
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


"Collapsing Star, Roaring Canon!"

Boros used his ultimate attack, concentrating all of his latent energy and releasing it from his mouth as an of Blue-Golden colored beam of energy directly toward Saitama and the earth.

Saitama seeing the attack coming toward him from the sky decided to go more serious and as such used the corresponding technique.

"Killer move, serious series... Serious Punch."

As Saitama prepared his punch, A portal suddenly opened between him and Boros, a portal from which Daiki appeared. With the portal quickly closing. Daiki remarked that something was wrong.

But not thinking more, he used Shunpo and moved out of the way before the two attacks collide. And just as he did move, the attacks met, with Saitama's punch overpowering Boros's energy attack and the pressure from it alone obliterates Boros. Additionally, the punch parts clouds across the globe for thousands of miles.

'Hola, that was dangerous... almost made me sweat' Daiki thought as he observed the battle not too far away with a smile, completely disregarding the devastating spreading shock waves.

With the almost dead Boros falling on the ship's roof, Daiki approached. Just enough to hear his conversation with Saitama

"Was I... beaten?" The almost dead Boros asked, his body was in a really bad state, dry from any form of energy. If not for his truly marvelous healing factor he shouldn't even be alive, not to mention speak.

"You're still conscious?" Saitama asked at his turn. "You really are strong." He said.

"The prophecy held true... The battle was hard-fought." Boros struggled to speak but did it all the same.

'I can hear the ost' Thought Daiki on the side. He didn't say anything though.

"Yeah, it was." Saitama affirmed but. " You are lying." Boros knew that was not the case.

"You had strengths to spare. I never stood a chance. It wasn't even a battle."

"hahaha... So much for prophecies. You were too strong... Saitama." As Boros let on those words with Saitama walking away. Daiki walked forward.

"RIise Up." Just as Boros died, Daiki's voice could be heard. But it was different, different from his usual speech tone. This time his tone carried more weight. His tone was one of a monarch addressing his servant.

And as the Ruler of Death commanded. Boro's body turned into one of Shadow's. Within death, he was gifted a new life, and not only him but every single being, whether human or monster that died in this Battle for the earth. They all transformed into shadow soldiers of different ranks.

"What... What is happening?" Iaian voiced as he took a couple of steps back. "Calm down." Atomic Samurai said while posing a than on his disciple's shoulder from behind.

Although he also didn't know what was happening, he couldn't feel any killing intent from the newly turned shadow soldiers.

"It seems like someone or something did this." Silver Fang interjected walking forward. As he approached the enemy they recently killed, it didn't move at all, not even looking at him.

"At least they became... docile if we can put it like that." He said as he touched the shadow soldier in front of him.

"They look way cuter like that." Puri-Puri Prisoner stated also approaching to take a better look.

"Now the question is, who did this?" Metal Bat wondered while putting his bat on his shoulder.

As they were talking between themselves, Daiki was having a little discussion of his own with Saitama on the roof of the ship.

"Hey get down, the ship will soon fall." Saitama didn't really care about what he did, he was more worried about Daiki's security. He was a hero, after all, couldn't let someone die under his watch.

"Don't worry about me, I will be fine." Daiki Shook his head.

"Ha, Ok" Saitama just resumed walking away.

Daiki, focusing back on the now kneeling Boros, knew what he wanted so he gave it to him.

"You will keep your previous name, Boros" Daiki addressed Boros who nodded. "Yes, your majesty!"

"You can rest in my shadow for now" He ordered and Boros immediately performed. With that done, Daiki shunpoed from the ship's roof to the sky but still nearby. As he looked at the ship that was about to fall, his voice echoed on the battlefield.

"Since I took the monster you hardly killed, I will take care of the spaceship as payment."

It was not particularly loud but it could be heard by everybody on site.

'A single strike should suffice if I control my strength right... I don't want to cause more destruction than necessary.'

He took out his Zanpakuto and unsheathed it, raising it above his head, and then slashed down. This simple action, performed by a single man, with a single hand, cut through the ship like it was made of butter. Cleanly separated the spaceship in two, without causing any additional damage to the surrounding. Just after that, the spaceship fell to the ground but everyone already evacuated except... Saitama.

"Hey! You almost cut my costume!" Saitama complained as he jumped out of the spaceship. Fortunately, he got out of the way before the attack could touch him. Repairing his suit would cost money after all and he was poor.

"Sorry, Sorry, my bad!" Daiki apologized as he ranged his sword. "I will take you somewhere to eat if you want" He offered, knowing full well, that Saitama couldn't refuse his proposal.

"Ha, Okay. You are a good guy after all!" Saitama's opinion of Daiki quickly improved.

