
Ch. 18 Complications

Jotaro saw Masaki wearing the same white poncho as the girl was wearing. He prepared himself for this. But seeing it he was thrown into the depths of his memory.

He went back to that day when they were walking back from the dojo.

The rain on his raincoat and the voice of your Ichigo talking to his mom above the rain.

The way he was enjoying the moment and wanting to get back home so they could talk with his mom and all enjoy the rest of the day inside.

But then Ichigo takes off down towards the river that was higher than usual.

He saw Ichigo running faster than he had seen him run before.

He looked towards where Ichigo was running and saw a ghastly spirit. It looked like all the rest that he had seen. And he knew Ichigo couldn't tell the difference.

He was about to call out to him and run after him. He would be able to catch Ichigo before he gets closer.

But then he saw it. The smile of that monster.

The giant mask with the glowing red orbs beneath it. The hair that was soaked and patted down. It was watching Ichigo get closer to the spirit. But then Jotaro remembered this was when Masaki would die.

His body froze as he saw the Hollow known as Grand Fisher. He though he was ready to stop this from happening but his body froze.

And when after a second he was able to force it to move he was already too late. Masaki was ahead of him and they both ran after Ichigo.

He was able to catch up to Masaki…..well her soulless and lifeless corpse that is.

She had protected Ichigo and had her soul ripped out of her body instead of Ichigo having the same fate.

Jotaro knelt beside her body after sliding there.

He watched in horror as she struggled in the Hollows grasp. How she screamed and tried to free herself in any way possible. How she looked back at him and the unconscious Ichigo.

She didn't beg for Jotaro to help her. And he wasn't really able to hear what she was saying. The rain and the river were loud. And the Hollows laughter were loud.

But the sounds disappeared into the distance as everything went silent as he watched Masakis get eaten before him. Her screams were the only sound that he could hear clearly, everything else was in the distance.

The way she screamed in pain and fear. Jotaro couldn't close his eyes or scream.

He just sat there unable to lift a finger. He doesn't even know what he would do if he could have moved.

He was utterly powerless.

Jotaro then watched as Masaki's chain gets shattered by the Hollows teeth. He knew that was it.

The Hollow licked its 6 fingers as if he was trying to get all of Masaki that he may have left behind. It even licked its palms.

Jotaro heard it laughing as it disappears without a word. That's it. Nothing said, not even an attempt at his own life.

He didn't even feel thankful.

When he looked at Ichigo's unconscious body beneath the corpse of Masaki that was getting colder by the second he blanked out.

Jotaro had subconsciously withheld these memories and locked them way way way down.

It was mostly Hōfuku-Ryoku's doing actually.

He was awakened at this moment when Jotaro had wished for a strength to save Masaki. But alas, even him awakening meant nothing when Jotaro couldn't wield the power in his child body.

In order for Jotaro to continue forward, Hōfuku-Ryoku had to deal this painful memory away. Or else Jotaro's inner world would be permanently damaged. It would be best for Jotaro to go through it when he was older and could handle it better.

Even with his previous life experience, he had somewhat reverted back to a child again after 9 years of being one.


Rukia looks like she was about to get up and run to Ichigo's aid. She had already healed Jotaro to and acceptable degree.

But as she stood up and started running she was stopped.

She had arms wrapped around her that stopped her from running forward.

"Rukia….even if you run in and save him….think of how he will be after the fight" Jotaro says in a low voice behind Rukia.

This made Rukia remember something from her past. It was very similar to this situation. She remembered being in her situation back when she still had her Shinigami powers.

Her Captain tells her something like what Jotaro told her.

She may be able to save his life. But what of his pride? 'His pride will die for all of eternity' her captain told her when she wanted to rush in and save her dead friend.

"Two types of fights….." Rukia falls to the ground. Jotaro also does the same. She sat in the Wariza pose. Jotaro knelt behind her on both knees as he had his arms around her.

"One is a fight to defend life…." She looks over at Ichigo. She hadn't noticed the clouds that had formed overhead as it was slightly raining. "….and the other is a fight to defend 'pride'…."

She watches as Ichigo struggles to stand up. He had a wounded shoulder and was looking worse for wear.

"That's right…." Rukia acknowledges that this is a fight for Ichigos pride. And she knew that Ichigo wouldn't let her help even if she could. She had already pushed herself hard just to heal Jotaro. Now that she thinks about it, she would just do more harm to herself than good for Ichigo in the fight other than distracting him.

"You…" Jotaro rests his forehead on her shoulder. "…..moron….."

She was about to start shaking, but having Jotaro there for her helped. But it couldn't stop her completely from shaking.

Rukia grabs her left arm as it sticks to her side.

Jotaro can feel her small frame shake in his arms. He also finally realizes the rain when he feels how cold she is.

He picks his head up and brings her body back against his as he gets closer to her.

Her head was hanging down even as she was moved toward Jotaro.

Jotaro watched as Ichigo continued the fight. Even as Grand Fisher used Masaki as a shield.

Jotaro covered Rukia's eyes with his right hand, the blood already being washed away by the rain.

He was able to cover more than just her eyes with the size of his hands. He had his hand beneath her hair, mainly her bangs, and brought her head back against his chest as he leaned forward to stop the rain from falling onto her.

Jotaro watched as Grand Fisher tricked Ichigo by speaking with Masaki's voice and stabbed clean through Ichigo's shoulder.

He saw Ichigos Zanpakutos blade hit the ground. He was still able to hold the hilt.

