
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 73: Eccentric Entrance

"…Geh~…sounds like a graveyard. Where's the party at?! The King is back!"


The Palanquin's side panel slid open. Pieces of ceramic dishware dotted its lacquered floorboard. A pair of straw-strapped feet kicked the fragments aside. Wood groaned as the boisterous, unseen lord sprung free. Long, lanky legs stretched out of the luxurious compartment. A Shinigami's hakama clad the lengthy limbs. Shortly after, a strange, shiny black blade slipped out of the palanquin's confines.

Batsu'unsai's wariness spiked. Reflective lenses hid her eyes while snaking fingers grasped at Ugetsu. As the bespectacled woman primed herself, Yachiru exited the teahouse with a spare chair in hand. Perceptive blue pupils settled on Batsu's taut grip. The newest arrival lowered the seat and clutched her own Zanpakutō. 

An exaggerated exhale escaped the palanquin. The Shinigami's sarcasm appealed to an unspecified person. 

"Kyaaa~. I didn't know you needed some snot-nosed brats to protect you, Aniki. If you're that worried, why don'cha come back upstairs. Retirement should be spent lazing around, not on teachin' a bunch of third rates." 

The ladies of Tengoku took offense, sharpening their gazes. They lurked around Kenji's flanks, watching the daunting black blade surface. Inch by inch, its threatening length conjured a looming tension. 

Cautious eyes widened in astonishment. 

"Lil' bastards can't even respect their elders. You're looking at the Lightning Fast! The Creator-King of Kaidō [Healing Kidō]! The Kirin's Chosen! The Sultan of Suave! The Hot Spring Demon, Kirinji Tenjirō!"

A tall, 193 cm, man stepped out of the palanquin. What Batsu and Yachiru assumed to be a black blade was actually the man's enormous pompadour. Below the eccentric hairstyle, upturned eyebrows pushed his intimidation tactic. Beady black eyes alternated between the two guarded women. Tapered sideburns framed his high cheekbones. Flourishing a large toothpick in his mouth, a condescending sneer grew on his face.

Instead of a complete Shinigami Shihakushō, his bare chest was clothed in a cropped white jacket. Black trimming lined the collar and sleeve cuffs. Beneath his exposed abs, a yellow sash hung around his waist. 

Kirinji's eyes darted to Furoufushi's dull face. He clicked his tongue, visibly irritated. 

"Tsk~. Can't even look people in the eye. Buncha punks playin' with swords."

'Say that again…'

Toxic enticement leaked from Batsu's lips. Her round eyes blackened with simmering rage. Silver Reiatsu seeped onto the snowy streetside, twisting toward the tall Shinigami. 

By this point, bystanders were beginning to accumulate. The grave tension bled into the crowd, smothering the latent enthusiasm. A terrible premonition roosted in the residents' hearts. Several eyes flit onto a certain red-haired man. They noticed a small smile curling on his impassive face. Although a grin grew on his lips, two black eyes narrowed in discontent. A great deal of relief swept across the spectators. 

Still, the parties involved failed to recognize their bothersome dispute had gained someone's anger.

Warnings lingered in the cold air, disarming the agitated participants.

"Batsu, Yachiru, stay your swords. Do you hooligans intend to spoil the clean snow with blood? Sit down..." 

The last words were non-negotiable. Every trace of Silver Reiatsu returned to the bespectacled woman. Straightaway, Batsu and Yachiru took to their seats. Their eyes still stubbornly pierced Kirinji. For the visiting Shinigami, his flaunted teeth bore a pompous shine.

Until another warning reminded him of who the host was.

"My~, my~. I thought you knew better, Kirinji-kun. Insulting your hosts is pretty poor conduct, isn't it? It almost sounds as if you haven't learned anything. Maybe I need to tie your ankles up again and let you… 'swim' in a nice, refreshing river. How does that sound? I might even consider giving you some company…hmm~, a couple of feisty women seem like a good choice."

Brooding eyes beset on the naughty children. A subtle flinch struck the three delinquents. Their silence earned an approving nod. Rather than further reprimanding, Kenji cleared his throat and began the much-needed introductions. 

"Ahem. Girls, this is Kirinji Tenjirō. Like Niimaiya, he's a Royal Guard. He's also the former overseer of Kitakana, North Rukongai's 1st district. In a way, he directly managed Kinmei's syndicate. Greedy bastard doesn't just have fast feet, his fingers can snatch gold like no one's business. Even tried to seize my teahouse at one point. Isn't that right~? Ki. Rin. Ji. Kun~?"

