
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


It did n't take long for the clothing department to hide out of the bathroom and return to the table, then lowered his head deliberately pretending to have pain in his ears, and the blood instantly dripped on the table, stained on the slave card and a citizen card. Above.

Kudo Yuzuo also has no doubt that the long needle in his ear is now 20 mm, good luck, not at all bleeding, so he does not know how painful Hibubu is now.

Therefore, not at all doubted the current action of the Ministry of Service, but he still noticed the slave card and citizen card with blood stains on the desktop.

"Give me a towel." Seeing that his 1st Step plan was successful, Hiranori Hirobu said to the Black Shadow Corps on the side, and then deliberately observed Kudo Yuzuo and found that the attention of the other side was not on his body. .

So Hiroki Hirabe deliberately took a citizen card next to it without blood stains, and then gently covered the slave card with blood stains on it, as if changing the card.

It's a pity that Kudo Yusaku not at all noticed, or said that not at all cares too much. He took the towel brought by the Black Shadow Corps, and the clothing department wiped the blood on the card perfunctoryly, but not at all wiped it completely. Clean, but left a little.

"Okay, it's time for a break, the last round is yours, what is your bet?" Seeing that the time was almost up, it was almost morning, and Shadow Clone Ash stood up and said.

"Ten millimeters, anyway, the last round, there is nothing to hesitate."

"Me too, ten millimeters."

Hearing Ash's words, both of them chose ten millimeters. Whether they live or die depends on their respective abilities and luck.

"Calm and calm, in the last round, he can still sense my physical condition, not in a hurry. I will let this game come to a complete end in the third game." As the game began, Kudo took a deep breath, and then A poker face was laid out, so that Hirobu Hirai could not see what was hidden in his expression.

"Heartbeat is very stable, it should be the citizen's right. I'm not in a hurry right now. I set it for him in the second game." After looking at the gauge on the gold watch, Hiramori Kurobe immediately made a decision and pulled out the citizen card.

In the first game, both citizens and the tie are expected. With the start of the second game, the fifth round is considered a real contest.

"Ito Kudo 's Clear Sight Ability must have noticed that in the second game, the Hiroshima Hirobu draws first, so he took out the blood-stained citizen card and put it on the table.

"Never let him see what is wrong with me." Hiranori Hiranori tried his best to hide the excitement in his heart. He was too excited before, so he only lost a game with the gold watch function. .

"Did you draw so fast, did he give up?" Seeing that Hirobu Hiratsaka chooses cards so fast, Kudo Yusudden wrinkled frowned, which makes him suspicious.

"No, his gold performance should still be able to sense my physical condition. Under such favorable circumstances, there is no reason to surrender. Could it be that the citizen card was taken out because of the back attack?"

Kudo Yuzuo is much more cautious than the refreshment of Hirai in the service department. I think that somewhat clock hasn't drawn, but the people present are not in a hurry, because drawing is also time-limited, 5 minutes.

"If that's the case, even if I don't use my plan, I just took out the Emperor card and I won." Thinking that Hiramori Hiranori might have given up the back attack, Kudo Yuzuo's subconscious put his hand on the Emperor card .

"No no no, calm down, don't worry, it may be that he deliberately showed it to me. It's not necessarily a slave, it's safer to implement it according to plan."

"En? That is!" At this time, Kudo Yuzuo suddenly noticed that there was a little blood on the back of the card hidden by the clothing department on the table.

Because there is a chaotic pattern on the back of the card, it is normal to not notice any blood stains. After noticing this, Kudo's mind suddenly came alive.

"I remember this bloodstain was just now." Kudo Yusaku thought of Hirai Hirobu before the 5th round was accidentally stained on the ear because of the pain of bleeding from an unable to bear, and there should be 2 cards stained with blood.

"I remember the cards on his table at that time were divided into two, a citizen card and a slave card, and 2 citizen cards. The blood stain should be a citizen card and a slave card. Putting it that way, This card is likely to be a slave, and of course it may be a citizen."

"Come out, slave, watch me kill you." Thinking of the card with blood stains in front of him, it is very likely that slave, Kudo Yusaku was unable to bear excitedly took out the citizens, and wanted to kill the slave hidden in the service department. card.

"As expected, have you noticed that the speed of heartbeat is very fast, it seems that I want to use the public to kill my slave." Opposite, Hirobe Hiroki saw the heartbeat speed on the gauge on the gold watch, suddenly darkly said with a smile.

On the flop, both cards are citizens, and the second game is a draw again.

"Hateful, is it a citizen." After seeing the blood-stained card as a citizen, Kudo Yuzuo thought is unwilling.

"Wait, putting it that way, the next card with blood stains is a slave, right?" Suddenly, Kudo Yusaku thought that there were 2 blood-stained cards in Hiranori Hirobu, and one of them was a slave. card.

So this is a citizen's word, and the next one is definitely a slave. Thinking of this, Kudo Yuzuo forced herself to calm down with excitement.


"Think carefully, although there was blood on the citizen card just now, it may not be on the slave card, and it may not be wiped. The card just now may not be cleaned that's all."

When Kudo Yusaku just calmed down, he thought of another situation. There may be only one card with blood stains.

"Hateful, it seems that we can only follow the plan first."