
2nd Year (2)

As soon as I called the name of my Zanpakutō, the blade I was holding transformed itself into a ten-foot-long, white snake.

It had red eyes, a pink tongue and mouth, along with some strange patterns across his skin.


The librarian didn't have any words to respond to what she was seeing.


"Yeah, best regards."

"Ahm, junior, is that your Zanpakutō?" She looked wierdly at Orochi.

"Yeah, senior, he is called Orochi."

~Hiss~(A plesssure) He made a little bow with his big head.

"Junior, you need to talk to your teacher right now." (Librarian)

"Eh?, why?"

"Trust me, you will thank me later.(Librarian)

She said that as she was walking off the training ground.


"Yeah?" She stopped halfway.

"I never heard your name, senior." I could feel my ears getting red.

In my last life, I wasn't a chik magnet nor a playboy, and in this life, I was an awkward kid, so me asking the name of a girl was more than I could handle.


"Amano Kaoru, that's my name; see you around junior.(Librarian)


~Interessting human~

"Well, let's do as she said." Now I was alone with Orochi at the training grounds.

As I was walking into the main building, Orochi was sliding beside me, and I was getting many weird looks.


When I reached the main building, even the teachers were giving me weird looks.

I approached the reception desk at the entrance of the building.

"Hmm, what can I do for you, student?" (Receptionist)

She was looking at me and at Orochi.

"I would like to know where I can find Professor Naoki."

"Oh, I see. Well,  you can wait for him here; let me call him." (Receptionist)

"Thank you"

I stood there for a couple of minutes. Orochi was bored, so he just curled himself up and began to sleep.

{This is so weird}

This whole experience was fascinating. I could feel what he felt, and somehow I knew that he was part of me, but at the same time, he was an independent individual.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*


"Ah, teacher, hi, ahm, a senior I know said that I should speak to you."

"Hmm." He ignored me and was looking at Orochi.

As soon as Orochi felt someone's gaze, he opened his eyes.


"Come with me(teacher)

Me and Orochi follow him into an empty classroom.

"Take a seat." He pointed at the chairs.

"Thank you"

I took a seat, and Orochi curled himself beside me.

"Now, tell me what happened, Tatsumi-kun.(Teacher)

"Yes, well, since a week ago, I could hear a voice."

"Ah, that's why you asked me for a way to communicate with you, Zanpakutō" (teacher)

"Yeah, so I know a senior that taught me how to do it."

"And this is the result." He looked at Orochi curled beside me.

"Yes..." I also looked at Orochi.

"Hmm, well, this is a complicated situation." (Teacher)


"Listen well, Tatsumi-kun, an Asauchi, and a Zanpakutō are not the same thing" (teacher)

"An Asauchi is a sword without form or a name, but when a Shinigami spends time with it and they experience many things together, it forms a bond, and that bond influences the Asauchi to form a soul on its own, and with a soul comes a name. At this point, the Asauchi is no longer called that but instead is called Zanpakutō." (Teacher)

"Knowing this name is the difference between a true Shinigami and a trainee." (Teacher)

"Are you following me?" (Teacher)

"Yes, I think."

"A Shinigami Zanpakutō has two forms; the first is called Shikai, and the other is called Bankai."

{I know that word is the word they scream when they powered up on the show}

"In Shikai form, the Zanpakutō takes a different form depending on the Zanpakutō spirit, but when a Shinigami performs a Bankai, the Zanpakutō spirit itself is summoned into the physical world." He looked more intensely at Orochi.

"Wait...so what you saying is that...I performed a Bankai... but I didn't say Bankai when I called Orochi?" I looked at Orichi wierd out.

~Hiss~(what now?)

"Then...what did you say, Tatsumi-kun?(teacher)

"Devour it all, Orochi; that was what he told me to say in order for him to be here."

"The incantation of release...hmm...meaning is this really the Shikai form of your Zanpakutō?" (Teacher)

"Well, I need to consult with someone. Can you seal your Zanpakutō? I need to borrow it for analysis." (Teacher)

"Well, there's a little problem with that."

"Hmm, which is?" (Teacher)

"We made a deal."

"A deal?"(Teacher)

"Yes, he proposed to let me use his power, but in exchange, I let him live with me, so I took it."


"I... can't seal him anymore." I averted his sight.

"So basically, you have no Zanpakutō?" He said it in a monotone tone.

{Sh*t, that's right!}

"Ahm, teacher, can you, like, give me another Asauchi?"



Shinigami Research and Development Institute

A man is deeply concentrated, looking at some test tubes. His face is painted entirely white, with the inner portion of his face painted black with the exception of his nose.

His eyes are a golden color, and he constantly bares his teeth, giving the appearance of constantly smiling. Both his ears are seemingly replaced with stubbed golden cones.

"Another failure, huh?"

He is the President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute (S.R.D.I.), Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

"President Kurotsuchi, there's a situation in the Shinō Academy." (Researcher)

"Why are you interrupting me?" (Mayuri)

"Eh, like I said, president, there has been a..." (Researcher)

"It is more important than my research." (Mayuri)


"If you don't know, maybe you should be the one investigating first." He turned around, continuing with his research.

"Yes, sir." He turned around and left.


The next day...


~What a horrible ssound!~

"Ugh, I know..."

I woke up like always, but I noticed a little white snake beside my pillow.

"Eh, is that you, Orochi?"

~Yess, iss morre combinent thiss wayy~


{Apparently he can alter his size and weight}

"Do you mind curling around my neck?"


"Well, if you go in your natural form, all the people will look at you weird, don't you think?"

~hmm...I underrstand~

He did what I asked; he curled himself around my neck carefully.

"Thank you"

~No prroblem~

Even when he was on my neck, people were giving me weird looks.

When I finally reached my classroom, an unknown person was there.

"Tatsumi Ryuji?"

"Yes, sir, you are."

He was a tall man with short, spiky black hair that flared out on the sides and had a distinguished hairline running through it.He had three small horns protruding from his forehead, and he lacked eyebrows.

"Vice President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute"

"Akon is my name."