But then he witnessed Masaki's image as a lure glow a bright blue. He moved his right hand up so Rukia can see, also moving her hair out of her face as well.

As Grand Fisher was about to land a finishing blow on Ichigo the lure that looked like Masaki went blue. And it seemed like lightning was radiating off of it.

Grand Fisher stopped his attack.

Then the lure of Masaki then appeared before Ichigo looking different. "Mom"

Masaki was floating in the air and had this ethereal look to her.

Rukia said something about a Soma and Masaki's dying wish being carried out by the lure or something.

Masaki speaks. "Ichigo"

She then holds her arms out towards her grown up son. And her clothes change back to the ones she wore that day she died. "I'm so proud. Dad….Karin….Yuzu….Holly….Jotaro…..and you, Ichigo. I'm truly proud to have known you"

A tear falls down her cheek as she smiles at her son. "Ichigo, live."

"Be strong"

"Be gentle"

"And smile!"

"Ichigo, thank you"

After her words she starts floating up and away from Ichigo until she disappears.

Ichigo was knee along down on both knees as he watched his mother's last words to him.

But as soon as Masaki disappeared he saw the ugly image of Grand Fisher before him, still stabbing through his shoulder.

Ichigo rips the hair spike out of his shoulder and stabs his Zanpakuto into Grand Fisher just in the right spot. Below his mask and towards the left of his chest where a heart would be assumed to be. Then he twists the blade 90 degrees and slices through its shoulder as blood splutters out.

It doesn't outright kill the Hollow though, their like fucking cockroaches unless you destroy their mask or head, or some grave injury like cutting its body in half.

Grand Ficher jumps to the sky and manages to flee.

None of them are in any shape to chase it down and slay it.

Jotaro let's Rukia go and she runs to Ichigos side to stop him from worsening his injuries more.

Jotaro sits back on his legs and looks up at the sky. "Huh….it seems my tears won't fall". He doesn't know why, but he doesn't even feel like crying at the moment. He doesn't know what the cause is, but just figured it's from the shock of remembering what actually happened that day.

The Soul Reaper gets up and glances at Jotaro. But after seeing his face decides to leave him alone.

The Shinigami walks to Rukia and Ichigo.

Rukia has convinced Ichigo that the fight was over. But it was more like his body couldn't continue.

Ichigo laid on Rukia, well his head was resting on her legs.

The Shinigami leaves after he exchanged a few quick words with Rukia.

"Hopefully you decide Ms. Kuchiki…." The soul reaper puts his hat on with the chin string being broken. "...It's not nice to string along 2 guys"

He turns around and waves over his shoulder. "Buh-Bye!"

Rukia is left with a confused expression. She looks back down at Ichigo who is unconscious and holds his head on her lap.


Jotaro awakens inside his inner world.

He looks around and sees the grass moving rapidly side to side. And there are clouds with lighting and thunder above him.

"What the hell is happening Hōfuku-Ryoku!" Jotaro calls out. He's now wearing his Shinigami attire and looking around the endless field of grass that goes on and on.

The grass is a healthy green but something clearly isn't right.

"It's gotten worse over time in here, Jotaro"

Jotaro turns around and sees his Zanpakuto Spirit standing on the ground. Not even floating like he usually is.

"It was just a slightly stronger breeze this morning. But over time it's only gotten worse in here. But I'm glad you finally unlocked that memory. It's a great thing for us if we weren't dealing with….well, whatever this is" Hōfuku-Ryoku raises his hands and motions at the area around them.

"Hmmm….I assume this has to do with the Vasto Lorde we killed. But if I were to be turned into a Hollow or whatever the Visored were before they tamed their inner Hollow I would have instantly had to deal with that" Jotaro thinks for a minute.

"It's almost as if I've been poisoned or infected by a Hollow. But only Quincy react to Hollows like that. Like their Reiryoku…weakens… and their….soul…slowly….weakens…and then…the soul itself will die" Jotaro's eyes widen. He hadn't learned anything about Quincys that much in his last life, but he does now remembering reading a bit about them after Brave souls started releasing the Sternritter and young Masaki and Isshin.

"But I can tell you we are not Quincy"

Jotaro looks to his Zanpakuto Spirit. "I know that. It's like we are something similar though. It has to do with the Joestar family I'm sure of it"

Hōfuku-Ryoku smiles and nods. He's glad that Jotaro isn't a simpleton like Ichigo and many others are.

"Anyway, if I'm like a Quincy but different….That means I will slowly die, like mom… But now that I know what the problem and cause is I can figure this out. Masaki had a similar problem if I remember. Before Ichigo was born she was infected. And Isshin had to give her his soul reaper powers to save her. It's like giving a

Masaki antibodies to fight a Hollows infection. But that not an option for me since I already have Shinigami powers. That's also probably why I'd didn't die in my sleep….But how is Saiko still alive? What's in that medicine she takes?….I can't worry about that now, I've gotta fix this on my own and now"

Jotaro looks around the area as it begins raining and lighting begins striking the field in various places. The wind howls and the thunder cracks all around Jotaro.

2172 words

How will Jotaro get out of this predicament? Did Rukia healing him and forcing Reiatsu into his body heal him or harm him more? Will he survive? Will he be able to save his mom? Or will this story end much sooner than expected?

Comment how you think he will survive this one. I’ve already got what happened in mind.

Hint: The memories were hidden by his Zanpakuto Spirit. And now they aren’t any longer.

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts