
Bleach: Another Story

A young man is given a second chance at life. He gets transmigrated into Bleach as Kurosaki Ichigo and was also given a normal system. Follow him in his journey as he gets girls and destroys his enemies. There are some techniques from other animes so there will be some references. There's also +18 scenes so you're already warned.

some_writer · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
198 Chs


Ichigo was standing in Orihime's apartment. It has been a day since Orihime was kidnapped and Ichigo was now searching for clues.

Chad and Uryū weren't with him because he told them to stay back and that he can handle this all by himself.


Ichigo grabbed his Denreishinki from his pocket and flipped it open.

"Can you hear me?" A childlike girl voice asked from the phone.

"Who are you?" Ichigo asked her. The girl giggled.

"I'm not telling. I have Orihime and she is with me now." The girl revealed. Instead of getting mad, Ichigo stayed calm.

" It's very bad to break into someone's house you know. I wonder if I should call the police?" The girl contemplated, prompting Ichigo to narrow his eyes. He quickly went into Orihime's bedroom and closed the door. Ichigo knew he was being watched.

"Do you want to see her?" The girl asked Ichigo in a teasing tone.

"You already know my answer, little girl." Ichigo replied. The girl giggled.

" We should play a game! I might return your precious girlfriend if you win!" The girl suggested.

" What do you want me to do? " Ichigo asked her.

"Come to a nearby park within the next three minutes. If you're even one second late, something bad might happen to her. " The girl explained and hung up the phone Immediately after.

" Tch. " Ichigo snorted and put back the Denreishinki in his pocket. He disappeared from Orihime's bedroom and arrived back outside.

A few seconds later, he was standing in the middle of a park. He looked around the park, it was abandoned.

A nearby payphone began to ring. Ichigo picked it up and put the near his left ear.

"Congratulations for overcoming the first trial. I must say you're very fast. But the game will not be any fun if it ended so quickly. I want you to reach a supermarket at a different part of town within three minutes. If you don't, then you're girlfriend will go bye bye. " The girl tasked him and immediately hung up the phone. Ichigo put the phone back on the payphone stand.

" Easy. " Ichigo muttered and used Sonído. He arrived at a supermarket in a different part of town within a few seconds.

Another payphone outside the supermarket begins ringing. Ichigo arrived in front of it and answered the call.

"Congratulations on completing the second trial. But the game is not done yet. The third trial starts now. Remember, reach the destination within three minutes or your girlfriend will die." The girl told him with a mocking voice.

" Where should I go now? " Ichigo asked her.

" The Urahara Shop. The timer starts now. " The girl answered and hung up the phone. Ichigo put the phone back on the payphone stand.

Ichigo used Sonído, creating a static sound when he disappeared. Within a few seconds, he was already in front of the entrance to the Urahara Shop.

He barged into the door unannounced, scaring Ururu and Jinta.

"You picked the wrong house, fool!" Tessai shouted while holding a metal bat. But he stopped immediately when he saw that it was Ichigo

"Oh... Greetings, Ichigo. You gave us quite the scare there." Tessai greeted politely. Ichigo smiled at him.

"Hello to you too, Tessai-san. Where's the shop's phone?" Ichigo asked him. Tessai nodded and showed him where the phone was.

Just as Ichigo expected, the phone started ringing. Urahara walked over in curiosity. Ichigo knelt down and answered the phone.

"Congratulations on completing the third trial. I have decided to reward you for being such a wonderful competitor. Return to Orihime's apartment at 8 P.M. tonight for a chance at seeing her again. Goodbye. " The girl hung up the phone. Ichigo sighed and stood up, putting the phone back to its place.

"What's going on?" Yoruichi asked as she walked into the room. Ichigo shook his head.

"It's nothing important." Ichigo muttered and used Sonído and disappeared from their sights.

Urahara frowned in concern. "At least I recorded the phone call. Wanna hear it?" He told her cheerfully.



It was 8 P.M. , Ichigo was wearing his casual clothes. He is standing in front of Orihime's apartment door again. Just as he was about to open it, Orihime opened it before he did. She smiled at him and Ichigo gave her a small smile back.

'You think the likes of you can fool ne with your illusions? How delusional. ' Ichigo thought to himself.

"Hi Ichigo! Please come in!" The fake Orihime smiled cheerfully at him. Ichigo nodded and entered the apartment.

Orihime closed the door behind him. Ichigo looked around the place. The atmosphere became silent.

"Haaa!!!!" Orihime shouted and started choking Ichigo from behind him. She was smiling maliciously while her eyes were glowing bright red. Ichigo grunted from the sudden attack.

Orihime increased the intensity. Ichigo didn't move.

"Hehehehe...." Ichigo chuckled. He grabbed Orihime's hand that was choking his neck and broke it with a simple twist.


"Ahhh!!!" Orihime screamed in agonizing pain. She transformed back into a man. Ichigo looked over him.

He is a bespectacled man with a thin mustache and long two-tone hair color reaching his upper back that ends in a point with shoulder-length strands framing both sides of his face.

He wears a white button-up shirt and gray tie under his multi-colored suit. He also wears a gray top hat and boots. Ichigo recognized this man as Kurōdo.

Kurōdo disappeared and reappeared on the roof of the apartment. Ichigo appeared in front of him just as he disappeared. He saw dark red skeletal gates appearing in front of him.

Ichigo heard a familiar voice giggling. He looked up at the gates and saw a little girl sitting on top of the skeletal gates while Kurōdo and another person standing on either side of her.

The little girl has short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She wears a pink, fur-trimmed coat, a black bird-shaped cape, and red boots. She carried a pink clock with a golden heart handle. She is Ririn.

"You..." Ichigo whispered while staring at her.

"Why are you doing this? Do you feel pleasure when tormenting people?" Ichigo asked her. Ririn giggled and appeared right in front of him.

"Come on. Don't be so mad! It's just a game." Ririn reiterated and flicked his forehead, something Ichigo didn't like.

"Bye bye— Ack!!"

Ririn widened her eyes as she was grabbed violently in her neck by Ichigo's right hand. Ichigo gritted his teeth and slammed her onto the ground.

Ririn looked at Kurōdo and the other associate. "R-run." She muttered weakly.


Ichigo punched her in the face. Blood flew out of her nose. Ichigo kept on punching her, all he saw was red.

"I'm gonna fuck you up, little bitch." Ichigo growled and grabbed Ririn by the back of her head. He raised it and slammed her face first onto the concrete ground.


Ichigo kept slamming her onto the hard ground. His golden-yellow eyes were full of bloodlust. "This...*BANG!!!* is.. *BOOM!!!* for kidnapping... *BAAAM!!!* my... *BAAANG!!!* Orihime!!! " Ichigo shouted and flung Ririn violently towards the street.


Ririn crashed onto the ground, her face was bloody and battered. Most of her teeth were missing and her right eye was popping out of her eye socket.

Ichigo stomped his foot into her ribs, breaking all of it in the process. Ririn's vision was getting blurry.

Ichigo stomped on her face violently, effectively knocking her out. He started at her unconscious body for a while and snorted.

He spat at her face. His spit plopped onto her forehead.
