
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Beast King Boxing!" After seeing a crack in his short blade, the lion beckoned, and then a Beast King Boxing moved towards Ash attacked.

"Arashi Feet!" Ash wasn't very worried about the attacking Beast King Boxing. One Arashi Feet blocked it.

"There's no way, it's the only way."

"System, help me unlock Imprison and restore Kage Level Chakra and Five Elements Ninjutsu." Looked 2 Faced with the enemy's crisis, Ash was helpless and could only plan to unlock a few capabilities.


"Imprison please wait later"


"Completion is completed, and Imprison is currently at 50% progress"

Because 50% of the strength is imprisoned, so although Ash has Chakra next, but if you want to use Ninjutsu, you can only hand seal it, after all, his ultimate weapon God 's Eye and Ten-Tails 'power In Imprison, Five Elements cannot be controlled autonomously.

"Fire-Style: Great Fireball Jutsu." Because there is only one Kage Level Chakra Reserves, the use of Ninjutsu must also be well grasped. With this Chakra, at most, you can use Ninjutsu below A-Rank.

Although there was no hand seal for a long time, the speed of Ash 's hands was not slow at all. A Fireball spit out of Ash 's mouth, moved towards the lion beast swept away.

"It's amazing, Ash Senior can even spit fire, just like Asian ancient beast." Mikey and the others behind him saw Ash's Ninjutsu, suddenly surprised, and also very envious.

"Beast King Boxing." Seeing the flames that came, the lion beast used Beast King Boxing several times in a row, suddenly broke the assaults of the senses.

"Machamp fist." When the Great Fireball was disbanded by Beast King Boxing, Ash accelerated in an instant and came to the lion's face. Then he wrapped Chakra with his right fist and slammed the lion's abdomen.

"Bang !!!" Everyone only heard a bang, and the lion beast flew out like a bullet. As for whether it will die after falling off the cliff, then Ash cannot know.

"Next is you." After solving the lion beast, Ash turned to Mikey and said in front of them.

"Cut." Seeing that the lion beast, which is comparable to his strength, was beaten by Ash, and the life and death were unknown, the Orga beard suddenly retreated, not to mention that there was a dead wood beast beside Ash who was staring.

Thinking of this, the Orga leapt and jumped off the cliff, his feet gliding on the inclined mountain as if sliding.

"Peng!" At the moment the Orga jumped off the cliff, the Rock on their head suddenly collapsed, and 3 4 huge Rocks smashed straight down at them.

"Sucking tree branches." The deceased wood beast inserted his hands on the ground, and the root note suddenly burst out of the earth, forming something like an interceptor.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Three huge Rocks were supported by the net formed by the branches, but looking at the traces of the broken branches on the branches, it is estimated that they will not last long.

"A few of you leave quickly." After seeing this, Ash immediately asked Mikey and the others to leave here first, and then jumped.

"Machamp punch!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" At the moment when the branch couldn't sustain, Ash's consecutive Machamp punches crushed 3 boulders into gravel suddenly, avoiding this crisis.

"It's not wrong, there was definitely someone there just now, looking at the sense, it should be a digital treasure, and a dark digital treasure." After the crisis was lifted, Ash grave expression looked at the place where Rock collapsed.

After Chakra is unlocked, Ash has the ability to sense. Although there are only 100 meters of trifling, it is enough for sense.

"Ash Senior, why did the lion and the beast just attack us." After seeing the crisis lifted, Mikey and the others came to Ash's side.

"I don't know, but one thing is at least certain. The Orga was not at all infected just now, but the lion is completely infected with digital treasure."

"And the time when Rock collapsed is too coincidental. To be sure, the black hands behind the scenes want our lives." I don't know that although the plot is very stimulating, the unknown things always make people uncomfortable.

"Anyway, let's leave here quickly. If it's blocked, it's troublesome. It's too narrow here. They don't even have evolution." After feeling the dignity of the atmosphere, Azhu started to talk.

"Also, troubles here are useless, as long as you reach the top of the mountain, you will know everything." Ash is very interested in knowing what the digital treasure is just now. Although the sense should only be mature, its within- the-body Contains powerful power.

On the way, Mikey walked next to Ash and asked, "Ash Senior, is the ability you just spit out also Psychic?"

"Yes, it is estimated that some variations have occurred since I came to this World. I can now use some Ninjutsu." Ash nods, anyway, even the digital world exists, and a little Psychic will not scare them at all.

"Good! Mikey and the others were very envious of seeing Ash nod, but they also knew that they were impossible.

In the evening, Ash and the others finally came to the top of another mountain top, and they were looking at a villa-like house. It is difficult to imagine that on such an island, there would be such a luxurious villa.

"What a big house?"

"How can there be a house here."

Although everyone wondered why there was a house here, they walked in without much thought. The decoration inside the house was quite luxurious, and it was untainted by even a speck of dust. Even if Ash used clear sight, he just saw one A lot of data, without any exceptions.

Half an hour later, Ash and the others walked around the villa without any human beings, not even a digital treasure, and no food, only baubles.