
Bleach: A Christmas Carol

Twas the night before Chrtistmas, when all through the Squad one Barracks. not a Soul Reaper was Stirring, not even Yachiru, the littlest.

AngelxYasutora · Anime & Comics
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A Christmas Carol

Twas the night before Chrtistmas, when all through the Squad one Barracks. not a Soul Reaper was Stirring, not even Yachiru, the littlest. Though in the Living room of the Squad one Barracks were ten little non soul reapers laying in their sleeping bags with their parents nearby, even the Squad one Captain himslf was there. The oldest ones counted all the children to make sure they were all in their sleeping bags, for one of the mothers was getting ready to tell a story before all the children would have to go to sleep, so that Santa would come that night. "Are you all ready" asked the mother as she looked at her two children then at everyone else and their kids.

"Yeah get on with it" Said a young boy before being swatted in the back of his head by his father.

"That's no way to talk to Angel like that Young man" His mother said.

"Or no way to get on Santa's Nice list" Said his father.

"Like father like son huh Rukia" the one called Angel said.

"it's like taking care of four children if you count Ichigo" Rukia said.

Angel giggled. "Mommy please tell us the story" A little girl asked as she looked at her.

"Alright Torahime....About ten years ago when your parents and I were still in high school. It was the day before Christmas much like now. It was our Freshman year and everyone in the school was getting ready for christmas brake.....All except for one" Angel began.

"Me" Said a tall man waring glasses.

"That's right Uryu" She said.

"Mommy was this before you and daddy got together" Asked Torahime.

"Yes My little hime about a year before then now hush your mother is telling a story" Said an even taller man who covered only one of his eyes with his brown hair.

"Uryu hadn't gotten into the Christmas Sprit yet" She continued.

"So Daddy was like Mr. Scrooge in that Christmas Story you told us last week right" Asked a little girl.

"Exactly so let's just say that Tora, Orihime, and I had to give him a little bit of a boost" She said.

"So what are we gonna do to get him to get into the holiday spirit" Asked a young 15 year old Orihime as she, Chad, Ichigo, Rukia, and Angel were sitting on their seats in the classroom Freshman Year.

"Maria taught me a once a year sleeping spell just last week and I think it just might help him but I've gotta conjur it tonight or else I won't be able to work the spell till next year" She said.

"But why tonight" Chad asked.

"Because Tomarrow is Christmas That's why we get out of school early today remember" She said as she looked at him and smiled cutely making him blush slightly.

When school was over for the day everyone but Uryu was walking home. Uryu just ran passed them as if they were hollows in his way.

"Watch where ya goin four eyes" Ichigo yelled at him. "Sheesh who put fruit cake up his ass"

"He looked sad for some reason" Rukia said.

"I heard that tomarrow is the six year anniversary of his sister's death He's hated Christmas ever since then" said Chad.

"Loosing a sibling on a holiday That's rough I didn't know" Ichigo said.

"Which means I have to use the sleeping spell tonight that is a must" Angel said.

"Yeah he should move on I mean it's been more than that since I lost Sora and I still greive his death sometimes but still he shouldn't be greiving over a lost loved one on a holiday filled with fun, joy, and happiness" Orihime said.

"Right" Rukia and Angel said at the same time.

That night Uryu sat in his home looking at a small shrine he had made for his sister years ago but around the house there was no Christmas decoration whatsoever. "It's been Six years Emily" Uryu said.

'So that's his late sister' Angel thought to herself as she looked at the picture of a girl in the shrine. She braught out a peice of paper with words written on them in her sister's handwritting. but the words written were not in Japanese, English, or Spanish but in a different language completely. "Veronuki kanamolu shinkya avunlikia warenyu. Quani rulaku shinta kumi veukishi unta veekaru shinkya gide omu kimula uli jounyla wa anku omu upara oli kanues shinkya nukalea oli arteme" She read softly and sweetly as the words started to glow.

