto, they knew that it was already in its Shikai. It was very different compared to its sealed state that they saw him use during the placement test earlier.

"Again, I issue another forewarn for you: I shall increase my reiatsu in order to cast the spell for the treatment. And please, do not speak of this to others so easily. For I fear I may draw unwanted attention from less-than-stellar parties." He said, again giving basically the same message as before.

Kiyone, Sentaro and Rukia looked at each other before turning towards him and nodded nervously. After receiving their wordless confirmation, he began to increase his reiatsu. The three were visibly struggling with each increase. By the time he reached his eight out of fourteen wholes, the three felt like they were facing someone that could eliminate captains with ease.

The only reason why they haven't collapsed yet was because of Captain Ukitake, who extended his reiatsu to help protect them from the massive pressure Shugo was emitting. Even Ukitake had a hard time believing what he was feeling from the new recruit, though once he recalled the memories he received from the man, he clamped down his disbelief.

Once Shugo felt his reiatsu reaching the levels of that before he departed for the First, he raised his hand and aimed at the Captain. The trio, even if they wanted to do something, they couldn't. They were helpless. Powerless, against this newbie.

Before long, they saw a green light emitting from the palm of Shugo's hand, while the reiatsu surrounding him were swirling around him. Oddly enough, he wasn't chanting out the name of the spell. Unlike before when he was using Kido spells, this time he didn't even chant the name or the incantations. It felt like it was almost second nature in comparison to the way he used Kido spells.

'Benediction.' He wordlessly casted the spell.

The captain's body was soon covered in a layer of light, as two swirls of light formed on Shugo's body and left upwards before the layer of light appeared on Ukitake's body. After finishing the spellcasting, he immediately downplayed his reiatsu before sealing it once it reached the original level after he released it. All of this was done while he was still sitting on the floor.

Kiyone looked at this and her jaw was dropping. Her mind was spinning around, trying to decipher what the recruit had just used on the captain. She checked the captain's body with her reiatsu. After several minutes, however…

"This… This is… ARE YOU BULLSHITTING ME?!" She cursed loudly.

This got Rukia and Sentaro's attention, their hands already grasping for their Zanpakuto. Ukitake was taken aback by her outburst, but he couldn't blame her. Truly, even he found himself unable to believe what happened to his body. Of all the things… He very much weakened the lung disease, so much so that it was easily treatable!

He was happy, of course! But that wasn't enough to even remotely describe what he felt! With the vast knowledge in medicine and healing that he had, he was confident that he could eventually cure himself of this accursed lung disease that has been with him for countless years! This was nothing short of a miracle!

He then looked upon his newest recruit. Feeling that it would be undeserving to give the man anything less of a Lieutenant, it was still not ideal to immediately give him the position. Hence, he decided to follow Rukia's suggestion.

"Thank you, Kurenai-kun. You've certainly done something that was supposed to be impossible." He bowed in gratitude.

Shugo waved his hand in dismissal. "Think nothing of it, Captain. For one, this was simply me healing your weakened body. Yours is in such a state due to the illness befallen your body that it might very well crippled you, Captain. Rather, I'm surprised you're still alive with such an illness." He candidly remarked.

He mentally noted that more likely than not, the Captain was treated with a combination of medicinal herb concoctions and Kaido spells. Granted, their efficacy certainly helped, however, it still left a lot to be desired in terms of potency.

'Perhaps because 'twas due to it being only using reishi, and not aether?' He pondered.

Unlike reishi, aether was very much the lifeblood of everything back on Hydaelyn. Hence, it wouldn't be wrong to say that it was life itself, in the physical and metaphysical senses. Reishi, on the other hand, only co-relates to the soul. While it is beneficial for Souls, however, it's not as potent as aether could be for healing illness or injuries.

'Mayhap that be the difference? I must needs more experiments to ascertain this idea of mine.' He concluded.

He's not a chirurgeon, hence he couldn't comment on the specific effects his spell had on the captain. But as a White Mage and a living veteran, he was certain that was the case, though he still wasn't certain about growing limbs. Thus, he plans to do this a few more times to confirm his hypothesis.

Seeing their captain thanking the newbie, Rukia and Sentaro both relaxed, before checking their captain. To their surprise, the captain was, for all intents and purposes, healed to the point where he would only need a sufficient amount of treatment to cure his lung disease.

'So that's why she cursed earlier…' Rukia glanced at Kiyone before looking at Shugo.

Meanwhile, Kiyone was beaming with awe and respect for Shugo. Her sister was already working with one of the best in all of the Gotei in Healing, yet this guy had just gone beyond the achievements of Captain Unohana herself with this!

'We got ourselves a literal gold here!' Her eyes changed into Kobans for some reason when she looked at him again.

Seeing his subordinates slowly going insane because of what they just saw, Ukitake basically stepped in to snap them back into reality.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat, snapping Rukia, Kiyone and Sentaro out of it.

