
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 64: Just Desserts

"Arms up!"


"Oww~?! I'm trying!"

"Not good enough! Straighten your back!"



"No whining!"


"Shishō, how does this serve as a lesson? It seems like torture…"

"You see Yachiru, when you're dealing with an idiot, you sometimes have to beat the words into them. Helps with manners too. Just like this, watch… WHAT ARE YOU?"


"I-I'm… I'M AN IDIOT!?"

"Well done, Batsu! That's right! You happen to be the single biggest idiot in the teahouse! Congratulations! Round of applause please!"


A strange performance was hosted in the Tengoku teahouse. Paying customers were given free admission to a humorous sideshow. Basking in the atmosphere, this live audience immersed themselves in the role and routine, applauding when called upon. 

Even if it were torture, they'd clap...

Ishidaki: an interesting 'practice' where 'volunteers' kneel on a rigid wooden plank and are then subjected to increasing increments of weight placed on their straining thighs. The result is an eye-opening example of how stupidity manifests. 

"As you can see my disciple, your senior sister is slowly realizing the error of her ways. Now, do I recommend doing this for every stupid act? No. I recommend it for idiots who tend to charge headfirst since their legs typically move faster than their water-logged brains. In a way, you could consider this a form of conditioning."


"I'll explain that later, for now… WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF, IDIOT!?"


"I-I'M SORRY! I w-won't do it again!"

"Well done, maggot! Now sit there and reflect."

Batsu'unsai's apologies were devised as a public show of penance. While customers assumed the atonement was concerning her poor reputation, in truth it was over the previous night's escapades. It went without saying that Kenji was less than pleased upon learning about Batsu's senselessness. 

Now the bespectacled woman was victim to an unpleasant form of tortur-… 'education'.

Beads of sweat dripped from her temples. A pained grimace showed her overall discomfort. Five thick stone slabs flattened her kneeling legs. The total weight was known only to Kenji. As an added penalty, the Patriarch forced Batsu to keep her arms raised above her head. When her arms sagged, Kenji quickly corrected it with a swift lashing with a stick. 

Batsu's burning shoulders screamed for mercy, but none was given. 

"Tell me, idiot, do you wanna set such a poor example for your junior sister?"


Kenji's sadistic grin made Batsu shiver. The stick was repeatedly beaten against the palm of his other hand. Corresponding with his hellish-red hair, Batsu's trusted guardian could've passed for a demon. 

*thuk* *thuk*

Taking the subtle hint, Batsu reiterated her aforementioned conduct. 

"No, Tenchō! Look at me, Yacchan! Krrr~! This is what being stupid gets you! Don't be like me!"

"I can see that Batsu-nee…"

Stood at Kenji's side was his ever-composed disciple. Yachiru's appearance had drastically improved over the last twelve hours. Her features had been scrubbed clean with the 'help' of Furoufushi and Batsu. They'd essentially acted as maidservants tending to a noble young lady. Not that Yachiru minded. It was quite nice for a change.

The snarled black locks had been thoroughly washed and combed, now resembling a shimmering abyssal black waterfall. Her delicate eyebrows and perceptive azure pupils were unobstructed. Mirroring Furoufushi's taste, Yachiru had donned a striking black kimono. Embroidered in the fabric were various elements of a Wisteria, including purple petals and tinted green branches. 

Yachiru's transformation had done wonders. Patrons took an immediate liking to the taciturn yet efficient worker. It wouldn't be long before a proper moniker was bestowed on the cordial woman. Still, the abrupt shock of another addition to the teahouse stirred every gossip circle on the main street. 

Speculations of an actual 'wife' were stamped out, as were the notions of adoption.

Akachou's womenfolk were a little too enthusiastic. Kenji had been solicited a few hundred times more than normal. But they were all deftly fended off in a surprising stand-off with Kenji's shadowing disciple. A simple stare alerted the thirsting herd that the watering hole was being watched… closely.

All the evidence had been pinned on the teahouse's infamous bulletin board.

[New Employee: Yachiru, Formal Disciple of Kenji]

[Refer to as Yachiru]

[No experience in service, though she'll be quick on the uptake. As a full-time disciple, she is expected to perform with little fault.]

[She keeps a blade hidden in her sleeve. Just like the others.]

[As the most responsible of the three dorks, please do not hesitate to approach her with a problem.]

"Come here Yachiru, make sure she keeps her arms up while I check on Fu-chan."

"Of course, Shishō."

Kenji handed the stick to Yachiru. As the teahouse master fled into the back hallway, Batsu immediately lowered her arms. She heaved a wearisome sigh and lamented her reckless judgment. Adjusting her glasses, Batsu peered up at Yachiru's calm expression. 

The victim's prayers searched for compassion in her junior sister. 

"Yacchan, can you get me some water?"

"Of course, one moment."

Yachiru sauntered over to a ceramic pitcher and poured a cup. She arrived at Batsu's side and deposited the cup onto the stone slabs. Gleaming glasses enhanced Batsu's greedy, parched eyes. 

Her numb fingers stretched across the coarse blocks toward the holy oasis.


"OWW?! Y-Yacchan? W-what…"

"Shishō requested that I confirm your arms remain elevated. Unfortunately, it appears I've been rather lenient with my duties."