Maybe a little reprimanding was in order. 

Beads of sweat trailed down Kirinji's sideburns. He pressed his lips together and gulped, nearly swallowing the large toothpick. A swift, practiced bow evoked the hoodlum's sincerity. 

"I was young and stupid at the time, Aniki. Please forgive me."

"Good. You owe me a couple of favors then. Moving on…"

Eyes widened with an incredulous realization. Jaws dropped in stupefaction. 

Kenji was absolutely shameless at times. Akachou's oldest resident didn't spare it another thought and continued with the introductions. 

He looked at his dull-eyed daughter, a hint of concern in his voice. 

"Kirinji-kun. This here is Furoufushi, the eldest. I was hoping you two would meet under better circumstances. She's… having a tough time right now. Her Reiatsu reserves are replenishing. But the shock… is a recent issue. If you could give her a once over, I would be greatly indebted to you."

Shockingly, the Patriarch lowered his head, imploring the Shinigami's aid. Gasps of awe surged throughout the crowds. Batsu and Yachiru were dumbfounded, wishing to interject. Almost shouting at Kenji, the usually pompous Shinigami hurriedly agreed. 

"Oi! Oi! Don't make a scene Aniki. I'll do it. Just relax with the stuffy shit."

"Thank you."

After Kenji lifted his head, Kirinji heaved a weary sigh. His beady eyes shifted to the two baffled women. Flicking his chin at them, the Royal Guard extended an olive branch. 

"And your names?"

Batsu stood up from her chair and bowed. Acknowledging Kirinji's value, a respectful tone exuded from the girl's greeting. 

"Katori Tengoku Batsu'unsai. I apologize for my immaturity."

"Heh. At least you know it."

Hearing the dry reception, Batsu's eyebrow twitched. She quickly brushed off the annoyance and sat down. Not a second later, Yachiru rose and bowed. 

"Yachiru. Please forgive our crude behavior."

An eyebrow lifted in curiosity. Kirinji voiced his interest and his disapproval.

"No surname? Didn't even take up your master's name? Kinda snobby, don'cha think?"

"Unfortunately, no. I'm a formal disciple. I…"

From the corner of her eye, Yachiru glanced at her master. Her azure pupils lingered on his impartial profile. Some time ago, she'd been advised to not disclose her surname, Unohana. Although Kenji's counsel was perplexing, Yachiru trusted his judgment. Combined with her father's warnings, a seed of suspicion took root in her mind. She paused before providing an answer.

"… I have to earn my name, whatever it may be."

"Oho~? Not what I was expecting. Not bad, brat. Not bad at all. Alright, I wanna get the check-ups over with so I can enjoy Akachou's shitshow. Oi! Kazuo, Kazuhiro, grab my bag."

Obeying the expert's request, Kenji stood up and led them all inside the teahouse. Kirinji trailed after, unconcerned with his patient's transport. On cue, Batsu and Yachiru gently supported Furoufushi's lethargic body. The three women shuffled behind Kirinji, soon followed by the Royal Guard's muscular retainers.


"Tough brat."

A soft green glow emanated from Kirinji's retracting hands. He was knelt at his pink-haired patient's bedside. Tucked under the futon's sheets, Furoufushi's slumber deepened. Her peaceful face suggested nothing traumatic had occurred. A weight lifted off the shoulders of several spectators.

Despite needing to exert himself, the Shinigami healer maintained a cool expression. Although the back bedroom was cramped, owing to the number of occupants, Kirinji flawlessly finished his duties. However, his vision focused on his patient's scarred left eye. 

Without looking back, Kirinji informed them of the good news.

"She's fine. Reiatsu won't take too long now. I sped up the process. Just needs rest and a kick in the teeth."

The tall Shinigami stood up and looked at Kenji. He slowly stretched his arms and legs, relieving the strains. As he loosened his body, he sought the host's guidance.

"I forgot where the bathroom's at."

"Ahh. Follow me." 

Kenji gave a late nod, eyes lingering on his eldest. 

Batsu and Yachiru tended to Furoufushi's personal effects. They were bustling about, unable to witness Kenji's small frown. Not a word was spoken as the two men turned to the bedroom door and left.