"Let's go back to the topic at hand, okay?" He stared at them with a smile.

The two Third Seats froze and immediately straightened themselves, while Rukia only nodded. She was only alarmed, but not as exaggerated as the two.

"As per the results of the test earlier, and what Kurenai-kun had just done, I'm inclined to agree with Kuchiki's proposal." Ukitake said.

This earned beaming looks from Sentaro and Kiyone, while Rukia's was more subdued, but she was pleased that he would be joining them. Regardless, the three nodded in agreement.

"For now, he'll be the Eighth Seat. At a later date, perhaps I might consider him for the Lieutenant position, though it would still be a while before I come to the decision." He continued.

Lieutenant. Hearing that, the three froze. But before they could say anything else, Ukitake turned towards Shugo.

"Are you willing to accept this arrangement, Kurenai-kun?" Ukitake asked with a smile.

Shugo paused for a moment, before replying, "While I have no qualms with the matter, I'm not sure the others would be pleased with the latter part of your plan, Captain." Tilting his head towards the silent three.

He was fully aware of the hesitation in the three's eyes, though to be more precise, in Kuchiki Rukia's. He had peered into the memories of her past.

On the other hand, Ukitake knew that all too well. While Kiyone and Sentaro might be a bit more receptive, Rukia in the other hand… Kaien's death had been devastating for the young lady of the Kuchiki family. More so because of how she was the one who was chosen by Kaien himself to be his executioner. Her lifeless eyes as she carried his body to the Shiba compound… It was truly heartbreaking.

It had been several years since that incident, and she was still on the way to recover from his death. This was also why he had yet to instate anyone to be his Lieutenant. Aside from just the lack of capable people to fulfill that position, it was also in respect for the loss that was all too fresh for them.

But now, while he felt it was still early, he knew that it wasn't good to keep it empty.

'And I'm certain Kaien would be more than happy to have someone take over his old job.' He mentally chuckled, reminded of how his late subordinate was in life.

"Be that as it may, it was never my intention to force the job the previous Lieutenant did to the post below him. Thanks to you, however, it won't be necessary to continue doing so." Ukitake shook his head.

He will still keep Kiyone and Sentaro as his Third Seats. He never planned to change that, since it'll only cause problems if he made changes with them amongst the members of the division. The Lieutenant position, on the other hand, would finally be filled, and those two would be less burdened. Combined with his health that's now manageable in comparison to before, the duo Third Seats might actually have time to develop their skills as a Shinigami, since they spent most of their time assuming the duties of a Lieutenant (and to some extent, his duties as a Captain) in running the division's daily operations and such due to his ailing body previously.

He then looked at the duo Third Seats, who looked worried of their future. While they knew how their captain was, they simply couldn't help but worry.

"Don't worry you two. You'll still do as you have been doing. The only difference will be you'll have to deal with lesser burden in the division." He reassured them with a smile.

That got them to blink for a few moments before they bow in gratitude. "As you say, Captain!" They thanked in unison.

"Good. Now, let's move on to the next big thing: welcoming the newest addition to our division as the new Eighth Seat, Kurenai Shugo!" He clasped his hand with a smile.


That spike of reiatsu appeared again. This time, it was long enough for most captains who paid attention to know who it was. There was no hiding it anymore, though it's not to say that Shugo has nothing else to hide anymore. He still has a lot of cards in his sleeves.

In his sealed state, he could release upwards to four of fourteen wholes of his reiatsu, which was equivalent to that of a high Lieutenant-class and approaching a Captain-class. Once unleashing his Shikai, he could go upwards from the base of four to an eighth out of fourteen wholes, equivalent to his strength before he embarked to the First, or to translate it to the equivalent of the Gotei 13, he was equal to the best of the Captains, even maybe rivalling that of the Captain-Commander.

Such particular remark was implied by the Captain-Commander in the aftermath of a certain event in the future involving three divisions, as to why Shugo did a certain action during the event.

Though in terms of experience the Captain-Commander might still have some edge against him, however, Shugo was very much experienced enough to go toe-to-toe against most Captains, not that he had any intentions to, unless there was a perfectly good reason that could compel him to do so.

Regardless, the captains (or any other person of power within Soul Society, really) with ulterior intent, such as Aizen Sosuke or Tsunayashiro Tokinada would now have to include him in whatever scheme they're concocting, since he's a confirmed wildcard with mysterious abilities that could very well mess with their plans. Of course, this also applies to the hidden Quincies that lives within their shadow dimension.

Somewhere in a certain division's barracks, a certain pointy-haired captain with bell chimes on the points was grinning from ear to ear, while a certain lieutenant observed the captain who was giddy for a new playmate in craving for a decent fight.

However, those would be a matter for another time.


"Here's to our captain's better health, and to our new Eight Seat! Kanpai!" Sentaro raised his cup.

