
Chapter 2

“Hasn’t she got any family?”

I’m back with the bandages. Billy’s happy enough watching TV and I don’t feel bad about it, knowing he’s spent the day playing footie with his dad. “She was married, but they never had any kids. I don’t think she’s got anyone, now.” I have to concentrate, as I dab her hand dry with a clean towel and then wipe the cut with antiseptic. She’s got lovely hands—long, slender fingers with short, blunt nails. Practical. Not like my bunches of sausages with nail varnish that always seems to chip as soon as I put it on.

“Sad, to be all alone like that,” she says. “Goes to show, though, doesn’t it? I mean, my mum’s always on at me to find a man and get married, but she did all that and still ended up alone.”

“Oh, not you too? That’s mums for you. S’pose I’ll be the same one day, pestering Billy to give me grandkids!” We both laugh, and I put the dressing on her cut. Slowly, so I don’t have to let go of her hand too soon. Daft, really.