
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"This kid is estimated to drag the physical strength of the other side. The physical strength of the hot monkey is now less than 30% at most, while the Meowth of Tyson still has at least 80% of physical strength, so Shiro is already subconscious Thinks that the hot monkey cannot win."

"So I want to consume Meowth's physical strength value as much as possible, and prepare him for the next Pokémon. If it is mine, I might try to fight it. Even if I lose, I can cause a heavy injury to the other side ."

"Physical strength consumption and heavy injury are totally two different things, and Shiro is in a misunderstanding." Ash shake one's head, Shiro obviously has some shortcomings in battle experience.

Sure enough, before Ash's words were finished, Shiro had already adopted a wait-and-see approach, not at all to let the hot monkeys actively attack.

The hot monkey is a very grumpy Pokémon. Shiro's method will not only not achieve the effect, but will also make the hot monkey squander.

"Aren't you handing over a self-created skill called Eight-Inner Gates, the Ability is enough to turn the tide." Jerry Lee sitting next to him suddenly remembered seeing the video of the Shiro game before, and asked in doubt Road .

"The formidable power of Eight-Inner Gates is strong, which is not false. It can even fight Divine Beast after reaching the limit state, but on the contrary, this is a double-edged sword, and the side effects are also not to be underestimated, even if only the first three gates are opened. You also need to rest for at least a week or two."

"If Shiro let the hot monkey use Eight-Inner Gates, then in the next game, the hot monkey will not be able to play, so it is not that he does not want to use it, but he can not use."

Hearing Jerry Lee 's doubts, Ash smiled and said, because the self created technique has been modified by the world consciousness, the side effects are more powerful than before, which is also for balance, otherwise a stroke of Eight-Inner Gates may be able to withstand Have passed all Ability.

"So that's how it is." Hearing this, Steven and Jerry Lido are nodding.

"Since you don't attack, then I'm welcome, Meowth, Encore Thunderbolt." Seeing Shiro not at all let the hot monkeys actively attack, Tyson knew that Shiro wanted to consume Meowth's physical strength value.

But he had to let Meowth attack, and dragging on was very unfavorable to him. He could only beat Shiro's hot monkey first to have a chance to make a comeback.

"Meow!" Meowth was wrapped in golden lightning again, then shot out at the hot monkey.

"Hot monkey, shave." Because it's defense, Shiro is now a lot easier, just pay attention not to be killed by Meowth one hit.

"Hot ~"

"Peng!" The hot monkey's feet stomped on the ground, the cracks caught by the spider instantly appeared on the ground, and then the silhouette of the hot monkey was instantly disappeared.

"So fast!" After Tyson saw the speed of the hot monkey, the pupils shrank sharply. He didn't expect the speed of the hot monkey to be faster than Quick Attack.

"Bang!" Meowth's Thunderbolt didn't hit the hot monkey, but hacked the position where the hot monkey was before.

"Meowth, noise." In order to stop the speed of the hot monkey, Tyson thought of using noise to affect the hot monkey.

"Bzz Bzz!" The piercing voice instantly spit out from Meowth's mouth. The hot monkey in Super Agility also suddenly showed a silhouette. His hands covered his ears in a painful look. Although the speed of shaving is fast, it also needs the corresponding physical. The strength value and the strength of the body were interrupted, and the feet of the hot monkey were twisted slightly.

"Just now, Meowth, Water Pulse." A blue energy water ball condensed between Meowth's hands, and then slammed toward the hot monkey.


"Rumble." The moment when the Water Pulse hit the hot monkey, suddenly, a wave appeared from the Water Pulse instantly, submerging the hot monkey. After the wave disappeared, the silhouette of the hot monkey appeared in front of everyone's eyes. , Apparently lost the fighting ability.

"The hot monkey loses its fighting ability, Meowth wins, please ask Shiro to change Pokémon." Referee confirmed that the hot monkey had lost its fighting ability, and raised Midori flag to Shiro.

"Come back, the hot monkey, you have worked hard." Shiro replied that the hot monkey was a little guilty. He also found himself in the wrong place. The hot monkey with insufficient physical strength should not be used for the roundabout tactic. It's only good for oneself.

"Okay, it's really your analysis." Steven saw laughed at the hot monkey's loss of fighting ability, and shoved his fist against Ash's shoulder.

Hearing Steven 's words, Ash also smiled and shook one 's head, and then continued looking towards the playing field. Although Tyson 's Meowth won, but because of the frequent use of the element Ability, I am afraid that the physical strength value consumed is also a lot. Now it is only at most 60- 70%.

"It's up to you next, Super King." After putting the Pokemon of the hot monkey back to his waist, Shiro took out a Poké Ball again and threw it away, and it was still silver.


"Super Power ~" A white light flashed, and a huge Pokémon appeared in front of the audience.

"It appears, Shiro's second Pokémon is the super power king of Pseudo-Champion. This is the Pokémon that did not appear in the previous qualifier!" The commentator suddenly excited when he saw the super power king of Pseudo-Champion! Too.

In the previous game, Emperor was already a rare level of Pokémon. Now in the top ten and six games, Pseudo-Champion Pokémon appears suddenly to make the game more exciting by several grades.

"Wa, Pokémon from Pseudo-Champion."

"I'm so envious."

"At first glance, that super power king is not a good character."

The audience looked at Shiro's super power king talk in whispers, and his eyes were full of envy, especially the Trainers who were waiting for admission in the candidate area, but also envy that Shiro could have such a powerful Pokémon.

"Have you taken out the trump card now?" Tyson looked Shiro's superpower king wrinkled frowned thought