
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Yeah, I wanted to go after watching Xiaoyao's game, but Sinnoh still has a lot of trouble, so try to save some time." Ash nod, although I'm a little sorry for Xiaoyao, but the two get along There is still a lot of time, but it was unhurried for a while.

"Let's send you." After hearing Ash's words, Steven and Jerry Lee stood up to send Ash together. The audience was not surprised about Ash's departure. After all, Ash's reputation will definitely be very busy and can take the time to come. Watching the game is not easy anymore.

At the entrance of the Hoenn Alliance Conference, Ash turned Sabrina and they looked at Steven and Jerry Lee behind them. Ash start to talk: "Okay, just send it here. The next meeting may be the Region matchup half a year later. , But don't lose your nose too much."

"Going to you, won't let you win next time." Faced with Ash's mocking, Steven and Jerry Lee also rebutted without showing weakness.

After being separated from Steven and Jerry Lee, Ash took the 4 girls on the journey to the battle palace.

"Does it matter that you leave? Be careful Xiaoyao is angry ~" Sabrina said after the meaningful glanced at Ash on the way.

"It's okay, I texted her before I left, let's talk about it, and I met unhurried for a while. There will be opportunities later." Ash shrugged said.

Because the battle palace is on a secret island, it is certain to take a boat, but there is still a lot of distance from their nearest Harbor, at least in the evening to reach the nearest small town Harbor.

"Ash, these are the Gym Trainer materials of the battle palace, let's take a look." On the way, Vivi took out a document from his palm notebook and handed it to Ash.

"Oh ~ I can't think of the Gym Leader of the next Gym as an old fogey." Looked at the information on the palm notebook, Ash smiled and said.

Spenser, the Gym Trainer of the Battle Palace, is already in his 60s and over this year and is about to enter the age of 70. According to the information collected by the following people, Spencer is the king of the secret island.

In Ash's view, the so-called landlord is in charge of the forest on the secret island, and the information also shows that there are no modern items on the secret island except for some necessary living equipment, such as the Pokémon Center. There are no classes there.

"Anyway, just find it, as long as his strength doesn't disappoint me too much." Ash said after returning the palm notebook to Vivi.

After walking all afternoon, the Ash 5 people finally caught up with the last passenger boat in the small town and successfully boarded it. If it was later, it must be a night in Harbor small town.

Throughout the afternoon, except for the physical strength of the bud clothes, the other women were very relaxed. After all, Vivi has the experience of long-distance travel, and Bai is Ninja. No matter how lacking in physical strength, it can n 't compare with ordinary person .

Sabrina doesn't need to say that, Psychic, you can't fly directly. If behind the Bud, rely on Sabrina to help with Psychic, I'm afraid they have no time to walk to the small town.

"I'm so tired. I feel like I've walked the rest of my life for the rest of my life today." On the Kinoe board, Bud lay lazily on the lounge chair by the pool of the Kinoe board, rubbing his white legs and the fine jade like jade foot.

"Also, if Sabrina helps you, I will leave you there. It seems that not only will you need to train your combat experience in the future, but you will also need to exercise your physical strength."

"You can't walk like this at all." Ash stretched lazily, lying on the rocking chair next to him.

"Okay, I know it's wrong ~" After hearing Ash's words, Bu Yi replied with an unhappy face with a pouting face.

"Don't talk about him, bud clothes are girls, of course, physical strength is not enough." Sabrina came to Ash's shoulders and patted Ash.

"Aren't you girls too?" Ash rolled the eyes, and then put on a comfortable expression. It turned out that behind this guy, Vivi was pinching his shoulders.

"Master is a big lecher and will bully the girl." Seeing Ash's comfortable expression, Buya said uncomfortably.

"You bite me." Faced with the denunciation of Bu Yi, Ash said that it didn't matter. Anyway, his wife had 3 or 4, and it didn't matter how you say. The days are still booming.

"Pikapi ~" Pikachu hit Yawn and lay next to Ash. This suddenly disappeared and the little princess was next to him. Pikachu was a little bit unused.

"Big brother, have dinner." At this time, Bai came over with a small cart full of delicious food, because the Harbor they went to was only built by a small town, so the size of the boat to stay was limited.

There were too many people eating, they were crowded in the living room on the boat, noisy, Ash did not want to eat in that environment, so he chose the Kinoe board, the captain had not agreed.

However, under Ash's Ryo offensive, he still gave up the rules. In Ash's view, money is not 10000, but no money is 10000 10000, it is impossible. After all, who does not want to make their lives better.

Accompanied by the starry sky at night, Ash 5 people enjoyed a not-so-yummy but good dinner on the Kinoe board before they began to rest.

Ash is naturally in a room with Sabrina. As for Vivi, Ash feels that the two people have just eliminated the estrangement. It is not yet the time, and there should be a little buffer period for how to say it.

"Hello, don't mess up. The soundproofing here is not good." As soon as he entered the room, Ash began to move his hands and pressed Sabrina directly onto the bed.

"It's okay, just lower your voice." Looked at Struggle's Sabrina, Ash felt this way too, so she smirked and attacked in Sabrina's exclamation.

After an hour and a half, the two were sweating and hugging each other and went to sleep. If you look closely, you can also see Sabrina's forehead soaked in sweaty hair