Today, Kurenai Shugo would officially be appointed as the Eight Seat of the Thirteen Division, and to also celebrate Captain Ukitake's health that's no longer an issue, the entire division would throw themselves in a party, funded by the division's funds, alongside some help from the Eighth Division (courtesy of Captain Kyoraku Shunsui), and surprisingly, the Second and Fourth Divisions.

It was currently nighttime. The barracks was now filled with various members of the Thirteenth, all of them came to celebrate the captain's miraculous recovery and the powerful addition of a new member as the new Eighth Seat.

The entire celebration was rather impromptu, hence the seemingly lack of order in it. Most of the invitees were members of the Division. Surprisingly enough, Captain Kyoraku and his Lieutenant came, perhaps being told by Captain Ukitake himself. The two were close friends, hence the lack of surprise from the members when he stumbled into the barracks.

"Yo, Ukitake! Congrats on your recovery!" Shunsui congratulated the man.

"Ah, thank you, Kyoraku!" Ukitake replied joyously, toasting their sake cups together.

As mentioned before, the two were close, being part of the first graduates of the Shin'o Academy, and the two personal students of Yamamoto himself. They're also known to be the only two people within the entire Gotei 13 to have a dual-wield type Zanpakuto.

While Kyoraku was dragging Ukitake around for some sake rounds, Shugo sat in his seat, enjoying the small buzz from the sake.

Admittedly, he was still somewhat hesitant about drinking, since the last time he drank something similar, the Sultana "died", and it almost caused the destruction of the Scions. The second time was just before the commemoration of the end of the Dragonsong War with the reveal of the sculpt depicting peace between Men (Ishgardians) and Dragon, where a radical widow, who lost her husband to the War, spiked the drink with a sleeping drug and gave it to him.

However, thanks to the fact that he's now "complete", his ability had pretty much been fully unlocked. Now, he could very well detect one's intent, even from distances beyond his visual, just by feeling the aether coursing through their bodies, not even mentioning only their presence. Spiritual or Living, none were beyond him, not even the elusive Quincies. Granted, that's if he's actively searching. If not, at most he'll only notice their presence and precise location; at worst he'll only know they were present, but only in general.

Pondering on the possibility of using those warp travel used by the ascians, he didn't pay attention that he was being approached by Ise Nanao. The Lieutenant of the Eighth had been looking at the man, who was seemingly absent-minded (and still drinking, somehow), even though the party was also thrown for him. Not to say he didn't know she was there; he simply didn't pay attention to what she was doing.

'So, this is the former ryoka… And the one allegedly healed captain Ukitake.' She stared at him with a healthy mix of caution and curiosity.

She was certainly interested since he was able to graduate within two years from the academy. Granted, it wasn't anything new, given there were several precedence of such a case. However, his was special since he was a Ryoka, and the fact he gained his Zanpakuto within a year of his admittance into the academy.

'Not to mention…' She squinted her eyes.

By physical definition, he's certainly not unattractive. This was her first time seeing him up close, though she had seen him during his surgery after his arrival, albeit at a distance. Decent height even amongst some of the seated officers, short and neat hair... Though, there's one thing that's certainly something…

His eyes, though… Those red eyes… They look rather tired, yet there was this glint… To say it's unsettling would be wrong, yet she lacked the words to describe her feelings of the glint in his eyes. Fire? Inspiring? Anger? Whatever it was, it's certainly something of note.

"Ise-san? Why are you staring at me at such a short distance?" Shugo broke her pondering while smiling.

That certainly got her flustered.

"I-it's nothing. I was simply…" She answered before going on with a low mutter, her face was blushing red.

"I know my mind was on the clouds prior, Ise-san. But pray, do call out should you wish to converse with me." He shook his head in amusement.

"U-understood. I'll do so in the future." She nodded in embarrassment.

The two didn't pay attention to some of the female members of the Thirteenth that were present (the few that were there) were flaring in jealousy. That certainly sent chills into some of the guys' spines when they saw that sight.

Meanwhile, Kyoraku, who also saw the interaction between the two was smirking at it, despite him already drinking at least a bottle's worth of sake.

'Seems like I'll have something new to tease Nanao-chan with…' He was grinning devilishly.

That sent a chill to Nanao's spine, before she looked around and saw it was her captain. She facepalmed while Kyoraku bursts into laughter. Shugo shrugged, continuing to drink the sake from his cup. Most of the time up to this point, he drank only one sip at a time, hence he barely got into three cups since the start of the party.

That night, the Thirteenth were celebrating in a joyous occasion, and perhaps it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that it was the most jubilant that they have been in a while. It certainly helped to dampen the shroud over them ever since the loss of numerous members, including Lieutenant Shiba Kaien and his spouse, Third Seat Shiba Miyako, during the Metastacia incident some time prior.

Visit here for the latest update for this series, since I'll go there first before this one:


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