
Bleach: Animus Arma

Five years after the Thousand Year Blood War, the Three Realms are now at peace. But during one of his research, Captain Mayuri discovered the existence of another Universe and sought to explore it. New species. New possibilities. New research materials. New everything! Gods? Dragons? Devils? Sacred Gears? Captain Mayuri wants it all! Now, how should he convince the Captain Commander to send people to explore this Unknown Universe?

SirChicks · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 7


"According to Tite Kubo, he had drawn Nelliel to be the most well-endowed woman in the series."

All these time I thought it was Rangiku.




"So how's that portal going?" Asked Soi Fon, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Mayuri.

All Captains were gathered in Twelfth Division, staring in fascination at the portal that would lead them to another universe.

Well, except for Grimmjow and Kenpachi who didn't bother showing up since they weren't interested. It's not like it's an official event, they are just sending off Soi Fon to her scouting mission.

And it's not like Ichigo required their presence.

"It's safe right?" Asked Ichigo.

"It's stable," said Mayuri, giving Ichigo a vague answer, "We sent some rats and hamsters to test it and we managed to pull them back unharmed. It should be safe."

"Then I'll go," said Soi Fon. "No wait, quick question, how will I be able to return?"

Mayuri deadpanned at her, "You didn't even think of that before all this? If I remember, you weren't this dumb years ago. Love does make a woman dumber."

"Pfft!" Shunsui and Shinji almost broke out into laughter, but quickly shut their mouth seeing Soi Fon glare at them.

Well, not only Soi Fon, but even Rukia, Harribel, and Nel glared at them.

Ichigo just gave an amused snort.

"That's a valid question though." Said Lisa, "How is she going to return once she's there?"

"Here," Mayuri tossed a bracelet at Soi Fon, which she caught easily and observed it, "That device would send us a signal of your location and we can open the portal from where you are back to here."

"Thanks, so can I go in now?" Asked Soi Fon.

"Absolutely," Mayuri grinned, "Just make sure to surround your body with your Reiatsu to protect yourself from any turbulent energy inside that might cause you some …injuries."

"Understood." Soi Fon donned a black cloak that would mask her presence, it was something invented by Kisuke Urahara.

"Oh, and be sure to pick up some specimen before coming back, I would greatly appreciate it for all the trouble I went through."

"I'll see what I can do." Soi Fon nodded before walking towards the portal and turned back to Ichigo then to Mayuri, "I'll be back in a week, if I didn't make it then shut this off and prepare for war."

Ichigo's eyes narrowed at Soi Fon, who refused to look at him.

"Hey! Hey!" Nel called out to Soi Fon, "Stop raising up flags you stupid woman. If you don't return in a week then we'd come and pick you up! Don't be so glum all the time!"

"She's right," Rukia smiled at her, "With Ichigo here, you don't have to worry about safety."

"Obviously," Ichigo crossed his arms, "I'll stay here for a week, if you feel like your life's in any danger then use the device to send a signal and I'll immediately come rushing towards you."

Soi Fon stared at him, before chuckling. "… Say Ichigo, if I call out your name would you come and save me?"

"This isn't some sappy love story," Ichigo groaned, "But if you press that device and call my name, you can be sure that I'll be beside you in an instant."

She smiled, "then I guess I don't have to worry about a thing."

Their little moment was ruined by Mayuri who clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Can you not?" Mayuri glared at them, "Keeping this portal open takes too much energy you know, if she don't hurry up we'd ran out of it and it would close."

"Right, sorry." Soi Fon hurriedly entered the portal, "I'll be on my way."

Ichigo nodded, "Be careful."

With one last smile from Soi Fon, the portal closed.

"Well, this place is completely different from Garganta." Soi Fon noted while looking around the space of mishmash of colors.

She was standing on a platform made up of Reishi while her own Reiatsu formed a barrier covering her body from the turbulent, no, chaotic—that's the word—, her Reiatsu is protecting her from the chaotic energy that fills this space.

The reishi platform she was standing on seems to be endless, and is curved and spun around like a roller coaster.

