
Blazing Stars

Tyler Rivin awakes as a prisoner on the Battleship York. He is interrogated by the crew on how he arrived inn the ship. He quickly realizes he’s been brought into his favorite MMO Blazing Stars; a science fiction galactic adventure. Even though he was never the best player he knew a lot about the lord and the universe in general. Can his knowledge of the future of the game help him? Or will he fall into a new story unknown to all?

Lazy_Tobais · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Hidden Threat

NCO Keda had entered the prison room and picked Tyler up. "The Admiral would like a word with you."

Tyler didn't resist being pulled along. Not that he could in the first place. The two left the prison room with the other two guards following along. The group walked down the lifeless hallway to an elevator at the end of the hallway. The tub like elevator doors opened allowing them to step on a circular platform. Once everyone was on the doors closed as NCO Keda entered a command on her wrist communicator. The elevator began to move up in silence. 

While they rode in the elevator Tyler began to think of the future. From what he remembers there were 4 starting planets for players to choose from. 2 were set in a medieval fantasy setting while the other two were set in a more modern world without magic. He would have liked to go to a fantasy planet as the Mage class was his most played, but he had a problem. The first planet to come into connect with the Federation was the planet Eldux. 

Eldux was a world with technology closer to the modern world, excluding Supers. He would have to go to that planet and remove Night Hand and unite the world to eventually help the Federation. It would be a long time till that happened, but he had to plan out major events and figure out the minor ones as they came. He wanted to think more about it, but he first had to convince the Admiral about the Ambush. 

After a few minutes the elevator stopped at their destination. The doors slide open revealing the Command Deck. Everyone paused what they were doing and looked at the new arrivals. They could all tell who the prisoner was as he wore a bright orange jumpsuit, shaggy brown hair and an out of shape body. Tyler didn't notice any of the eyes on him. He was to mesmerized by the colors of the Hyper Space through the glass. He owned starships and has been through Hyper Space before, but it looked much different. 

As he unknowingly took a step closer to the glass to get a better look NCO Keda grabbed him by collar and pulled him back. "Not that way prisoner. Admiral Halto would like to speak to you in his office." She lead Tyler to a vault like door near the elevator. The door spun open. It took the door a minute to full open, but the room inside was very well taken care of. 

Even being on a starship the room looked like a cabin in the woods. Redwood panels covered the walls. Trophies of alien heads, medals and other memorabilia littered the walls of the Admirals achievements. In the center of the room was a large red wood desk with 2 chairs sitting in front of it. At the desk Admiral Halto sat looking over the terminal on his desk. Behind him showed a hologram of a grassy field with colorful flowers with the wind blowing over the fake landscape. 

"Guards you may leave. NCO Keda and Mr. Tyler. Please have a seat" the Admiral didn't look up from his terminal as he spoke to the group. The two guards saluted the admiral and stepped outside waiting out side his door. Once they were outside the vault door slowly closed. NCO Keda and Tyler took their seat. Once they did Admiral Halto looked away from terminal and directly at NCO Keda.

"NCO Keda. What is about to be said here is of a Class S information Lock." He held out his hand and with his other he reached into his desk pulling out a device that looked very similar to a hole puncher. "You have the choice. You can leave now or take the chip. As you know once you take this chip you swear to silence to those outside this room."

NCO Keda suddenly realized the situation she was in. From the way the Admiral was acting she knew that either Tyler was a real Seer or there was something else amiss. She swallowed her spit and nodded her head in agreement. Admiral Halto smiled slightly glad she made the choice as she handed him her hand. He then took the device and punched a chip into her hand. 

"Good. Now that you have that the chip will stop you from talking about what we are about to discuss unless either myself or even Tyler allow you too." Hearing this NCO Keda was shocked by that. To be in charge of someone's life like that was only for high ranking officials. Just what did that code phrase mean?!

Once that was done Admiral Halto directed his attention to Tyler. "So Mr. Tyler. You knew the code phrase for my organization and claim to be a Seer. That still doesn't explain why we found you naked on my ship. Or even how you got here. Now would you like to explain. No one else can hear us." He crossed his hands looking intensely at Tyler. 