(Translation: "Winter Snow and holiday spirits. Please come to our friend in need and guide him down a journey to help him open his eyes and heal his heart.")

"What kind of language is that Swahili" Ichigo asked quietly.

"No my sister called it Millennian it's what she had to learn as a child" She said.

"Well whatever Language it is Are the words supposed to be glowing and floating around Uryu like that" Orihime said as she looked at Uryu beginning to fall asleep from outside the window.

"Yes Just watch and see what happens" She said. She braught out a small handheld device with a touch screen. "We'll be able to see what he's dreaming through this"

"how does that work" Chad asked.

"It connects to the person under the sleeping spell and allowes the person who cast the spell on them to see what they dream and to make sure the spell works properly" She said.

"How do you know if the spell is working like it should" Rukia asked.

"Watch and find out it's starting" She said as the screen came on.

                     (And so our true adventure begins)

"What the hell happened One minute I was Sitting in front of my sister's shrine the next I'm laying in my bed" Uryu said as he looked around noticing that he was in his futon. Just then a light shone through the window as a white orb came through and changed into an angel with long brown hair with a Holy on one side.

"Oh Goodness That was a rough landing" Said the angel.

"Angel what the hell are you doing here" Uryu asked surprisingly.

"Angel That's not my name I am the Spirit of Christmas Past, one of three spirits who is going to visit you tonight and see if we can get you back into the christmas spirit once again" The angel said.

"Hey look it's you Angel" Ichigo said. Angel Shushed him.

"The spirits from the spell take the forms of his friends" She said quietly.

"Oh great I must be dreaming If I am may I wake up and get the hell outta here" Uryu said.

"You may be dreaming but what you are about to see from here on will be memories from your past and you cannot wake up from this dream no matter how many times you try or in how many ways you try" Said the angel as she looked at him who was closing his eyes and counting to three then opening them again trying very hard to try and wake up.

"So I'm basically stuck here until You've done what you need to do" He said in annoyance.

"Exactally now Fallow me you have much to see" She said as she grabbed his arm and they flew through the window and into the sky.

"Where exactly are we going" He asked.

"You'll see" She said as they went. A few seconds later She and Uryu landed on a Sidewalk as snow fell down in the streets. He then saw his sister and him walking home the hospital Visiting a friend of hers.

"This is the night she died" Uryu said. She ran to his little sister but she passed Streight through him.

"No one Can see, feel, or hear us As I said before this is a Memory from your past" The angel said. They started fallowing Uryu's younger self and his sister down the sidewalk. They reached a Stop light where they had to cross. Uryu pressed the button to make the lights turn red and the walk sign on Hearing the sounds of the bell the fake santa clause was ringing at a store entrance. As they were walking a car was driving way too fast and slid on some ice. He tried to slow down but couldn't and ran over Uryu's little sister.

"She died Instantly and they say that she didn't suffer much and the person that ran her over is in jail now for life" Uryu said.

"Ever since then you've been greiving for her day and night and stopped celebrating Christmas" She said as the places around them started to disappear and his bedroom started reappearing. "Here is where I take my leave You will meet more of my friends soon" She said as she disappeared when the last of his room was reappearing.

"Wait Why did you Show me that night" Uryu called out to her.

"Let her go Uryu She's been gone for six years" A Man's voice said behind him.

He turned around and saw Ichigo, Orihime, and Rukia. "Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime" He asked Surprisingly.

"Those aren't our names We are the Spirits of Christmas Present I'm Jolly This is my sister Holly and that's our brother Stocking Whom you just met before us was Merry and the one you'll meet after us is The Christmas Reaper.....Everyone calls him Jingle or Spirit but No one knows his real name" The one that looked like Orihime said.

Everyone that was looking at the touch screen but Ichigo laughed at his spirit name. "Stocking wow" Rukia and Orihime said at the same time.

Angel Shushed them. "Guys be quiet" She said.