"Well, better get going." Soi Fon muttered before hurrying her steps and followed the pathway leading him to wherever it ends.

Unknown to her however, a certain being who was doing some flips and stunts on the void noticed her presence couldn't help but feel annoyed.

The being looked around before 'flying' towards the direction where Soi Fon was.

The being's body resembled that of an enormous red western dragon, giving off this imposing aura that makes lesser beings not mess with it.

And why would they?

HE is the strongest being in the universe; The Apocalypse Dragon, The True Red Dragon Emperor, The True Dragon, The Dragon of Dragons.

Great Red.

The strongest being in Draconic Deus, born from the concept of "illusions" and "dreams", a Dragon God with enough power to threaten the universe.

Fortunately, for beings at the level of Transcendent, destructive power isn't that important as their fights is base on concepts.

Whoever has a stronger conceptual weight is the winner.

And as this Great Red traversed the void, Soi Fon, who was following the pathway, quickly noticed his presence and halted her steps.

"What the—" she frowned. Her body froze as an enormous red dragon just suddenly appeared near her, "…This feeling."

No doubt, Soi Fon had already experienced this sensation before, back then when they fought Aizen in Karakura, when Yhwach became the Soul King, and when Ichigo first used his True Bankai.

This sensation …

"A transcendent being?!" She exclaimed in shock.

She cannot tell just how strong transcendent beings are due to the fact that she couldn't even feel their Reiatsu, but seeing as Yhwach has enough power to rewrite their Universe, she can imagine their horror.

'Oh shit.' She held the wristband given to him by Mayuri, preparing to call Ichigo if this dragon showed hostility.

Contrary to her expectations, the dragon just frowned at her before looking at the pathway leading back to where she came from.

"A being from another universe?" The dragon showed a look of surprise, "A strong one as well, for a scout to be so strong…"

Soi Fon felt her cheek twitch from being called a scout, but decided not to comment. The more these beings from another universe overestimate them, the better it'd for them.

She hasn't even arrived at her destination yet, but she already encountered such a terrifying creature. She wondered how strong are the people on the other side.

For now though, she decided to include this red dragon as a Special Threat.

"What are you staring at!?" The dragon roared in annoyance, "Want me to erase you from existence!?"

Soi Fon quickly looked away, and after seeing the dragon ignoring her in favor of staring at where she came crom, she decided to just hurry up and leave.

She doesn't have time to chit chat with an unreasonable giant red lizard.

"Who says you can leave huh!?"

'Fucking hell.' Soi Fon stopped on her tracks, 'just what the hell is wrong with you asshole! You better not fucking mess with me, I may not be able to beat you, but I can hold you long enough until Ichigo arrives and do the job!'

"I feel something from there," Great Red pointed at where she came from, "Strong presence. Do you have dragons in your universe?"

"…Yes." Said Soi Fon, if she remember correctly, the Western Branch of Soul Society deals with dragons instead of Hollows. She doesn't really know much about them considering the Western Branch isn't worthy of attention.

Great Red turned his gaze to Soi Fon and saw her holding a bracelet while staring intently at him.

Curious, Great Red decided to raise his hand as if preparing to attack and immediately noticed Soi Fon going tense and was about to press a button on the bracelet, only to stop when he used his raised hand to scratch his chin.

Great Red wondered if the presence he felt from the portal where Soi Fon came from would come if the bracelet was used.

Well, Great Red wasn't interested in fighting. He likes to do "stunts", doing flips and moving in light speed while wandering the gap, and can get annoyed when another being trespass in his turf.

But this time, he will it slide.

"Listen here girl, I am Great Red! Owner of the gap!" Great Red glared at her, "This is my turf, and I hate it if people go around and trespass here. I will only give you fifteen minutes of time whenever you enter, if you're not gone by then I will erase you."

With that threat, Great Red flew away and disappeared into the endless space.

Soi Fon stared at where Great Red disappears for a brief moment before deciding to hurry up and cross the pathway.

That dragon was definitely serious.