
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Don't mess with a dead person." Just when the spot was going to use Susanoo to send Kamui, a sound suddenly came, and then a golden silhouette appeared in front of the spot, holding a dark purple energy. The ball attacked the spotted Susanoo.


"Rumble." Suddenly an explosion sounded at the moment when the dark purple's energy ball attacked the spotted Susanoo.

"What!" Suddenly, Ban discovered an incredible phenomenon, and his Susanoo was broken.

"Peng!" It is Naruto who has mastered the power of Ninetales, clothing of whole body golden, and Six-Paths rune, Six-Paths mode. Only after mastering Ninetales Chakra will he have a power.

"It's finally here, I thought I'm waiting for a few days." The appearance of Naruto made Ash smile, and he also noticed Eight-Tails Jinchuriki who was coming not far away.

I am afraid that Naruto came so fast because of the relationship between Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

"Ci ci ci." The spot flew out by Naruto, after landing on the ground, gliding some distance, just side by side with Ash.

"That little demon, Ninetales Jinchuriki." I have controlled the spots of Ninetales countless times, and suddenly discovered the difference of Naruto.

"Yes, the target character finally appeared." Ash didn't hide it, nor could it conceal, even Ash didn't know about Ninetales.

"Not bad, the speed is amazing." Bian narrowed his eyes. He just apparently saw Naruto still some distance away from him, but the attack came in an instant, otherwise he would not let him have no chance to respond.

"Flying Thunder God Jutsu, you should be familiar with it." Ash's answer made the Sharingan shrunk sharply. He was too familiar with this Ninjutsu. The Second-Hokage Senju Tobirama used this Ninjutsu to kill him. younger brother.

"Naruto, you are finally here."

"Be careful, Yu Konoha Zhi's guy has the ability to absorb Chakra remotely. I am afraid that only you and Killer B can attack unscrupulously, and the time is very bad for you."

After Onoki and Gaara saw Naruto's arrival, suddenly relaxed and Naruto appeared, it means that their pressure will be reduced by more than half, and that Naruto's presence here also means that he has mastered the power of Ninetales.

Coupled with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, I am afraid that even spots should be handled carefully. Naruto's current strength is very close to the original Uchiha Izuna and Senju Tobirama.

"I have understood the specific information. Uncle Shikaku told me." Ash's ability and spot's ability were told to Naruto by Yamanaka Inoichi's ability as early as Naruto rushed here.

"That's good, let us deal with the spot, Yu Konoha Zhi please you, remember must be careful, his purpose is your within-the-body Ninetales." After hearing Naruto's words, Onoki nominated, and then led with Gaara In the direction of Allied Shinobi Forces, moved towards Uchiha Madara.

Naruto also followed closely from behind, moving towards Allied Shinobi Forces running in the opposite direction, apparently trying to separate Uchiha Madara and Ash.

"It seems that they want to separate the two of us and break them one by one, and your ability is too much a threat to them." Seeing this scene, Spot suddenly guessed Onoki and the others' thoughts.

"It doesn't matter, I'll leave it to you here. I'll catch Ninetales and Eight-Tails." After that, Ash in a flash was Levitate in the sky, and then moved towards Naruto in a direct shot, the speed was quite amazing.

"Okay, as long as the guy leaves, the spot is better. If you imprison him as soon as possible, you can support Naruto and Killer B." Onoki and Gaara were delighted when they saw the direction of Ash's flight.

"Spiral chaos pill." Suddenly, at the moment of Ash's landing, a Chakra hand of Orange Yellow suddenly released a Rasengan and rushed over. Around this Rasengan, there were 3 4 small Rasengan.

"Hungry Ghost Path devours."

"Ci ci ci."

When Naruto 's spiral chaos came in contact with Ash 's instant, suddenly was sucked by Ash thoroughly, and Naruto also felt that his Chakra was constantly being reduced, as he knew the information exactly the same.

"Hateful, So fast's Chakra absorption speed." Even Naruto who mastered Ninetales Chakra was shocked by Ash's absorption speed.

"You shouldn't have promised your mother at the beginning. Didn't expect will let you grow up to this point." Ash said indifferently to Naruto.

"It's too late to regret now. I will never let you run away this time." After hearing Ash's words, Naruto said with a smile. When he was in control of Ninetales Chakra, he saw Kushina, his mother.

After learning about Naruto's life, Kushina wished to destroy Konoha, but the conditions were not allowed, and Naruto was full of Konoha, and she had a good impression, which made her think only in her heart.

Kushina was very thankful for the deal with Ash at the time. Although Naruto in childhood's life was still miserable, at least she survived, and she has now met Naruto who grew up, which has made her very satisfied.


"It's up to you to master Chakra of Ninetales?"

"Or does your mother leave you anything?"

Naruto's words almost made Ash laugh. He did have a good opinion of Kushina, but his position was relative. He had already done what he had done with Kushina, and now he does not owe each other.

"Ninjutsu kunai Shadow Clone Jutsu." Naruto did not answer Ash's words, but took out a three-pronged kunai, moved towards Soaring in the sky and shot it out, then his hands were hand seal, and I saw the three-pronged kunai shot into the sky, by Change from 3 to 3, change from 2 to 2, in less than a few seconds, count 4 100 forks kunai to cover 3 people in the sky