
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Tibetan? It's up to you too?" Ash slowly thought about the gin, and the latter stepped back and continued to sweep towards Ash in the direction of the bullet. According to his observation, after insisting for a while, Ash would go from here This blurred state becomes an entity.

"Impossible, it's been two minutes. Why hasn't this guy shown the original form yet." With the passing of two minutes, the gin had to frown frowned. In order to deal with Ash, he investigated all the confidence about Ash.

Even if the video on the Internet has been specially analyzed, it stands to reason that two minutes is already the limit of Ash, but now it seems that the other side is completely at ease.

"Your information is too backward, even if I show the original form, your bullets still can't touch me." After that, Ash went directly to materialization, and the bullets from the gin shot as if they hit transparent walls, staying at It was half a meter in front of Ash.

"What's that." Seeing Ash's supernatural ability, Ai and Shuti couldn't help but wrinkle frowned, which is not a good thing.

"Just because you humans also want to explore the mystery of longevity, it's really ridiculous, but it's my game in the world that's all, to have fun with you." After that, a huge imposing-manner instantly came from Ash Burst out.

The gusty wind rages on, sweeping the entire Shiyuan Mountain like Hurricane. Like a natural disaster, lightning flashes in the clouds in Soaring in the sky.

"Changing the weather, is this something that human beings can do?" The strong winds around Akira Shui couldn't open his eyes, but the thundercloud that could squint Sky was gradually converging.

"Da da da." The helicopter that Volt opened was gradually approaching here, because of the sudden appearance of Sky Thundercloud, the helicopter could not be ascended, and now it is already very dangerous.

"Lightning-Style Thunder Pro." I saw Ash's one-handed hand seal, and a lightning bolt suddenly dropped from the thunder cloud, hitting the propeller of the helicopter's tail section.

With a bang, the helicopter's tail section caught fire and started to smoke. Volt was forced to land and could only land on a wider ground nearby.

"The power of lightning." Seeing Ash control a lightning to shoot down a helicopter, this is a fantasy story for Akira Shui and Judy, who take science as the world view.

But this impossible happened, but they appeared in front of their eyes.

"Xiu ~" At this moment, the mechanical hand of gin wine suddenly came out of the body and moved towards Ash's neck.

"Shinra Tensei." The eye of God shrank suddenly, and the mechanical hand that was hit was instantly bounced away, and it was completely crushed because of the impact force.

"In the final analysis, the only thing you can bring me is fun. I'm tired of it." Ash slowly walked to the front of Gin and started to talk.

"Hateful." The gin is very unlooked Ash, and the anger in his eyes can be seen even by a child.

"Pa!" Suddenly, Ash reached out and grabbed the neck of the gin, and lifted it up. The eyes of God began to bloom like rays in the stockpile.

"The people of your organization will come down to accompany you soon, don't be too anxious." After hearing Ash's words, the gin shook Struggle suddenly, but no matter how he struggle, he couldn't escape Ash's palm.

"We will definitely meet again, even in hell, I will crawl out !!!"

"Die, Shinra Tensei." The eye of God shrank sharply, and a huge repulsion burst out of Ash-within-the-body instantly. When Tackle reached Gin, the latter's bones seemed to have suffered a heavy injury. The same is completely broken.

Like the missile, the gin was flicked by Shinra Tensei, and flew out in the direction of moving towards Soaring in the sky at a very fast speed, but it didn't take long for the gleam to slowly appear red.

This is not a reversal, but because the speed of the gin wine being bounced too fast, and the speed of friction with the air, the gin wine spontaneously ignited. Within a few seconds, the gin wine turned into fire and disappeared into this World.

"Pa." After killing the gin, Ash snapped his fingers, and the dark clouds of Soaring in the sky dissipated instantly, while Ai and Hideyuki were still shocked by the death of the gin, and the friction with the air caused natural Needless to say, this speed is simply impossible by human power.

"Are you a human or a ghost." It was Aichi Hideichi who first responded, and asked Ash's faint smile expression, Akai Hideichi asked with cold sweat on his forehead.

"What do you say?" Ash answered an answer that was not the answer. From the current situation, Ash is to kill them with no difficulty.

"Don't disturb my game field, otherwise I will ruin the country. If you don't believe it, you can try it." Looked at the shaking of Akai and Judy, Ash left a word and slowly disappeared in 2 In front of people.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Hu! Huh! Huh!" After Ash left, Akai Shuichi and Judy recovered, and slumped on the ground, breathing heavily, just before Ash, they even forgot to breathe.

On the other side, Volt plus left after landing with Alvados and Kiel. They also saw the scene where the gin was killed just now.

Only the disappeared back of Kiel looked Ash, with meaningful emotion in his eyes.

The killing of gin is this time that Ash has decided for a long time. The existence of the black clothed organization Ash thinks that it is useless, his strength has been completely restored, and he has played in this World for several years. It 's time to go back and take a look .

In the main world, Ash still has a very meddlesome situation that has not been resolved. Anyway, Conan World's time will also be frozen as he leaves, so Ash is not worried about the pain of parting.

"Before going back, you have to solve some things. I don't know if you are ready, the final game will start." In a different space, Ash's Eye of God does not have any emotional fluctuations, like any Things can't affect him the same