
chapter 13...Fighting

I finished my training and after eight hours total time, I got attack strength of 15.9%, and then I was ready for battle. I ran back to the area where the goblin was.....

--- (Ichigo's POV end)

The Goblin shaman was sitting there on a rock. he said to Ichigo:

"So you came back..." He looked at Ichigo and waited...

"Yeah! , and I'm here to kill you" - Ichigo

"THEN COME AT ME" - Vakto Loz gave a big smile, His mouth opened wide. They both screamed and ran towards each other.

their blades clashed.

"Heh, Still weak" - Vakto loz

"You bastard!!" - Ichigo

Then they fought again, He used traditional sword techniques , which were easily blocked by the shaman. Shaman attacked aswell, but due to ichigo's practice , he finally blocked some attacks aswell. Shamand was quite surprised, what did ichigo change? it thought. They fought all over the place.

"You are good" - Shaman, Ichigo did not reply and hit him with the sword. The sword hit the arm of Vakto Loz. The first hit he was able to make.

"don't get distracted!" - Ichigo

"Bastard!" - Vakto.

The match was in full swing. 'Should I use my Getsuga Tenshou on him, Vakto will dodge it, But I will have to take the risk.' Ichigo used Getsuga Tenshou. The Shaman dodged it.They went far away from each other. They both were exhausted as the battle went on for about forty five minutes.

"Done Already?, Ichigo" - Shaman

Ichigo screamed and hit back. the sword hit the shaman's stick.


The shaman started shivering, screaming and then he fell down, it's body moved and shaked uncontrollably.

"What's happening to me!!!" - Vakto screamed in pain.


"Ofcourse, I used the Crucio spell, although I won't explain to you the details because you will not be alive for a long time" - Ichigo

"Ichi...goo.....!!" - Vakto

Ichigo immediately fired his getsuga tenshou at the shaman. The shaman, although in pain, used his hand to block it. But he couldnt do it, The getsuga tenshou cut his arm.

"It's over, Shaman!" Ichigo hit the Shaman with his sword, slicing him.

"OH NO YOU WON'T " - Shaman, The Shaman then grabbed his stick, tried to hit ichigo in the stomach, but because his hand was shivering, the aim was not possible so the stick pierced Ichigo's leg a little, it started bleeding. Ichigo ignored the pain and sliced the shamanz causing immediate death. Ichigo saw the dead face of the Shaman, and moved back. He immediately fell due to pain in the leg.

'Damn it, this pain, I have to quickly do something about this'

He teared some parts of the kimono from his leg and put that on the wound. the bleeding stopped.

Ichigo took a deep breath and sat down.

"FINALLLY, I DID IT. ITS OVER" - Ichigo said that aloud.

He rested. and looked at the dead body if the Shaman.

'I wonder what will happen to it.' He thought.....

//Ichigo's Point of View//

'Damn I'm hungry now, I need some food. I wish I could get the sushi' And then I saw sushi spawn in front of my eyes. I screamed "Oy, WHO SENT THIS!!" Obviously, like always, I got no response. I quickly checked my holographic screen and saw a new tab available.

[Food & Drink: To keep the Host healthy and fit, the system will spawn any food or drink that the host wants. To activate this ability Just say the food name out loud.]

wow, that was new. I ate sushi first and then I though of food names, So many were in my mind like sushi, burger, fries, and much more... Well, now this is luxury, The system is actually good haha, I hope to not get fat . (Then Ichigo pictures him self weighing two hundred pounds) . I'll have to stick to salad. I eat to the fullest, and then rested for an hour or so. I wanted to rest more. but I have to go, Keep moving forward and never give up!! I ran again, saw another opening and I walked through it, I kept walking found nothing.. the cave was very dark, it kept getting darker. the lights slowly got dimmer as I moved forward, There was no point in looking back.


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username : NOVACORP (Webnovel, fanfic)

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