
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 32: Weak Foundations

"Tenchou! Nee-san's not waking up!"

A frightened Batsu'unsai burst into the kitchen, slamming the door open. Her trembling eyes couldn't hide behind the transparent lenses. Kenji removed his attention from the stove and glanced at Batsu. In a knowing voice, he comforted her.

"Let's go see. I'm sure she's fine."

Tossing his apron on the table, he followed after Batsu into the back bedroom. Entering the room, his gaze softened as it landed on the sleeping girl with dark pink hair. The cascading loose locks of pink had partially concealed her peaceful, tear-stained face. Her Zanpakutou was next to her, underneath the futon's cover. Kenji could see what Batsu was worried about.

Although her sleep was deep, her unseen left eye rapidly moved underneath the scarred eyelid. Kenji put a hand on Batsu shoulder, and in a warm tone, he reassured her.

"She's fine. She's in a profound state. It's not exactly enlightenment, but it's close. Let her rest."

"When is she gonna wake up?"

Relief breathed through Batsu's question. She clasped her hands together, intently listening to Kenji.

"I don't know. It could be tomorrow, a week, a month. But knowing her, she'd break out of it 'cause she feels like it. Heh."

Kenji's joking attitude helped Batsu relax. But she didn't relax for long. Kenji's stern words pummeled the girl.

"You're not working until I see some maturity. You keep asking for help, which is fine, but try to set your own pace while your big sister's asleep. There may come a day when she needs your help instead. You have to be strong enough to support her. Right?"

Kenji patted her shoulder and left the room. Batsu's round eyes watched the serene expression on her sister's face. Fixing her glasses, she walked to her side of the room and picked up her Zanpakutou.

She walked into the kitchen and grabbed a wicker basket, filling it with snacks and flasks of water. Without saying anything, she left the room and strolled out of the hallway. She unlocked the front door and exited the building.

Night had brought Akachou momentary silence. A gentle breeze swept past. Her long black ponytail swayed in the airy currents. Batsu's checkered hanten fluttered, keeping her warm in the autumn chill.

Silver moonlight illuminated the dusty dirt road. She gazed up at the bright light. The faint shape reflected in her glasses. After basking in its glow, she dashed to her destination.


"Haah… Haah…Haah."

Sweat trailed down Batsu's forehead. Heaving air into her fiery lungs, she wiped the streams of sweat away and relieved her thirst with a flask.

She stood in a grove of trees, inhaling the scent of nature's purity. Shimmering streams of moonlight filtered through the last vestiges of the autumn canopy. In front of Batsu was a tree. Its bark was beaten, cut, and chipped at the sides. A number of wounds decorated its trunk in no particular pattern.

Batsu traced her fingers over the damaged tree, touching each scar gently. She placed her palm on the trunk.

A soft murmur escaped her lips.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Mr. Tree."

Lowering her palm, she turned around and sat down. Resting her back against the wounded tree, she closed her eyes.

Exhaustion replaced her worries. She didn't resist the call.


Batsu's eyes flickered open to find the expansive, all-consuming dark cloud. The sensation of liquid flooded over her entire back.

Quickly standing up, she searched for the iridescent golden hare. She spun, scanning every inch of the caldera. The golden hare was nowhere to be seen.

She dropped her gaze to the murky liquid at her feet. It was still cloudy and opaque. Batsu opened her mouth to yell, but she was cut off by the familiar husky voice of a woman.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Batsu. I suppose you're here for…"


Batsu's firm response reverberated throughout the caldera. The hidden Hare's knowing remarks echoed back.

"Of course. You know of the requirements for Shikai. I'd like you to recite the two criteria one must meet."

"Improving our relation by interacting and synchronizing with one another. But there's a hidden one, the Zanpakutou's autonomy."

"Good. Good. And do you believe you've met our standard for these two?"

The provoking question slightly startled Batsu. Her confidence wavered for a moment. Carefully considering the two criteria, she arrived at her conclusion.

"I thought I did. But now, I think the synchronization might not be enough."

"Likewise. Earlier today, you felt the worry of a daughter and sister. One of these you haven't felt in a long time. While the other, you haven't experienced at all. The effort you exert to improve yourself is admirable. The fact that you are using the two feelings you experienced earlier today as motives can also be seen as admirable. But it may send you in the wrong direction..."

Batsu's eyebrows knit together. She sought a better explanation.

"How so?"

The hare's voice weighed down with solemn notes.

"The way you live is precarious. You may end up caring more about your feelings than the people who provide them-"

"That's not true! How could you say something so horrible?!"

