
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 30: Rattling Reproach

[Neutral POV]

Furoufushi was beginning to get irritated. She had dealt with all the customers over the last hour. Near the far corner of the serving area, Batsu'unsai was chatting with the disheveled girl who had been stalking the Tengoku clan for the past month or so. After seeing Batsu's genuine smile, Furoufushi refrained from interrupting their conversation.

Furoufushi shook her head when she heard the confusing story. Moving around the teahouse, she'd eavesdropped on their conversation since the beginning. Over the course of the discussion, she couldn't help but click her tongue. Small needles of guilt dug under her nails, making her clench her fists in frustration.

Hearing enough of the nonsense, Furoufushi walked over to the two chatty birds. She crossed her arms and narrowed her eye as soon as she reached the tableside. Batsu donned an awkward look and uncomfortably chuckled. The disheveled girl fell silent, her gloomy blue eyes alternated between the two sisters.

Furoufushi tapped her fingers on her crossed arms. Palpable tension in her tone.

"Lil' sis, I thought breaks were only thirty minutes? What's the hold-up?"

Pushing her glasses up, Batsu gave her best excuse. The only excuse that could possibly work.

"Hehe. Got lost?"


"Oww! Look! I'm going, I'm going!"

"Little brat! Get your ass in gear."

Delivering swift justice to the back of Batsu's head, Furoufushi chased her off. Turning back to the table, she looked at the shaggy girl. Images of her past self flashed in her mind as she observed the reticent girl.

She clicked her tongue.

"Tsk. Aren't you gonna offer your name?"

She already knew the girl's name, but this was a matter of pride to her. Not once had she memorized some street urchin's name. As Kenji always told her, first impressions speak the loudest. With first impressions, Furoufushi had rarely met anyone worthy of her attention. She could count the people who stuck to her mind with her fingers.

Kenji, Batsu, Niimaiya, Choujirou, Furuoki, and now this shabby-looking girl.

The girl softly spoke up with her saintly voice. Her overly calm expression still lingered.

"My name is Yachiru."

Yachiru's fingers fidgeted ever so slightly. This didn't escape Furoufushi's vision. An amused smirk fit her lips. She teased the nervous scamp.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?"



No answer came as Furoufushi's Reiatsu slipped out. The teahouse became entirely soundless. Echoes of conversation and dining completely halted. The silence was deafening. A dreadful tension hung in the air, stifling the breaths of the customers.


Furoufushi froze at the wrathful roar. Her violet eye began to shake. Turning to face the front counter, her shoulders started to tremble.

Standing behind the counter was Kenji. His stinging glare dared her to continue. He offered a simple question with a scathing tone.

"What are you doing?

"I- I…"

"You what?"

She shrunk down and lowered her head. His reproach was accompanied by an ugly expression.

"Is it fine to do whatever you like?"

With a cracking voice, she struggled to reply.


"You want my teahouse? Should I hand it over to you?"

Tossing her head back up, Furoufushi was instantly horrified by his words. Her shaking violet eye gaped at Kenji. Batsu had a worried expression as she watched Furoufushi scream.

"NO! I didn't mean to…I…"

"So why are you breaking the rules? Huh? Making everyone in here uncomfortable. Pushing around someone who hasn't even done anything? What'd you think Tengoku is? A playground? Somewhere you can bully people? Take a look around, see how strong you are."

Lowering her head back down, Furoufushi refused to lift it. Her eyes were tearing up as she continued to tremble. She fiddled with her hands until she heard Kenji's icy order.

"I'll say this once. Take. A. Look."

She raised her head enough to see the pale-faced patrons. All of the customers were frightened out of their minds. They turned away from her gaze, opting to look anywhere but at her. Some even raced out of the building.

Kenji's harsh honesty wounded her.

"You see that. That's fear. Something you've never tasted. These people watched you kill out on that street. You think everything's just fine? You think everyone can just move on after seeing that? Can you even see how people are avoiding you and Batsu now? Does anyone ever come to you with a problem now? They don't, because they're not sure if you'll just murder them without even saying anything. Isn't that what you wanted to avoid? You spent all those years fighting against this bullshit and now… you're becoming what you hate. Is this how you wanna live? Running a street like a thug the rest of your life? Drinking up people's fear like a common criminal? Basking in mindless strength, crushing innocents like bugs? If you wanna be like that then get the fuck outta here… and never show your face to me again."

