
Bleach a Soul Reapers Journey

A man is reincarnated in bleach with three wishes and no memory of his life before death

Eichbergt · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Who am I ?

Then I woke up I was in a feld I think.

It was hard to tell because everything was composed of only black lines on a white background.The flowers only consisted of a black line illustrating their outline. I fealt like i coud see the seperate seeds inside of the flower . But it did not seem strang ,it fealt like that is how everthing should look like.

I deicide to try to turn of this vision and after blinking once I could see normal again. Next I looked around I am now shour this is a feld. I locked at my clothes and saw that I was wearing a orange kimono and whit hanafuda earrings with a red sun on them.

After restoring my vision back to normal I tried to remember who I was but I could not remember anything except for something called "Sun Breathing" which was separated in two parts a breathing manual and swordsman ship. I decided what I would try aut the breathing technique because I did not have a sword with.

1 minute later


That was a bad Idea if I do say so my self. I didn't know it would be so physically taxing. It feels like my lungs got ripped apart. After this horrible experience I diced to take a short brake and after resting dor 10 minutes I felt good enough to start my journey in this unknown world.

I went west. I don't know why I just kinda of went with my gut feeling and after walking the rest of the way I slept on the ground.

The next morning I tried the breathing technique again and lasted a bit longer but nothing to brag about.

So I continued travelling and admireding nature.

5 hours later

I am currently sanding outside a small hut and knock on the door.