
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Shinigami arts and departure

"I feel like you are really cheating." Urahara sighed at Daiki doing in a matter of hours what took most years of practice.

"Well, Urahara-san, that's because I am effectively cheating." Daiki smiled but there was something different about him today.

His eyes were different, shining bright and sharp, amber in color with glowing yellow pupils set in the shape of diamonds. That was signed that he was using his newly obtained skill "Eyes of Chronos".

"Truly the world is unkind." Urahara was being dramatic.

"I think you should not be one to speak." Daiki shook his head.

"Anyway, since you already mastered the basis of Hoho and you were already taught Hakuda by Yoruichi then let's directly pass to Zanjutsu. Tessai will take care of teaching you, Kido." Urahara said as he drew his zanpakuto.

"Fine, let's do it." Daiki also drew his sword and, he reproduced the fighting pause that he saw Ashborn use in his dreams. The monarch during his long years of battle used and mastered all kinds of weapons, whether swords, spears or even bows.

"Although your stance is good, I can easily be seen that you have no experience with the sword."

"You aren't holding your sword firm enough and your stance is a little rigid." Urahara started teaching him, and as he was doing Daiki was making the best use of his new skill.

"Come to me." Urahara said but he soon added, "Also restrain your strengths, we are only training your swordsmanship, after all, I don't want to see my training field being destroyed."

And that's how Daiki started training in shinigami arts while also perfecting his mastery over his Quincy and Fullbringer powers.


'So many things happened recently.' Ichigo thought while walking toward Urahara's shop.

'From meeting Rukia to being attacked by hollows, then obtaining shinigami powers.'

His normal everyday life suddenly became messy. He had to take the place of Rukia and do her job by fighting hollows. Then he met Kon and Ichida, an artificial soul and a Quincy respectively.

After going through many incidents, he was finally able to adapt but soon, some fuckers came to take Rukia to soul society against her will while beating him to submission.

If his brother... Daiki didn't come to save him, he didn't know what would have happened. Speaking of Daiki it was really a surprise to see that he also had some kind of powers, and he was really strong at that. At least as strong as the other one... Byakuya or something.

'I don't know if I am currently strong enough to face him but.' He certainly didn't plan to fail, he would successfully save Rukia, no matter what... even, if he had to do it alone.

Lost in his thought he didn't even notice that he arrived at his destination, he was surprised to see that not only Urahara and Daiki were there but also Chad.

"Rightt on time! Kurosaki-san!" Urahara "Very good..."

"Chad, What are you doing here?" he asked after a quick greeting.

"Kuchiki Rukia saved my life once." He said with his usually stoic face. "I am going too."

"What!" Ichigo shouted, clearly taken off guard.

"What, haven't you heard?" A familiar voice was heard from behind Ichigo.

"Ichida?" He exclaimed while turning around.

"I am not letting those shinigamis have a win on me. So I am going too" Ichida announced.

"Now, everybody is here" Voiced an orange-haired girl while walking in.


"Let's get on this journey together!" She said while giving a polite bow.

"Wait! What! What's this all about?" Ichigo was confused.

"Truly, I knew you were not the brightest but -" Daiki shook his head.

"Hey! What are you insinuating?!" Ichigo wanted none of it.

"He is right, you're a slow one aren't you?" voiced a deep male voice, and it was... surprisingly coming from a cat, a black cat.

"Yoruichi-san." Inoue greeted.

"Kid, don't tell me you didn't notice the increase in the hidden powers of this three?"

"While you were training and trying to regain your soul reaper powers, all three of them were also training in their own way."

"Instead of asking stupid questions, you better bow your head and thank them." Yoruichi advised Ichigo.

"A cat, a freaking cat just spoke to me!" Rather than the advice, Ichigo was more surprised/shocked about the giver of the said advice.

"It's not a cat, it's Yoruichi-san" Inoue rectified.

"He is right, it's shocking after all" Ichida

"He is clearly a cat!" Ichigo shouted. "A talking cat!"

"I guess it's the first time they meet" Chad

"I also thought you liked cats?" Daiki asked.

"Yes I like cats but normal ones! those that don't talk!"

"Alright, alright, come on everybody." Urahara decided to put an end to this all of this.

"Don't just stay out here talking' He clapped his hands to make everyone pay attention before gesturing for them to get in. "Please, come in."