"I am warning you, not examining who you are now. I am telling you about who you might become. The feelings you felt today overwhelmed you, to the point where you completely replaced your motivations. You've built your desire for improvement on a dubious foundation. You cannot deny your obvious pandering and craving for acceptance. Modeling yourself into the way you think they see you… you would forsake everything for this? To savor the feelings over the people?"

Gloomy eyes paralyzed behind fogging glass. Batsu's face sank into a deep frown. Her brain sputtered, trying to formulate answers and arguments. But she failed to produce a counter.

The cloudy lake at her feet bubbled and distorted. From the surface of the murky liquid, the golden hare emerged, its red eyes gazed upon Batsu with a hint of pity.

Its thoughtful words brought solace to Batsu's plights.

"Seeking improvement is splendid. I only ask that you confirm what it is you house in your heart. Enjoy the feelings you will continue to receive. The worry and joy. But do not resolve to exchange without knowing the true cost. Return to me when your foundation has been verified or has been amended. There is no hurry. I will always be here."

The hare took Batsu's pensive silence as consent and sent her back to the real world.


Dragging her feet down Akachou, Batsu'unsai's mind was crowded with thoughts. It shocked every fiber of her being to learn what she was doing. The pandering and hidden desire to fit in had burrowed undetected.

Unconsciously, her legs had carried her to the bedroom door. Disbelief marked her face as she realized she'd been so preoccupied with her thoughts. The journey home had been done without her knowledge.

An awkward smile grew from the uncomfortable revelations.

"Amazing. The one time I don't get lost, I find myself at home."

She paused at the door to the bedroom. Batsu inhaled deeply and prepared herself. In one smooth motion, she entered and slid the door closed behind her.

Furoufushi was still in her profound state. The sounds of peaceful breathing and short snores lightened Batsu's mood. Nothing had changed.

Batsu moved about the room, getting ready to sleep. Slipping underneath the covers of her futon, she rolled over. Furoufushi's serene expression filled her vacant mind.

Batsu closed her eyes, savoring the lingering image.


The next day, Batsu'unsai requested that she train by herself. Kenji recognized her need for time alone and happily agreed. She'd been informed of her suspension during breakfast. It was the perfect time to get away and sort her thoughts. Kenji reminded her that the conference was five days away. Feeling the urgency of only four days of free time, Batsu wolfed down her meal and hurried out the door.

Kenji adjusted his hachimaki, slicking his unruly hair back in the process. He shrugged his shoulders loosening the blue and white striped happi grip on his body. The mochi and dango he'd made the night before were laid out on the table. The amount of food he made for today was significantly more than the previous weeks.

In practiced fashion, Kenji's body flew around the front house. Cleaning, sorting, decorating, serving, and cooking, his plate was full for the day.

When the opening hour rolled by, he opened the doors to a magnificent crowd of people. The queue outside Tengoku stretched far down the street. Hundreds of people lined up for the quality service Kenji guaranteed the day before. Gossip had flapped its wings and took to the sky. The news of Furoufushi and Batsu's suspension had reached every resident of North Rukongai the night before.

With Kenji at the helm, the long-anticipated Tengoku experience became a certainty. Everyone could enjoy Akachou's paradise once again. Children lit up with bright smiles as they laughed with their friends. Young men of all walks of life straightened themselves up. An affable air surrounded the many tattooed men. Young women tidied their hair and smoothed their dress of any wrinkles. The elderly expressed their appreciation by bowing deeply to Kenji.

Standing in the view of the queue, the red-haired master of Tengoku exuded an aura of sociable authority. Seeing his demeanor, hundreds of conversations died down into an expectant stillness. Kenji's voice projected down the street.

"Good Morning."

""Good Morning!""

A grin grew on his lips as hundreds of people responded with eagerness. He could see faces that hadn't visited since the incident. Their enthusiasm soared as he tossed out some teasing words.

"Welcome back."

Chuckles erupted among the crowd. Kenji nodded and announced something that surprised the massive crowd.

"I've put a suggestion and review box by the bulletin board. You don't need to write your names. But I'd like all of you to write about your experiences with my two suspended employees. Comments, concerns, issues, all of it. If you're unsure, you don't need to do it. However, if you do write something, bring it up to me and I'll hand you a voucher for a free tray."

Excited murmurs hung low around the crowd. The positive reception told Kenji everything he needed to know. He nodded and headed back inside.

At the far end of the queue, a shaggy, black-haired woman stood with her hands clasped together. Her gloomy blue eyes and calm face conflicted with what was occurring inside her. An inaudible whisper unconsciously escaped, disappearing into the sea of conversations.

'How silly of me… I forgot they were suspended…'