
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


With the fall of Ota, now only Sahara, Hirobu Hiramo, and Fujino are left on the right, while Akikawa and Kudo Yusaku are on the left, and the number has decreased a lot.

Ota 's fall made some anxious Sahara and Akikawa calm down. According to the current order, when they reach the opposite side, both people can get the first two places, so there is no need to worry too much.

"Calm down, now the first 2 ranks have been determined to be Akigawa and me, don't need to be too anxious, just stabilize." Sahara forced himself to calm down, and after taking a deep breath, moved towards the front slowly .

"Hateful, I'll be finished in this way. I have to find a way to push this guy in front of me, and the guy on the left named Kudo is also in front of me according to the order. If I don' t get them done, I can only get 6th place."

Fujino at the back of Hattori Hibiki, after discovering that he is now at a disadvantage, also anxiously, and then a sinister smile appeared on his face, only to see Fujino reaching out to untie his waistband.

"Go to hell." After removing the belt, Fujino suddenly grinned, and then grabbed the belt and pulled it toward the front of the clothing department.

"Go to hell should be you." Seeing that the belt was about to be pulled out of the clothing department, it was then that Yuko Kudo on the left suddenly took off his shoes and threw it at Fujino.

"Peng!" The shoe hit Fujino's head, and the latter suddenly lost his balance, and after a scream, he fell into the abyss.

"It's dangerous." Seeing that Fujino fell behind him, Hirai Hijibu was sighed in relief. This is not a game. It's more tense than the first two games, and the degree of danger is also exaggerated.

"Hu! Huh! Huh!" Soon, after there was no competition, the remaining people on the steel bar began to move forward in silence. It took 2 hours. The distance of 50 meters took 2 hours. This It's pretty fast.

At least for the ordinary person, when they reach the opposite side, the rest of them are all lying on the ground and panting. Then they feel how happy it is to stand on the ground.

After resting for about half an hour, they recovered a bit of physical strength and spirit. According to Ash, Sawara and Akikawa who had to cross the bridge of death stood on the spot waiting for themselves to be released.

And Kudo Yusaku's kimono department was moving towards the direction of the third test. From the situation just now, the third test seems to require the two of them to break together.

"This game is really interesting. I just don't know if the next 3 levels, can the two of them break through? How about, do you want to bet against me?"

Looked safely through the kimono of Kudo Yusaku of the Bridge of Death, Ash asked the Conan kimono with his eyes concealed. Jingbo and Yukiko on the side heard that Ash was gambled once, and he was even more stunned.

"Gambling!" As expected, they must be bigger than Ash, because Ash still has an invoice. Even if they don't gamble, when the time comes, even if they can safely leave, they will be recovered.

If Normal 's debt collection is not enough, they can understand Ash. I am afraid that the so-called debt collection method is to play one game after another, which is much more dangerous than Normal 's underworld.



Youzi and Jingbo Jinghua saw that these two guys had not yet received the previous lesson, and suddenly they could not set up a channel.

"Well, if the fathers of yours pass the next level, they will be able to leave safely, so this game may be the last."

"Since this is the case, the bet is a little bigger. Since the bet is made by 2 people, the game between you and you is played separately."

"If Kudo Yusaku passed the third test, then you and your family can leave safely, I will help you solve the debt problem, and you can also get an antidote that can make your body temporarily bigger, time In 24 hours, there are 3 in total."

"But if you lose, I don't want anything else, but your Mother will give it to me as a maid."

"What!" Conan suddenly Rage heard Ash's bet, but it is undeniable that he was moved, not only to leave safely and free of debt, but also to get an antidote that can make him bigger.

Until now, he still feels confident that he can save Xiaolan and can take Xiaolan back from Ash. But if he wants to do this, he must be restored to his original condition.

I am afraid that after he knew that Xiaolan and Ash had been together before, Conan became jealous. Jealous of Ash can get Xiaolan, and more envious of Ash is better than him and stronger than him.

"Don't be excited, it's your own business to disagree, and you won't force you if you promise me."

"Here is the bet between you and me, the service department is tied."

"If you have passed the third test, you can also leave safely without debts, and I will give you all the evidence of your father's derailment."

"Don't forget, your father is not the same as Kudo Yusaku. The identity of the woman he derailed is not simple. If these photos are spread, I am afraid that your clothing department 2nd day will disappear in Osaka."

"Of course, if I win, your Mother is mine, and like Yukiko, you can be a maid and so on beside me."

The bet proposed by Ash prevented both Heibiji and Conan from rejecting it, especially Heiji, and thinking about the consequences of these photos being circulated, I am afraid that even if they leave safely today, they will die in the hands of others.

"I promised."

"Me too." Within a few minutes, Heiji Hattori and Conan agreed to Ash's proposal. Jingbo Jinghua and Yukiko on the side were unbelievable. Their son would take them as bets and as chips.