"Inoue!" And as everyone walked into the shop, Ichigo interpellated Inoue.


"How much do you know of what is going on?" Ichigo asked, he was worried about the girl, this won't be a simple walk to a park after all. "I mean... it's going to be dangerous."

"I made a promise to Tatsuki, that I'd go with you and we'd come back to her." She smiled as she explained. And directly runner inside after, letting wide open-eyed Ichigo by himself outside. Well, not really alone.

"Ichigo!" Ichigo was also interpellated at his turn.

"Daiki." He responded in kind.

"Although you asked Inoue, I wonder, are you sure you also want to go? If you want to back down then it's now or never"

"Stop kidding, back down? Me? Please, you know me better than that" Ichigo was not amused.

"No, no, I was just checking. The human psyche is a fragile thing after all" Daiki raised his hands.

'Although you are more than a human' He also thought.

"Let's go then" He advanced forward as he put his hand around Ichigo's shoulders.


Joining everyone, they ignored Inoue and Tessai who were discussing on the side, and approached Ichida and Chad.

"Alright, everyone your attention!" Urahara clapped "Here we go!"

He snapped his fingers and a gate-like structure seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

"This is the gate that leads to the Soul Society. It's called the Senkaimon."

"Listen carefully from now on. But... before we continue." He stopped talking and took out a device he then used to eject Ichigo's Soul from his body.

"Damn you! You could have warned me beforehand!" Ichigo complained.

"Can't hear you" Urahara responded, he clearly did it on purpose.

"He popped out so easily, you're not inside Kurosaki-Kun's anymore?" Inoue was... well being Inoue.

"Of course not! How many souls do you think I have?"

"Let's continue" Urahara interrupted their conversation.

"This gate has a spirit conversion machine on top of the normal Senkaimon."

"Spirit... conversion machine?" Ichigo had no idea what that was.

"That's right. As you already know, the Soul Society is a spirit world. Unless you are in spirit form it's impossible to enter. Right now only one of you can cross through as a spirit, Kurosaki-san, a soul reaper."

"So we will use the machine to transform the rest of you into spirits as well."

"So you are saying that the gate will let us pass through without extracting our souls?" Ichida asked.

"Yes! The three of you can now enter the Soul society in your present forms"

"Okay, now we understood, let's go."

"But." Ichigo started walking toward the gate but he was hit to the side by Urahara.

"The widow of time the gate can be kept open for you is only... 8 minutes long" That news came to shock most of them.

"Is that enough?"

"Ordinarily, it's not. It's a reckless Idea, to begin with. 8 minutes with the gate is all I can give you. If you can't cross over between that time, you will be trapped forever between the Soul Society and this world." Urahara stated.

"So what do we do?" Orihime asked.

"Don't Worry, Yoruichi will be guiding you" Daiki also approached the gate.

"Yoruichi!" Daiki called.

"Yeah, yeah, I will be taking care of your precious brother and friends"

"I don't-" Ichigo wanted to retort but he ended up choosing to shut up. He knew not what awaited him on the other side of the gate, talking big without any real substance is... just making a foul of himself.

"Spirit conversion... body...spirit...huh?" Ichigo's brain suddenly seemed to perk on something.

"Daiki, if you also have soul reaper powers, why don't need to leave your body to use them like me?" He was just curious.

"Ho, you remarked that? Seems like your case ain't that lost after all" Daiki teased.

"Just answer already!"

"Hm... Let's just say that although the base of our powers is almost the same, I just took a different road from you."

"Fine. If you don't want to say it, don't!" Ichigo just thought that he didn't want to say it causing Daiki to shake his head with a sigh.

What Daiki said was but the truth, while Ichigo took the road of the shinigami, Daiki on the other hand first took the road of the fullbring. Although it first didn't seem important, the result spoke for itself. His power is centered around his fullbring,... Well was, as now they all fused together, and one of the benefices is that he can freely switch between the two states of being with just but a thought. He could be a fully spiritual being (shinigami) or a half-spiritual being (Quincy, Fullbringer).

"Daiki-san, it would be time to star.t" Urahara said as Daiki noded.

Together, not only Urahara and Tessai but also Daiki started injecting their spiritual energy into the Gate. When it became operational they all walked in with Yoruichi leading the way.

Before passing through the Senkaimon, she exchanged brief eye contact with Daiki, making him smile.