
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Fortunately, I thought that the current strength is enough to use this move. Didn't expect is still a little pitted. It should be used after curse-seal is turned on." After that, Ash three Black-tomoe curse-behind the neck The seal extends slowly, covering half of Ash's body in an instant.

After curse-seal was turned on, Ash within-the-body's Chakra returned to blood instantly, which was much better than before. I saw his hands quickly seal, and within-the-body's newly recovered Chakra was mobilized again.

"Senjutsu Wood-Style tree world is born." With the support of Senjutsu Chakra, the expanded land of Mirage Island suddenly popped out of trees, each of them forming a column as if there were life, less than a moment, dream The part of the forest has increased several times.

"Senjutsu Wood-Style, the art of the columnar." Once again, Ash came to the other side where humans lived. A wooden house was built again. The entire area of ​​​​Mirage Island took less than an hour. It has already caught up with the expansion of other small islands that will take years or even decades to complete.

"Cough cough!" Continuously use great move to make Ash's Chakra consume abnormally fast. Fortunately, after entering the curse-seal state, the recovery speed can also lift up the consumed Chakra.

Soon, the news of the expansion of Mirage Island has been reported by major news. Such a rapid expansion is really unprecedented. After the expansion, Yulongfeng immediately sent people to take care of those expansions.

Mirage Island also started recruiting residents again. As for how many people will be selected this time, it depends on luck. The recruitment of Mirage Island has made many people who want to move here start to go.

"The next thing is up to you, Logia, you can contact Ho-Oh. The place here will be your Divine Beast's place of residence. I think it should be enough."

After finishing everything, Ash said to Logia, then sat on the ground, curse-seal also began to subside, and when Ho-Oh came to Mirage Island, Mirage Island was really famous.

How many people want to see the super Divine Beast, not to mention the Mirage Island of Ash, is the place with the most Divine Beast in the previous life, and it is also the most famous island in the Kanto Region, even if it is a remote Region. I know a lot.

Even under the rumors, Mirage Island has a tendency to be mythical. Ash, who was supported by Sabrina, returned to his room. After waiting for 2 days, he planned to take Sabrina to Chengdu Region called Otto. Mare's place.

Odomare is an isolated island on the southwest coast of Chengdu Region. Like the Whirl Islands, it is not an area under the jurisdiction of Chengdu Alliance. The reason why he chose to go there is that Ash also learned from James. I heard that there are 2 Divine Beast guards there. .

So he wanted to go there to see what he might find. If he could, it might not be possible to encounter infinite gems, and James and they are now there, Ash also happened to be with them.

One night later, Ash's Chakra has fully recovered to Peak, and things on the island have begun to calm down, but the outside world has been commotion, and countless people want to obtain Mirage Island residency.

It's a pity that this thing has to pass through layers of checks. Ash plans to build a place where humans and Pokémon coexist, but can't allow the unthinking guy to enter Mirage Island.

"Young Master, this is the message from James Young Master." As Ash was about to go to the Dream Forest to see it, Yu Longfeng walked in and handed Ash a handful of white paper.

Looking at the information in his hands, Ash also roughly understood what Odomare is. Odomare, also known as the capital of water, because most of the urban roads on this island are formed by small canals. It is said that 400 years ago, there was an evil Trainer who had to control this place first.

But at this time, a Latius came to this place with his 2 children, and opposed the evil Trainer. In the end, Latius won the victory, defeated the evil Trainer, and saved This island.

But I don't know what happened. The evil Trainer seemed to have magic. Even if it was defeated by Latius, the rivers on the island turned into Black, and the surrounding Sea Territory also hit a huge wave from time to time.

Hearted-hearted Latius, could n't bear to see the humans in the city swallowed by the waves, so he turned his soul into Soul Dew, Purify the black water of the entire island, the big waves around the Sea Territory, also in Soul Dew Gradually calmed down under the power of

The two children brought by Latius have disappeared from the scene, but it is believed that the two children of Latius will protect their island like their father.

Even in modern times, there are still many people who believe in this legend. These materials are the information that James collected in the Water Capital. After Ash read it, browse tightly knit. Some of the things in this information made Ash really care.

Humans can use Psychic. It 's not uncommon in this world, but it 's not really possible to fight against Divine Beast. Ash has n't seen him so far, and he is the only one. The evil Trainer in this information can pull Divine Beast. Dios confrontation, although failed in the end, but always played a fight.

And in the end, although Latius won, the power of the evil Trainer did not disappear. It still affected the survival of the water capital, so that Latius turned into Soul Dew in the end to protect the island.

Therefore, Ash is very curious about the power used by this evil Trainer, and Soul Dew, which Latius turned into, and Ash has never heard of it. Whether it is related to Mystic Water is also unknown.

"I am understood. I will go to Chengdu with Sabrina in the afternoon. After the matter there, it will be almost time for the conference to start, so I will not come back in the near future."

After reading the information in his hand, after Ash pondered, he said to the Yulongfeng in front of him, and Ash's rest time also ended here.