Tyler gulped his nerves down and spoke as calmly as he could. "Well Admiral Halto. I can't say how I got here, but I can tell you why I am here. The Battleship York is heading to an ambush. In the star sector you are heading towards is actually a bulkhead into the Zandari Empire. This galactic civilization has close to fifty star systems under its control and they already know you exist. Your ship is being sent there to feed the Zandari every bit of information about the Federation."

"How many soldiers and Supers the Federation has. What planets are used for what, where every military and research station is. Everything about the Federation is being brought directly to the Zandari Empire. I'm here to help you save the ship and get the Federation ready for war."

Regardless how serious Tyler sounded. Both Admiral Halto and NCO Keda were very skeptical of his words. They both knew how secure information in the Federation was kept, this would never happen. Additionally none of that information would be on the ship or in its systems. 

"All this sounds very... incredible, but you haven't shown any proof of this. As much as I'd like to believe you and help the Federation, but I know for a fact that the information you are talking about is not on this ship. I've scrubbed through all information on my ship. I am in full control of the ship." 

Admiral Halto wasn't bluffing. Tyler knew that before he had died he was a powerful Mechanic, one of the playable classes. He wasn't sure how powerful he was, but he knew for a player to be an Admiral in the Federation they would need to be a Level 110 Mechanic or 130 with any other class. This gave him the feeling Admiral Halto had to be between levels 110-130 at the very least. He had a feeling that Admiral Halto was actual one of the major people that had built this battleship.

Tyler nodded his in agreement with the Admiral. "You are right. It's not in the system in your ship. It's in someone's room. Intelligence Officer Ramirez. He is a Zandari. He was sent into Federation space to find information and sow distrust with a galactic civilization. You should look through the files of the Federation and find that 12-20 high ranking officials that obtained their positions a year or two between the Iron Walls and the Revolutionists. Not only that, but of these officials they should also be major members of both sides."

Hearing this sent many red flags in Admiral Halto's mind. He was secretly part of one of these factions and knew other high ranking officials that had joined at the start with him. Some of which had only joined the high ranks of the Federation a year or two before the, as of yet, full blown civil war started. He remained silence as he turned back to his terminal and looked up the information Tyler suggested. He added the filters of when they took those positions and and mentally checked off who was on what side. 

After a few minutes of silence the Admiral slouched back into his chair with wide eyes. Tyler was right! He had found 15 people that had gotten into their position within a year before the civil war. Half of them were outspoken members that sided with the Revolutionists while the others were members of the Iron Wall. Not only that, but when he looked more into their history it was oddly clean. They were all outstanding citizens, went into the military and moved up the ranks, yet there were no references besides those on this list. This was highly suspicious. There was some merit in Tyler's words. 

Admiral Halto collected himself and leaned forward crossing his hands again. "What you say has merit, but not enough proof. Do you have phyiscal evidence that someone on this ship is a traitor. Or spy?"

"Yes Sir I do! I'm not entirely sure what they look like in their disguise human form, but I do know they go under the name Ramirez. They should have the position of intelligence officer and should be aboard this ship. In his private room there should be a scroll with all the information he plans to pass on."

Hearing that name Admiral Halto stood up quickly. That had been one of the names on the list. he knew IO Ramirez was part of the Iron Wall faction that wanted to crack down on the population turning the Federation into an almost an authoritarian dictatorship! "NCO Keda. I want you to quickly go to the IO's private room and search it for some paper immediately. If anyone stops you, you tell you are following my commands. No go!" He shouted. 

NCO Keda nodded and jumped to her feet. Admiral Halto waved his hand as he mentally commanded vault door to open much quicker than before. Once NCO Keda left the room he waved his arm again having the door slam shut. He sat down once again while raising an arm in the air. As the ship listened to his mental commands 2 rotary guns turrets sprouted out of the ceiling and took aim at Tyler. He could see the two laser sights aiming at his chest. 

"Now that its just us Tyler" the Admirals words were sinister. "Tell me why you said it was a magical scroll. Are you a spy too?"