
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


On the 2nd day, Ash and Sabrina left the Whirl Islands and wanted to get back to their goals and moved to the next Gym journey.

"Dīng líng líng." At this time, Ash's mobile phone suddenly remembered, because few people would contact him. Once such a thing happened, unless there was something particularly important, otherwise Ash's mobile phone was almost a decoration.

"Grandpa, why are you free to call me." After being connected, Ash heard Professor Oak's voice and asked with some doubts. The current Professor Oak is very fulfilling every day.

Mirage Island 's dream forest now has a lot of mutations due to life force. Of course, this mutation is in a good direction. With the addition of 3 Divine Beast and 3 Divine Bird, Professor Oak has become more I study in the forest of dreams every day.

"Ash, I heard Xiaoheng said that you met Team Rocket in Whirl Islands." Professor Oak's tone was a little solemn. It was less than half a year before the end of the previous time Indigo Alliance Conference. Team Rocket should be impossible so quickly that it appeared out of the water.

"Yeah, it's just a pity that I didn't catch the escaped Branch House." When I thought of the Dive boat that escaped from my hands, Ash couldn't get upset. He heard Ash's tone increased, and Sabrina laughed aside. , Reaching for Ash on Chest's chest and stroking him to let him down.

"This is the case. I received the information here. The people in Chengdu Nanye Clan seem to have contacted people like Team Rocket, but this news is not true. We have not investigated it yet, so I would like to ask your opinion. "

As soon as Professor Oak's words came out, Ash's pupils immediately changed into Sharingan, and his heart began to get excited, thinking: "I'm so lucky, I thought it would take some time to find you. My recent luck is really good . "

"Grandpa, I'm still challenging Gym with Sabrina, and there are only two left. I will investigate after playing, and know who sent the information."

Ash, who got the news from Team Rocket, can't wait to leave now, but the source of the information, Ash also needs to confirm, Professor Oak's words reminded him of a woman who had not seen him before.

"This is not clear, it should be true. The recent movements of the Nanye family are indeed quite large, and the relationship with Chengdu Alliance is getting worse." After hearing Ash's words, Professor Oak said aloud.

"Really, I will understood after I investigate. Anyway, we and the Chengdu Alliance people have already fallen apart, and we don't have to worry about finding fault on the other side." Ash already knew that it was the information sent by the woman of Anda Tia. After all, Nanye Clan has only been mentioned to her recently.

"Why, I got the news from Team Rocket?" After hanging up the phone, Sabrina asked to start to talk. She also heard a little bit just now, so she understood things very well.

"Yeah, it seems that I have had good luck recently. This time I happened to catch everything in one net, and the relationship between Chengdu Region and me is not very good. This time I can let go and have a good fight."

Many of Ash's Ability are large-scale styles, so there are great restrictions on the terrain, but it is not the same in Chengdu. He can ignore the destruction of the Chengdu Region.

"Then we have to be a little more careful. You only broke their plan yesterday, so we may have been stared at by them." Sabrina said with concern, seeming to have forgotten Ash's strength and the Psychic she owned. .

"Relax, if they really stare at me, then I have to thank them, even if they do n't come, I will let them go back as long as they come, and your own Psychic is enough in front of them Self- protected, what to worry about."

Ash speechless shake one's head, definitely Sabrina is a little too worried. The place they are currently in is Sri Baki, the next Gym must pass through. Unlike other forests, the forest on this mountain has a lot of The fog has a great influence on the sight.

"En? This feeling is." Suddenly, Ash and Sabrina, who were on their way, felt some kind of very strong power. Although it is still very weak in Ash's view, strength has definitely reached Champion level Peak.

"It's Pokémon, nothing wrong." Sabrina, who owns the superpower Pokémon, is very familiar with the energy of this Spiritual Force fluctuation.

"Mi wu ~" At this moment, a very gentle Growl suddenly came, then, a Golden Ninetales appeared in front of Ash and Sabrina, before seeing this Ninetales instant, Sharingan of Ash, suddenly one Shrink.

"Impossible, such a large Spiritual Force, there is no doubt that the Pokémon of the superpower system, but the Ninetales should be pure Fire Element. Although some of the superpower system Unique Ability is used, the Spiritual Force of this level is already. "

Ash is simply unbelievable in his eyes. The Ninetales in front of him look more shocking than Rhydon, who can swim.

"Ninetales are so beautiful, but how can they appear here." Looked at the beautiful and elegant golden Ninetales, Sabrina was also unable to bear praised.

"Miwu ~" Golden's Ninetales seemed to like Ash very much, and slowly walked in front of him, then Charm seemed to throw Ash in the arms, making Sabrina a little envious of Ash's affinity for Pokémon.

"Okay, very nice, Ninetales, why are you here alone?" Ash touched the soft hair of Ninetales, Ash asked kindly, Ninetales is a very elegant Pokémon, it feels very very The gentleness is quite temperate of Great Family's Elegant Lady.

"Miwu ~" After hearing Ash's words, Ninetales yelled softly, and Ash, who is also Aura Chakra, quickly understood the meaning of Ninetales' words.

"Did you say that you and your Master live near here?" Although I understood the meaning of Ninetales, Ash not at all sense that there were humans besides him and Sabrina.