While they were discussing...on the ground, of course, The other Heroes approached them.

"Hey, you were the one who did that!" Tatsumaki was fuming. "Who are you even? I didn't need your help!" She asked and blamed at the same time.

"Where do you want to it?"

"I don't know for now... Let's ask Genos, he will come up with something."

"Hey Genos, over here!" Saitama shouted out to Genos, as he continued his conversation with Daiki, completely disregarding Tatsumaki.

"You!" Tatsumaki was getting really angry.

"You should stop, if you get her angry she will kill you." Superalloy Darkshine advised and he was successfully ignored.

"Genos, this kind man wants to take us to eat somewhere, where should we go?" Saitama asked Genos, already forgetting he was the only want Daiki invited and not Genos.

"Master, which Man are you referring to?"

"Hum.. hu... What was his name already?" Saitama wondered out loud rather than just pointing to Daiki.

"You are Grandmaster from what I see. I am Kamikaze. It's an honor to meet you." Atomic Samurai introduced himself. As a following the way of swords, he was already taken by admiration for the man before his eyes.

"I am Daiki, Atomic Samurai, I heard about you, you are pretty strong." Daiki also introduced himself and complimented the man.

That such a man heard of him and even complimented him, a grandmaster from the legend, one that can split the mountains and Seas alike with a single sword strike, truly Atomic samurai was overjoyed.

"Yes Daiki, his name his Daiki!" Saitama said to Genos as if he just remembered it whereas he just heard it.

"So you are also the one that did this?" Asked Ban as he pointed to the shadow soldiers that approached and were kneeling to him from all directions. With Daiki cutting apart the ship, the shadow soldiers that were there took the occasion to get out.

"Yes." He confirmed."Also... All of you..." He addressed the shadows. "Rest." No, he ordered them as his shadow expanded and they all went inside much to the shock of everybody around.

"Nice trick you got there." Saitama complimented.

"Hey! I TOLD YOU TO NOT IGNORE ME!" Tatsumaki exploded as if the scene that just took place didn't phase her at all. Her telekinetic power flared and debris all around started floating.

"Tatsumaki calms down, You can't attack other heroes." Bang tried to reason her.

"Heroes, but he is not one!" She countered as more and more debris floated.

"I think that's enough!" Daiki's voice echoed as his spiritual pressure descended. Even though he was careful not to do too much, it was enough for Tatsumaki to hear the warning.

'What is this?'


'How is that even possible?'

'Hm...? Did they say that it will snow today?"

Not only her, almost everybody felt it. The temperature dropped several levels, It was heavy and oppressing as if gravity was augmented by many times over, but it was different, this was a pressure that they felt in their soul and it also affected them physically.

Daiki looked at the floating girl in the sky, in the eyes. Tatsumaki finally calmed down as she let the debris slowly fall down.

"That's better." Daiki nodded with a smile.

"Don- Don't act as if I did it because you said it! I just didn't want to kill you by accident." Tatsumaki ultimately said with an embarrassed blush before quickly flying off.

'So she is a tsundere!' Daiki seemed to attain enlightenment.

But soon enough he retracted his spiritual pressure, although his control over it was great, he didn't want to accidentally soul crush someone.

"You! Are you a new hero?" the newly arrived Handsomely Masked Amai Mask asked Daiki, He was on his guard as he just felt the man's spiritual pressure and saw Tatsumaki fly away, he had no idea what happened here, everything he knew was that Daiki was dangerous.

"Before asking for others' names, it would be more polite to introduce yourself first." Daiki turned to face the man, he had a polite smile on his face.

"You don't know me?" the Blue haired pretty boy's pride took a hit. He couldn't imagine someone in this world not knowing him.

"Hoy Daiki, it's all settled, we can go!" Interrupted Saitama who already discussed the details with Genos... more like Genos planned everything.

"Let's go then!" Daiki didn't deem to entertain anyone anymore. Although he had nothing against them, he just arrived in this world and he didn't want to deal with this situation right now.

"May we meet again." He let on those words as he followed Genos and Saitama.

Also, he badly wanted to take a look at his new achievement.

[Congratumation, You have visited Three World]

[Rare Achievement: Novice PlansWalker, Story Of An Adventurer]


It's getting easier and easier to write chapters, guess I am adapting. And For those finding he is getting too many achievements too soon, don' worry he will need them in the worlds he is gonna visit in the future...

And that's today's chapter, I really wanted to write, so it came out earlier than it should, but hey! Y'all win... So rejoice!

Also, He won't be in this world for a long time, it will just be his intermediary world like Skyrim in Nascent Kaleidoscope. The rest... You will discover along with the story.

Give me all your stones...! I want them all.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts