
Blaze of Ruin

Solrine Cavaliere was a fascinating and contradictory person - extremely beautiful, yet showing clear signs of a difficult past. She had a subtle air of confidence and sensuality that came from her tattoos and her natural charm. With commitment issues, emotional unavailability, and a penchant for reckless behavior, she was every single man's greatest temptation...and worst nightmare. A seductive red flag personified. That is until a private indiscretion escalated into a public scandal that left her jobless and an outcast of society. Four months later she shared one blazing, unforgettable night with Stellan Dessanges where she showed him the exhilarating depths of passion. After over a year since that fateful encounter, fate has now thrown them together once more as she's forced to take a position as a house concierge for a powerful family's unmarried heir - the very same man who became captivated by her that night. Born into a life of great wealth and privilege. He was raised to lead his family's business empire one day. While he thinks it's practical to marry someone who can help the family's business, a part of him longs for the passionate connection he had with Solrine - and secretly hopes to find the same kind of true and deep love that his parents shared. Solrine's refusal to follow rules and her fear of commitment both attract and intimidate Stellan, because she is everything he is not - spontaneous and free. As they spend more time together, their old spark reignites, and he's drawn to her confidence and independence. However, he's also aware of her emotional walls and inability to open up, which makes him hesitant. She finds herself unexpectedly unleashing his inner dominance and primal desire, even as her impulsive behavior risks damaging their fragile relationship. In this story of intense and conflicting passion, two people who are clashing infernos will be drawn together by a love that's too combustible to ignore. But can their love overcome her troublesome tendencies? Or will the strength of their attraction ultimately consume them both in a blaze of reckless ruin?

JQueenn · Urban
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9 Chs

Curses to Laughter

Solrine felt a sense of relief wash over her as Stellan's words resonated in her heart. She took a deep breath, allowing herself to let go of the weight she had been carrying.

With tears streaming down her face, she finally let the pain flow freely, knowing that Stellan was there to offer his unwavering support for this night. In that moment, Solrine felt a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

As Solrine released her pain, Stellan held her even tighter, offering a comforting presence that she had longed for.

They stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, their embrace a shield against the world's troubles.

In that moment, Solrine realized she didn't have to face her struggles alone. She never understood why she always had to be so strong, never showing her vulnerability to her friends or even her mom.

When it happened, she told everyone she was fine and unaffected. But when she lost her job, she became incredibly angry and tried to find the person responsible, which only made things worse.

Her reputation suffered, and now no company wants to hire her or work with her. She had to sell her belongings and use up her savings just to get by. She moved out of her shared apartment and now lives in a small one-room place on the outskirts of the city.

It's frustrating when people don't bother to listen to your side of the story and just jump to conclusions. It's like they think they know everything without even giving you a chance to explain. Humans can be like that sometimes, right?

Solrine was really worried about how her mother would react. She thought her mom would criticize her and maybe even cut ties with her.

But to her surprise, her mother did the opposite. She cheered her on and checked in on her regularly, even though there was a hint of disappointment and sadness in her eyes. It was clear that her mom didn't understand why this had to happen to them, but she still showed unwavering support.

Her three best friends, on the other hand, had a different reaction. They were there for her, but they didn't hold back their criticism. They bashed her, saying that she had brought this upon herself with her reckless lifestyle.

They never expected something like this to happen. In their own way, they tried to prevent the situation from getting worse, but Solrine was nonchalant about it. She didn't fully realize the consequences of her actions because it hadn't directly affected her livelihood until now.

She thought they would abandon her, but they didn't. In fact, they've been the ones taking care of her since she lost her job. They treat her like a precious gem, always making sure she's well-fed and looked after.

They're there for her, even when she insists she's fine. They try their best to surround her with positivity and avoid anything that could bring her down.

Instead of allowing herself to grieve, she accepts the situation as it is. She knows there's nothing she can do to change what happened. It's like a permanent stain in her life, but she believes she'll be okay in the end.

So her friends took turns staying with her day and night, but she started feeling suffocated by their constant presence.

She wanted her solitude back and thought they had their own lives, families, and work to attend to.

However, her friends reassured her that she was not a burden and would never be. They didn't agree with her decision, but she pleaded with them to give her some space.

Eventually, they came to a compromise. They agreed not to disturb her for a week, but they would still call to check on her and make sure she was doing alright.

Solrine couldn't believe she had to negotiate for her freedom from her mother and friends. It made her feel like they didn't trust her enough to handle herself, as if she was going to do something drastic. She sarcastically thanked them, thinking that one week of solitude wouldn't be so bad.

But now, she realizes that she may have underestimated how much she needed their support. It hasn't even been three days, and she's already feeling overwhelmed and breaking down. Her friends even went as far as banning her from social media, and she can see now that they were actually doing her a favor.

The comments were really mean, and there were fake stories and comments about her going around. She spent more than three days online, checking all those comments and stories.

It was awful and made her feel terrible. She knew she was supposed to stop, but she just couldn't. She kept thinking about all the awful things and the negativity just kept swirling around her.

What Stellan did this night, made her realize that she needed to open up and express her emotions. She had been bottling everything up because she didn't want to burden the people around her or have them look at her with pity. She realized that she couldn't stay alone and promised herself to never be left alone.

Stellan's unwavering support gave her the strength to confront her fears and find a way forward. With renewed determination, Solrine wiped away her tears and looked into Stellan's eyes, gratitude shining through her gaze.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with a newfound sense of hope. "I don't know what I would have done without this, I truly needed this." Stellan smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting the depth of his care for her. "You don't have to do it alone, Solrine."

"I totally agree with you, Mister," Solrine exclaimed with a big smile. He returned the smile and replied, "I'm glad."

"So, how are you going to make it up to me, Miss Tour Guide?" Stellan asked playfully. "My shoulder and arms were aching from holding you up," he added, exaggerating for effect. "I was afraid you'd tear my jacket with how fiercely you were pulling on it, as if your life depended on it," he teased.

Solrine glared at him for a few seconds and Stellan said, raising an eyebrow, "Oh, why do I sense murderous intent from you?"

She chuckled and replied, "Who am I to do that, unless I'm tired of living, which I'm not. I really want to enjoy myself, your highness," she said, sarcastically, with a fake smile and her hands behind his back.

"That's a fake smile, Solrine," Stellan remarked with a playful tone.

"No, it's not, Mister!" Solrine replied, widening her teeth in a mischievous grin.

"Ahhh, I don't want to see that. You look like an old hag," Stellan exclaimed dramatically, leaning back and using his hand to block Solrine's face.

Solrine's mouth dropped in surprise, and she started closing the distance between them, feigning anger. "What did you say? Repeat yourself," she demanded.

Stellan, already moving back, repeated, "I said you look like an old hag!"

"Stellan!!" Solrine boomed, her voice filled with playful annoyance. "Where are you going? Come here!"

"Nope, you're about to kill me," Stellan replied, keeping a safe distance as they circled her bike.

"I won't, just stop," Solrine said, trying to catch her breath. "Stop, I'm tired of chasing you."

Solrine quickly changed direction and caught up with Stellan, jumping on him. They both landed on the floor, with Solrine on top and Stellan's hands accidentally ending up on her butt. Stellan blushed, feeling a bit flustered.

But Solrine didn't mind and took advantage of the situation, pinching Stellan's cheeks hard. "Change your tune," she commanded playfully.

Stellan, in pain, managed to say, "Okay, you're not an old hag. Neither are you beautiful, but you are mana... Ahhhhhhhhhh!" He screamed as Solrine applied more pressure.

"Okay, okay, you're beautiful, very beautiful! Now please stop," Stellan pleaded, holding her hand that was holding his cheek.

Solrine released his cheek and said, "Good boy," patting his cheek affectionately.

"Wickedness," Stellan mumbled under his breath. "Did you say anything? I swear I heard you say something," Solrine said, raising her fist as if ready to playfully jab his face.

"I said thank you, milady, for punishing me," Stellan lied, clasping his hands in front of him.

Solrine released her fist and sat beside him, ready to continue their playful banter.

"So, what's next?" Stellan asked, propping himself up with his elbow.

At that moment, both of their stomachs grumbled, and they looked at each other. After a few seconds, they burst into laughter, finding the situation hilarious.

"That definitely means food is next, right?" Stellan asked, and Solrine nodded in agreement. "How about some street food?" she suggested, seeking his opinion.

Stellan shrugged and replied, "Sure, why not? Let's go for it!"

With their laughter still echoing in the air, Solrine and Stellan got up from the floor and dusted themselves off. They decided to embark on their street food adventure, eager to satisfy their growling stomachs.