"…n-no…*whimper*… pl-please."

"Don't wanna be like that or don't wanna leave, huh!? I told you to make people remember that conflict for the next century. And they will. They'll never forget… and they'll never talk to you for the rest of your life. Can you see that? If I die, who's gonna help you? Batsu? After her, who's next? They won't talk to her either. So, what would it be? You gonna start killing again when you don't get your way? Chop them up 'cause it's so easy? What then? When you've run out of people to kill, and everyone turns their back on you… what then?! HUH!? Can you see how dangerous your thoughts really are? How empty you could feel if you follow this road. I want an answer from you right now. Are you Tengoku Furoufushi or are you Furoufushi? Which is it?"

'*sniff* T-Tengoku…'

"Then start acting like it. Your room, I don't wanna see your face right now."


The uneasy air began to dissipate after Furoufushi dashed toward her room. With a troubled look, Batsu chased after her. They disappeared down the back hall, leaving behind a cold-faced Kenji. An eerie hush surrounded him, as his empty eyes returned to their dull form.

He gave a deep bow to the guests. Sincerity rang in his admission.

"My deepest apologies for the disturbance! I will be suspending both employees until I deem them fit for work. Both of them have been greatly disruptive, I will not allow them to rejoin us until they've proven to be reliable by my standards. Once again, I'm sorry for the unpleasant situation. I'll be offering free trays for everyone here. Please carry on."

And with that, the atmosphere lightened up. People slowly resumed their conversations. But the newest gossip was already a hot topic. Ironically, this gossip was positive for Tengoku's image. Furoufushi and Batsu'unsai were suspended until they rebuilt their reputations. The amount of effort it would take would be monumental. But patrons already felt better knowing Kenji kept a tight leash on the ship.

Kenji settled down at the front counter, taking down orders. He ignored the piercing glare from the far end of the room.

Yachiru's widened eyes remained on his busy figure. Having seen the quiet sisters' lack of resistance, she deduced that Kenji was a potential opponent. She had come to duel with the two but stumbled upon another choice that could satisfy her thirst for combat.

For years, she couldn't care to remember anyone's real name. But after seeing the three members of Tengoku, she considered learning their names. They seemed so fascinating to her. They were simply different from the rest who held titles in Rukongai.

Every time she heard of a fighter with a moniker, she approached them and drew blood. She had patiently bid her time after hearing the widespread stories of the Fatal Camellia, strengthening herself. But after listening to the story of the 'Twenty by Two Massacre', she couldn't help herself. The Fatal Camellia and the False Princess were targets that she had waited too long for.

And now she understood the diluted tales of the Red Revenant were made to confuse others. The tales of humorous spankings and comical scenes of punishment were carefully crafted to deflect attention. His unknown age was the cause for his epithet, in turn, Yachiru wasn't particularly interested in him. But now she understood. Someone was controlling the urban legends and rumors, but she didn't know who or how. All she knew was that she'd seen the truth.

Yachiru rose from her seat and moved toward the exit. A small smile graced her face. From the corner of her eye, she could've sworn beneath the fallen strands of red hair, a disturbing grin was hidden away. She stopped and faced her head toward the front counter. But it seemed to be an illusion.

Kenji's head raised from the paperwork, pulling the loose strands of hair back up as his eyes shifted to her. With an indifferent face, he nodded to her in parting.

Panic flashed in her gloomy blue eyes. She hurriedly bowed and delivered her farewell.

"Thank you for everything. I think your teahouse is lovely."

His lips curled up into a pleased smile. With a polite tone, he thanked her.

"Thank you for the compliment. Stop by any time."

"Of course. I'll certainly come again."

As she passed the bulletin board, she felt a gentle breeze stream past her ears. Upon the current, sounds of a muted whisper drifted along. She failed to catch any words. Spinning around she focused on the front counter.

But no one was there.

Taking one final look, she turned and left out the door. A thoughtful expression on her face.