
Blazing Swordsman

'What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. As the call so does the echo.' All of this simply means that your actions dictate your consequences, but do they? Different cultures and different beliefs but most of them have one thing in common, they believe in a higher power. Now, imagine a world that seems like ours but only has a couple of more elements to it, yes the world of mana and magic. Do you think humans will still hold onto their beliefs when they can become gods themselves? ____________________________________________ A world where dragons and griffons are more than just a myth, a world where even the dead aren't safe, a society with little to no empathy, and our protagonists are blind. An empire on the verge of civil war, risky plots with unfathomable consequences, this book contains all ____________________________________________ Yes, this novel contains multiple points of view, which might confuse you at the start but it will make much more sense when the novel goes on. There will be a tinge of romance but it will be quite slow, it is more of an action mystery than a romance novel. At last, place this in your library if you decide to read it, criticisms and reviews are welcome Thanx

Nuah_Zuah · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

The culprit


The old man in front of me had bronze skin and a pear-like physique, his long white hair were covering his shoulders, and his cargo jeans had huge holes in them.

He was currently in the middle of opening a not-so-steady dimensional portal.

Viserys was one of the most respectable men in this whole village, he tutored dozens of mages and taught them how to read and write.

He was the role model, the counselor, and everything in between for the younglings.

After a couple of seconds, he gestured for me to follow him as he jumped inside the volatile crack in the space.

Without wasting any more time, I decided to follow him, it was better than dying a miserable death.

"Here goes nothing" I spoke out loud as I closed my eyes and clenched my fists, as I simultaneously jumped through the portal.




"What do you mean by she escaped?" I asked with a complicated expression.

"She is not a dimensional mage and all the villagers have tons of hallucinogens in their system, how the fuck did she escape?" I shrieked.

"Sir, I am only reporting the facts, someone helped her escape, If we search for a while we will inevitably find them."

My blood pressure kept on rising and rising, this was supposed to be a delicate mission and we fucked it up already, having no other choice I tried to contact Ivan.

He and his undead shared a hive mind so they could easily locate where those runaways are.

The undead Ivan raised were simply puppets with abilities, it is common knowledge that mages are born with a mana core, the lighter its color the slower it degrades after the owner's death.

The mana core is usually located in the middle of a person's chest, like other organs, it can be pierced by a sword, unlike other organs, it couldn't be transplanted.

I don't know the technicalities of how exactly Ivan raises the undead, but nevertheless, it intrigues me quite a bit.

While I was dozing off my communication amulet started buzzing again.

I took it out of my inner pocket and started reading the message Ivan had sent me.

The communication amulet I used was not a whole lot different than what nobles usually had, the only difference was that they could make holograms while I could only type words.

My communication amulet was shaped like a small sphere that usually projected the message as soon as it arrived. It had a small blue-colored mana crystal embedded in it.

While theirs had a mana crystal thrice the size embedded in it which made holograms possible.

Their amulet was usually filled with small perky diamonds whose only use was enhancing its beauty.

"The world would be so different without mana, a small amulet can be used to communicate with people dozens of kilometres away, I don't think we could have ever achieved something like this without it."




I felt a strong gush of wind blowing towards me as I exited the portal, unexpectedly what I landed on was not some kind of grassland like I was expecting.

I was standing on top of a cliff with my feet inches away from the edge, I could hear the heavy breathing of the man standing right behind me.

"How is he still standing? He has tons of hallucinogens in his system and his eyesight has just returned, shouldn't he take some time to get acquainted with them first?

Yes, being a mage and having a light green core comes with perks, but still, such mental fortitude is just unprecedented, this man is definitely not simple"

Before I could think about anything else, I felt my heart tighten, the horrid scene of Nico dying right in front of me was still etched in my memory, and the image of his lifeless body lying in a pool of blood was way more than what I could handle.

My body started shaking as I lost my balance, I tried to clear my mind and sober myself up, but what replaced a sense of loss and emptiness that I was feeling was a sensation of fear.

I saw myself falling from the cliff with my velocity increasing at an astonishing rate, I flapped my arms and legs like a bird as I desperately tried to escape my current predicament but to no avail.

Ultimately I closed my eyes and left my fate in the hands of the unknown.

I was waiting for my skull to bash at the hard ground underneath but something unpredictable happened.

The rate at which I was falling slowed down exponentially as my body landed on the ground with a soft thud.

"Telekinesis," I thought out loud as I slowly started opening my eyes.

I saw a tall handsome man holding a broad sword in his hand standing in front of me.

He scrutinized me from head to toe and abruptly started speaking in a soft tone.

" The culprit is here" were the words that escaped his mouth.







Author's note: sorry for the delay, I am currently in the middle of writing a prologue to give a better world background, I have been quite busy lately so please have some patience.

Btw, the prologue will be worth the wait, it would be around 4k- 5k words at least as per my calculations..