Yachiru's lips curled up ever so slightly, reminiscent of Kenji's marks of mischief. Batsu's mind suffered intense denial. She was horrified by her supposed 'sister's' rebellious phase. Batsu's devastated expression pleased the budding sadistic disciple. 

Outstretched arms wilted before the hint of moisture. Batsu sorely needed a drop of liquid. Pleading her case, Batsu desperately negotiated with the traitor. 

"L-look Yacchan, I just want a little sip of water… just a little-"


"ACKK~!? Y-Yacchan?! Please! I- I'm your Batsu-nee! See?! It's the big sis' you know and love! Hey, hey. Won't you let your big sis' have some water? C'mon! Just a little drink."


Thoughtful blue eyes observed the pathetic criminal.

By the grace of Batsu's new goddess, a subtle nod approved of her fluid intake. Lenses flashed in apprehension as Batsu's fingers cautiously slid over the slabs for the cup. 

To her surprise, Batsu grasped the cup unhindered. She hesitantly looked up at her generous captor, only to receive a reaffirming nod. Batsu pressed the cup against her lips and savored the blessed liquid of her goddess.

But she quickly learned…

"*PFFFT~* *cough* *cough* Y-Yacchan, this is-"

'Alcohol… 90 percent…'

Her goddess was treacherous…

Murmurs erupted in the audience. Yachiru's spine-chilling words inspired the patrons' latest theories on the deceptively 'perfect' woman of Tengoku. The men vowed never to anger Kenji's formal disciple. Patrons of the female variety could be seen making snarky remarks and spewing foul-mouthed rumors. A few wizened men could only shake their heads at the loud gossip. Respect was the natural course of survival. 

Still, everyone could agree that the drama was extremely entertaining.

Left a wreck, Batsu's sputtering lips tried to find recourse and salvation. However, there was frankly no road to redemption. Batsu peeped up at her sister-turned-sadist. 

Yachiru's faint smile stunned the misled and miserable prey. Where did Batsu's little angel go? The sweet, innocent girl that nibbled on dango? Polite and adorable?

Blinded by betrayal, Batsu completely overlooked Yachiru's murderous disposition. 

As Batsu grieved her sister's passing, Yachiru realized Kenji's machinations. Batsu would surely remember the consequences next time. Otherwise, she'd be met with a demon and his demoness-in-training. 


"How're you feeling Fu-chan?"

"Okay. Seriously, I don't need to be coddled like some shit-smearing baby."

"Ohh? Should I have Batsu and Yachiru dress you up in diapers and a bib-"

"ON SECOND THOUGHT, thank you for your consideration Tenchō."

Plans of playing dress-up caused Furoufushi to squirm under the covers of her futon. The violet-eyed woman was currently staving off her postponed enfeeblement. Fresh, cool, wet rags were exchanged to combat her searing forehead. The night before, Kenji reported her rate of recovery as reasonable. 

With no sense of concern, Furoufushi collapsed into a bedridden state. After the girls' bath, the pink-haired damsel hardly dozed off with all the overdue aches and pains. Originally, Batsu and Yachiru were unwilling to leave for today's breakfast without her, but Furoufushi's stern scolding sent them scrambling for Kenji's help. Since the man was hungover, Kenji performed a perfunctory check-up and nonchalantly approved Furoufushi's rehabilitation.

Of course, Furoufushi could care less about the tedious check-up. Her mental fortitude was constantly being tested by the frustrating frailness she was enduring. Furoufushi fully recognized the ambition of 'immortalizing' herself and its inherent flaws, as seen with the relentless Typhoon in her inner world. The young lady of Tengoku was forced to broaden her perspective. 

Especially now when everyone's aura took varied fretful shades. Internally, Furoufushi was conflicted. On the one hand, she enjoyed the caring attention the three conveyed. On the other hand, she was on the verge of exploding from the embarrassing fuss they made. 

Knocking her out of her wandering thoughts, Kenji placated her worries. 

"We didn't train this morning. You're allowed to watch tomorrow or give pointers. Understand?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Whatever. Can you leave now?"

"Uh-huh. After your medicine."

Furoufushi grimaced in disgust once she heard the word 'medicine'. Retracting her tongue, the patient declared her sudden 'allergies'. 

"Ahh~! Tenchō! I forgot to say that bitter medicine gave me rashes or hives! Whatever they're called! Is there something else?"

Kenji cocked his head and pondered on the claim. After a few agonizing seconds, he remorsefully sighed before breaking the news. 

"*sigh* I'm sorry Fu-chan, it's the only mixture I have for your condition. It seems we'll have to put you in diapers since your allergies are acting up."

'No… p-please… an-anything but that.'

"*sigh* Such a shame. Such a shame. I'm truly sorry. I'll be back with the medicine."

The patient's pallor turned white as snow. Thinned lips and a violet eye quivered in terror. Symptoms of a mental breakdown arose as Kenji stood up and shook his head in defeat. 'Regret' burdened his expression as he left to inform the family of the tragic news. 

Furoufushi swore she saw Kenji's lips twitch on his way out. An oath of revenge carved itself in his receding figure. Furoufushi's honor was at stake! Everyone was going to suffer if she did. She'd make sure of it!