"I just thought of something won't the sririts of Christmas present Show him what we're doing right now" Orihime asked as she looked at Angel.

"No it'll show him what we would Normally do on a night like this...Y'see as his dream is taking place we are in a special feild where time stops here and creates data versions of ourselves doing something we would normally do Which means Uryu will be seeing our Data versions instead of our real selves" She explained.

"Ohhhhhh I get it.........I think" Orihime said.

Uryu laughed at Stocking's name. "Wow Stocking that's a weird name" He said as he continued to laugh.

"Enaugh let's go get this over with" Stocking said as the room changed again. it Changed into an image of Ichigo's house. "Your friends may look happy on the outside when they celebrate with their families but deep down they are worried for you"

"They are wanting you to Celebrate Christmas with them" Holly (Rukia) said.

"But you choose not to because of your sisters death six years ago" Jolly (Orihime) said.

"Think about all the fun you and your sister had well before the accident She wouldn't want you to be mourning in her death for this long and to stop celebrating Christmas" Holly said.

"She would want you to be happy and to Celebrate it with your friends If you don't you may go into a deep depression that you'll never come out of" Jolly said.

Holly, Jolly, and Stocking started disappearing. "We have shown you what is in the present now all that's left is the Christmas Reapers job" Stocking said and Uryu's room reappeared.

But standing in the darkness was a very tall person in a pure black cloak with the hood over his face. "I suppose you are the Spirit of Christmas yet to come" Uryu said unamused. The tall man simply nodded his head and walked through the wall. The door that lead to outside opened. "You want me to fallow you I get it" He said as he fallowed. As he stepped out into a cold blizzard he looked at the tall man. "Where are we going"

The Scenary around him changed into a calm winter night. His friends are standing around a coffin being put into the ground. Orihime was crying on her kneez Angel Crying in Chad's Chest and Rukia looking away as she cried.

"Why......Why did you have to die ya bastard" Ichigo said as he clinched his fist.

"Who's grave is that" Uryu asked as he looked at the Christmas Reaper. He pointed at the tumbstone. "Uryu Ishida.......But How"

"All the greiving that you did turned into a depression that you couldn't get out of and didn't want to get out of" The Christmas Reaper Spoke sounding an aweful like Chad. "In which in time made the desicion to end your own life"

"....So You're saying that if I Reduce the greiving in my sisters death I won't become more depressed..........Wait What's your real name" He asked.

He Nodded his head. "But just remember this You can always talk to your friends if something is bothering you you just have to give them a chance and they'll listen" He said. But just before he disappeared He looked over at Uryu and took off his Hood reavealing his face. "It's Spirit" And with that he disappeared and Uryu's room reappeared once more.

"Soooo I guess I'm waking up soon right....no more spirits to haunt me" Uryu said.

The Touch screen turned off. "He's waking up now we should go" Angel said as everyone ran and hid.

Uryu began to open his eyes and notice that he was back in his livingroom sitting in his Chair. "Damn what a nightmare" He said as he looked outside and noticed that it was dawn. "How long was I asleep"

"How can it be dawn now" Chad asked quietly to Angel.

"As I said we were in a feild where within that feild Time completely stops for eight hours" She wispered back.

"But it felt like only ten minutes" He said.

"Millennian Magic works in mysterious ways or so what my sister says" She said as she smiled cutely making him blush slightly. She looked at Ichigo and noticed that he was snickering. "What are you laughing about" She asked.

"The name Jingle it doesn't sound like a name Chad would have" Ichigo said.

"Oh and what about Stocking I think it suits you quite well Don't you think so Rukia" Angel said as she and the other girls laughed.

"Damn Right" She said.

"Now Spirit on the other hand Yes that would suit him very nicely Don't you think so Angel" Orihime said with a Smirk on her face when she saw Ichigo holding up Rukia on his Sholders putting a Mistletoe over Angel's head silently laughing to themselves.

