
A Day Gone Wrong

(Sora POV)

I had a bad feeling in the morning. There was no other way to describe it. Something was going to happen today and I just know it. The last time this happened, Dad was almost involved in a car accident had it not been for my phone call that day. I even enlisted the help of Mom to force Dad to go shopping for ice cream.

Unsurprisingly, he was just a tiny bit annoyed by my insistence, and he later forgave me because I am a kid. I'm gonna miss these powers when I grow up. Later on the same day, Mom and Dad were watching the news and he had the surprise of his life when he saw the scene of an accident involving a truck driver on a familiar road.

Suffice to say, I was crushed in a bear hug the next morning, and he gave me that bicycle I always wanted but never voiced. Parents and their psychic ways right?

All jokes aside, this unsettling feeling was becoming too much and so I did a head check. Karin and Yuzu were napping in their rooms while Dad was watching TV on the couch. The only people missing were Ichigo and Mom.

They were ten minutes late. They barely ever go off schedule without calling home, and I was becoming anxious. After the fifteen-minute mark, I ran downstairs and called Mom. Dad noticed my actions and turned down the TV.

It wasn't until the fourth call did I start panicking and Dad came to me.

"Sora. Sora!" The last shout got my attention as I felt his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong? Whom did you call?"

"Dad! Mom is not picking up!"

He chuckled a little, thinking that I was over-worried. "It'll be fine. They're just running a little late."

"No, you don't understand! Remember the time I annoyed you for ice cream even though I didn't want it?"

"You didn't want it...? What do you mean? And I do remember." There was confusion on his face and rightfully so.

"That day. I had a really bad feeling. I didn't know what to do other than check to see if everyone was home. You weren't there, so I forced you to get ice cream."

Isshin's eyes widened. "You..."

"I don't know what it is. All I understand is that when I have this feeling, bad things happen! It happened that day of the truck incident and I was right. When you turned around to get ice cream, the bad feeling went away. Right now, it's back and it's so much worse than before!"

"Calm down Sora."

"I can't! Mom is not picking up and she's running late! Ichigo is with her!"

He didn't reply this time as he went into deep thought. "You're sure about this?"

"A hundred. Something happened to Mom and Ichigo! Please. You have to believe me!"

"...fine. I'll call a friend to take care of your sisters. Let's go find your mother."

I nodded. We memorized Ichigo's and Mom's schedules quite easily since they follow it every day. The rain that once made me happy brought down my already bad mood and I was mentally fuming. This was my fault. If anything happened to them, I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

Tracing what they did in the morning to the path they walk home, we immediately saw the familiar flash of red and blue. My heart dropped. My body felt cold and my breath was silent.

Dad told me not to get out, but I had to. I had to witness what I did. I had to witness what I could've prevented.

Then there it was. My crime. My orange-haired twin covered in my mother's blood as he wept upon her pale corpse. A hole was on her upper back and her favorite dress was stained.

I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry so badly. It was right there too. It was building up. All it required was my will, and I didn't let it drop. I didn't deserve to.

My mother's death was on me. Everything today could've been avoided had I spoke up like last time. Everything would've been perfect for the rest of my life and I ruined it.

I let a loving mother be separated from her family. I let a brother be possibly haunted by self-blame or mental trauma. I let a husband be deprived of his soul mate. I let my younger sisters grow up without a mother. I let myself...become a murderer.

Short, sweet(not really), and simple. The rebirth of a Bleach Fanfiction. The previous one is probably going to be reposted at Fanfiction.net.

Anyway, if you don't like this story, sorry to see you guys leave. At least give it a small chance.

From the next chapter on, I'm going to using English terms instead of the Japanese. It is easier and it made more sense.

BTW, I was listening to Soundscape to Ardor; the extended version when I wrote this.

Auren02creators' thoughts