
Blaze of glory Pt2

After awaking, Danial and Jace proceed with further training after the power up to see exactly what they can do. “Do you feel any different?” Norman asked, also taking notes. “No Danial said with a bit of disappointment. “I feel hot.” Jace said “Why do I feel so hot?” Norman scribbled away then, a small flame erupted on Jace’s shirt. He ripped it off and threw it to the ground, he waited to make sure nothing else was going to catch fire. “So I’m guessing that’s the power you gave us? Fire?” Norman kept scribbling away and everyone looked a Danial who hadn’t started any fires yet. General Savage walked up to him and studied him. He punched him in the gut, on reaction, Danial turned into stone, injuring Williams’s knuckles. He shook his fist “Ah, so that’s your power. Good.” William said.