
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


As Ash said earlier, only he and Kakuzu can hear it. Asuma knows the impossible of their hairlessness, and they are now shocked by Hidan's ability.

"How about, how much can you feel the pain of others." Hidan said with a grin when he saw the burn wound on Asuma's right body, and although he also had the same burn on his body, he was already healing, only the time for healing It takes the same time to heal as a normal person.

After all, Chakra cells are always fake and can only replace cells. As for recovery speed, it depends on their physique. If Ash has Hidan's ability, using Chakra cells to deceive the organs of the body will only take a few seconds and minutes. It can be restored.

"Impossible, how could I be hurt by my Ninjutsu, and I wasn't in Ninjutsu's range just now, was it caused by this guy's Ninjutsu." Asuma looked burned on the right body, very puzzled.

In fact, this is also very easy to explain. Since Kekkei Genkai of understood Hidan can transform Chakra into cells, then the same, after licking Asuma 's blood, Hidan 's Kekkei Genkai can also transform Chakra of within-the-body Into the same cells as Asuma, after all, there are cells in the blood.

After being transformed into the same cells as Asuma, this is equivalent to having 2 Asuma, the cells within 2 within the human body are exactly the same, more exaggerated than twin, but the difference is that Hidan 's within-the-body not only Only Asuma's cells, and his own.

So while he can hurt Asuma, his own cells will keep him in an undead state, but Hidan's Chakra cannot Mimic multiple cells, so he can only curse one person at a time.

And the round 3-corner pattern where Hidan is standing is just to make Asuma cells transformed into within-the-body Chakra and resonance with real Asuma within-the-body cells, it can only be regarded as a medium that's all.

As for what this principle is, Ash is unknown. After all, Kekkei Genkai is very mysterious, even if he has Sharingan, it is impossible to fully understand Hidan's ability.

"You have been cursed by me. Ceremony is about to start. Feel the greatest pain with me." Hidan was very excited and yelled, and then took a spike from his arms and slammed it toward his left leg.

"Ah !!!" As soon as Hidan pierced his left leg, Asuma made another scream, and his left leg also showed the same wound as Hidan. The only difference was that Hidan seemed to be accustomed to this kind of injury, so not at all screams like Asuma.

"It hurts, hahaha."

"If it hurts, it's not just that, where's the next sting." Seeing Asuma's pain, Hidan was excited and yelled again, as if enjoying the pain.

Think about it too. If you keep moving, you have to change from injury to injury, and you will get used to it after a long time. This is the so-called slowly falling in love with a kind of pain.

"Hateful, what the hell is going on, that guy obviously hurt himself, why did Asuma Teacher suffer the same harm." Shikamaru, who has been watching Hidan, is also very anxious now, fearing that Hidan will directly result in Asuma's next child .Life.

"Che, I just hate his ability. I waste my time and don't talk about it. Every time I'm still awkward." Looked at Hidan procrastinate, a look of enjoyment, Kakuzu said uncomfortably.

"Well ~ This is Hidan's only fun, but his ability is indeed a waste of time, and it is estimated that it is useless when it comes to the extremely fast Ninja."

Ash thinks Hidan's ability is still very good, but he doesn't like self-mutilation, otherwise he may consider redeeming such a Kekkei Genkai to try it out, and this Kekkei Genkai must be cowed first, Taijutsu must have high achievements.

Otherwise, the enemy cannot get blood, and the fart is useless. For this, Hidan is obviously unaware, otherwise Hidan 's ability will not be at the bottom in Akatsuki.

"Hahaha, next, I will see it"

"It won't let you succeed!!!!!!"


Just when Hidan wanted to give Asuma a final blow, he suddenly heard Shikamaru's yelling, and then he found that his body could not move, suddenly reacted, and he was pitted by the annoying Shadow Imitation Jutsu. .

"As expected, his head is a bit too idiot, it's really a good scar and forget the pain." Ash is also speechless, apparently the Ninjutsu who just got through, even after gaining the upper hand, he proudly forgot his brain Rear.

"It's dangerous, thanks to Shikamaru." After seeing Hidan's movements being bound by Shikamaru, both Shenyue Izumo and Gangzi Iron were sighed in relief, and just as close as Asuma almost hung up.

"Izumo, how long is it until the reinforcements arrive, and it would be too dangerous to go on like this." Gang Zitie asked Shenmu Izumo on the side, and now this situation is simply too bad for them.

"It will take at least 20 minutes. After all, our two groups went to two places, which is too far away." After hearing the words of Gang Zitie, Shenyue Izumo started to talk and said.

"Hateful, what should I do, if you kill that guy, Asuma Captain will also" Hearing the reinforcements will take another 20 minutes to arrive, Gang Zi said unwillingly.

There are also two people, Ash and Kakuzu, who have never taken action. How can they be considered a disadvantage? Not to mention that their Captain Asuma is still being hurt a lot, and Hidan 's ability also makes them helpless.