"HUUUUUH W-What's THAT Supposed to mean" She said as she blushed madly.

"You know exactly what I mean Angel" She said as she Laughed. Chad looked at Angel Curiously then looked at Ichigo and Rukia with the Mistletoe over her head as Angel and Orihime were talking.

Rukia looked at him and lipped the words. 'Go on Kiss her You KNOW you want to'

'You can't back out man it's Tradition' Ichigo lipped.

'He's not gonna do it' Rukia thought to herself. But then everyone's eyes widened as Chad kissed Angel on the Cheek which made her blush even more.

Angel looked at him as he pointed at the mistletoe above her. "They tricked us" He lied. Everyone laughed.

Angel giggled then grabbed the Mistlete from Ichigo's hand then ran behind him and put it over his and Rukia's heads. "Come on Ichigo you KNOW you wanna" She said as she giggled.

Chad sighed and smirked but secretly smiled. "Angel what would we do without you" He said as he looked at her.

"He's right Angel you are the FIRST one to ACTUALLY make him smile and laugh plus you bring life into this old group" Rukia said.

"Who ya callin old" Ichigo and Chad said at the same time which made the girls laugh.

"I should get home See ya later" Orihime said as she turned down her street.

"we should get home too guys You know Alejandra she still believes in santa and Tora and I have to be there when she sees all the presents santa left for her and Sairi" Angel said.

"wait a minute if you were here with us then who kept an eye on the kids for you" Rukia said.

"Yoruichi did" Chad said.

"who knew she was good with babies" Angel said. "See ya later guys and remember we're meeting at the shrine" She and Chad turned down their street where their appartments were.

As they walked home Chad reached into his inner coat pocket and braught out a small box wrapped in blue wrapping paper topped with a gold bow and handed it to Angel. "H-here" he said.

"Oh Tora you didn't have to get me anything but thank you so much" She said just before she reached into her bag that held the touch screen. She braught out a small box wrapped with green wrapping paper topped with a Silver bow. "Here ya go" she said as she looked at him and smiled. They exchanged presents and opened them at the same time. Angel recieved a beautiful diamond heart necklace with rubies around the diamond heart hanging from a gold band. In the center was a heart shapped Saphire. Her eyes widened in surprisement. "T-Tora.....I-it's beautiful B-But how did you-"

"I saw the way you looked at it in the store a few months ago so I saved up for it and got it for you" He said.

"Oh Tora I LOVE it thank you so much" She said as she hugged him tightly. He hugged her back then put the necklace around her neck. "now open mine" Chad Recieved a silver coin madalion necklack hung around a silver band that was slightly longer than his abuelo's. "I know you probibly won't wear it but it's a Special coin from Millennia....my sister told me a legend about this medalian that if someone wears it it'll protect them from harm and illnesses....I was hoping that you would wear it with your abuelo's.....B-But you don't have to wear it if you don't want to I understand" She said shyly.

He looked at the medalian then at Angel and smiled then put it around his neck. It hung just underneath his Abuelo's. "Thanks Angel I love it" He said.

"I know it's not much It was originally just the coin but I modified it into a necklace I don't really know what's on it it's like it's some sort of castle on one side then like an underwater castle on the other but the words 'Ishalou Del Kuit Makuta' means 'Trusting The Royal Familes' I haven't really figured that out yet but give me a little time and I will" She said.

he looked at her and smiled then hugged her. "Thank you Angel...'Ake Ashuka Enyu'" He wispered.

(((Translation: I love you))) (((Just thought I'd translate it eventhough most of you would've already known what it means)))

"What does that mean" She asked.

"It's a secret" He said as he walked into his own appartment.

'He is so weird.....But I love him anyway' She thought to herself as she walked into her own appartment.

That evening everyone met up at the Shrine wearing Kimonos even Uryu showed up. "Uryu I thought you weren't gonna come" Orihime said.

"Thanks to this weird Dream I had Last night I realized that it was about time I started moving on and start celebrating Christmas again with the people who are still around me....I've greived over my sister long enaugh now hopefully she can rest in peace and not worry for me anymore" Uryu said.

"Good for you Uryu" Ichigo said.

"Becides we can find her in the soul society and you can go see her anytime you want" Rukia said.

"With my help we can probibly even find out which disctrict she's in" Angel said.

"How can you find that out" Uryu asked.

"I'm the head captain's great granddaughter remember Plus on my great grandmother's side I'm a princess so technically I could rule over the Central fourty-six if I wanted to" Angel said.

"I don't think it works like that Angel no one can Rule over Central Fourtry-six except for the king who lives in a completely different Dimention" Rukia said.

"You mean the one that one Dimention that Aizen tried to get to with the Ouken THAT dimention" She asked.

"Exactly" Rukia replied.

"I wonder if I'm related to him" Angel said before she giggled.

Eeryone laughed. "I wouldn't be surprised if you were" Ichigo said.

"Hey Angel Where did you get that Georgeous necklace" Rukia asked.

"Tora gave it to me" She said.

"And lemme guess Angel gave you that new Medalian" Ichigo asked as he looked at Chad. he noded his head yes.

"Sooo Tell us about this dream of yours Uryu" Orihime said.

"It was so weird cause All of you guys were in it but had different names it was like a movie that had to deal with that Scrooge guy Like one of those where Spirits come to haunt you through the night it was weird but also a little funny because of the names that you guys had Ichigo yours was the funniest it was Stocking Chad they couldn't figure out which name yours was between Jingle and Spirit but it was Really Spirit Then the three girls' names were Merry Holly and Jolly" Uryu explained to his friends about his dream that they secretly already knew about. Everyone Listened to Uryu's point of view of the dream.

"And Every Christmas Since then Uryu Visits his sister's Shrine Greiving for a little while but for the rest of te day he's been hanging out with all of us" An Adult Angel said as she looked at all the older kids who were still awake but all the little ones were fast asleep.

"I figured that it was Angel's Millennian Magic that caused that dream the next Christmas" Uryu said as he looked at his two kids.

"Were you mad at mommy Uncle Uryu" Torahime asked.

"I was for a little while but I forgave her" He said.

"you guys should go to sleep now or else Santa won't come" Chad said as he looked at all the kids.

"Awwww Alright" They all said at the same time as they laid down and closed their eyes.

"Mommy do you still Wear Daddy's Necklace" Torahime asked.

"I never took it off" She said sweetly as she kissed her daughter's head softly.

"And is Daddy still wearing his necklace you gave to him" She asked.

"Of corse I am it protects me along with your Great Abuelo's now get some sleep or Santa won't come" Chad said.

"We should all get some rest too" Angel said as she looked around to her friends.

'Don't be makin anymore babies Tonight y'hear" Ichigo Teased as he looked at Chad.

"Not Funy Carrot Top" Angel said meanly.

"It's none of your Buisness Ichigo becides i'm not the one who keeps getting my woman pregnant as soon as she has one And you have how many kids thirteen I think" Chad said.

"It's not thirteen....It's eight" Ichigo said.

"That's too much for Rukia to handle Give her a break and have the kids you already have Grow THEN If you and her both still want more kids then you can make them" Angel Said.

They argued quietly for a little while longer then everyone started heading off to bed. The next morning all the kids woke up excitedly running to their parents' rooms pouncing on them saying "IT'S CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS IT'S CHRISTMAS" everyone got up and put on their robes and headed towards the living room of the Squad one barracks where toys were found under the tree for all the kids. The stockings were filled to the rim with smaller toys and Candy. The kids started opening their presents Youngest to oldest. The adults had to help open the little ones' presents. And now our Story ends with all the kids playing with their new toys and games. Happy holidays everyone And I hope you enjoyed "Bleach: A Christmas Carol"