
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Hahaha, I seem to have won." Another side, monitoring Ash in the wood house, suddenly sawed heartily after seeing Kudo's choice to give up.

On the other side, Conan's face suddenly became iron Ao, because he was disappointed by Yuko Kudo, and only one was saved. On the other side, Kiko was incredibly looking. Her husband made this choice.

"How about, I'm right, this is the nature of human beings. If you just rely on reasoning, I believe you and Kudo will choose to solve the case. If so?"

"Look at your father's behavior, it's understood. It's not because of fear that I chose to give up 4 lives and think differently. Those who are forced to help but choose to commit crimes are not very similar to your father's situation now?"

"It's all the same. When forced to help, they made a choice. Instead of breaking out in silence, they died in silence."

"With such a mentality, people naturally will fight back." Conan of the looked complexion ashen, Ash laughed said, a winning ticket is holding, on the contrary, Hiroki Hirobu saved 2 people.

"I said that before, whether they save or not, this level will win, so congratulations, father, he has passed the level."

"Let's take a look at Hirobe Hiroki first, and wait for the results to come together to solve it. I don't know what his next choice will be." Kudo's abandonment puts a lot of pressure on Heibu Heiji, he is afraid of his father. Will choose to give up.

Hidden in the clothing department in the second level, after saving the second person, without the slightest hesitation opened the third envelope, it was not his kindness, but because he had already saved two, as long as Save the next one, he can give up the next 2 people.

If this happens then, even when the time comes is really exposed by Ash, he can claim that after saving 3 people, he has no ability to save the remaining 2 people.

Coupled with his current situation, it does not seem to be able to save 5 people, so the credibility must be very high, when the time comes maybe he can be titled a hero.

"Very good." Seeing that Hirobu Hirai opened the third envelope, monitoring the Hiroki suddenly yelled in the wood house, but soon, reality gave him a fiercely palm.

"Hateful, how could it be." After looking at the content in the third envelope, the service department hid the suddenly complex ashen, because the above content turned him into a gun at his ankle.

There is still the possibility of healing the stabbed thigh, but if the ankle is robbed, it will really have a great probability and will never stand up.

Looked at the revolver with only one bullet in the envelope, Hiranori Hiranori thought about a long time, and finally failed to get down again, but took the revolver and shot the bullet at the glass that isolated him.


Heibi thought that if he could smash the glass in front of him, he would have the opportunity to remove all the shotguns in front of the remaining people, and maybe have the opportunity to rescue them all.

It's a pity that the glass that isolated them was bulletproof. The bullets of the revolver did not at all break the glass, but were directly flew out.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Seeing that the glass hadn't shattered, Hiroshima Hidden suddenly shouted, and the remaining three people were shot and shot dead at the same time.

Obviously, the consciousness of Hiramori Hiroshi is only at this level. Although he failed to save the remaining three people, according to the rules, they still won this level.

After the isolated glass was transferred to the ground by the organization, suddenly two green rays of light were irradiated on the body of Hiramori Hiratsuke and Kudo Yusaku. A surprising scene appeared. I saw the injury of 2 people. The speed visible to the naked eye is rapidly recovering.

In less than a few seconds, the injuries on 2 people have been completely cured, as if they had never been injured. This situation not only looked at the stunned Conan, but even the Hirai of the Ministry of Service and Yuko Kudo himself, were both injured Startled.

"This is the reward of the second test. This level of the game is mainly to test their sacrifice spirit to match their usual ability. Now it seems that it is already very obvious."

Conan, who looked dumbfounded, and the others, Ash laughed said that he did n't want Kudo Yusaku's kimono department to hide this way. The next game could be more fun.

"Hateful, I was plot against. Although I don't know how he healed all the injuries on my body, from the perspective of this level reward, the game just now should be for testing."

"It would be nice if I just rescued all five people just now." Looked at the wound that he had completely recovered from, and Hirobu's face was very ugly. I obviously guessed that the game was just to test their sacrifice. spirit.

On the other side, Kudo Yuzuo also reacted, and regretted it, but it 's too late, it 's no wonder, without knowing that the injury will be cured, most people will not take their lives to crack a joke.

If Ash is only an ordinary person, he is not confident that he can achieve this level. To be honest, although Hirobe Hatsuke and Kudo Yusuke only saved one or two people, no matter what the motivation is, at least this courage is worthy of recognition. .

"Okay, congratulations to your father for passing the second test. You can leave as long as you pass a level, but before that, our bet looks like I won."

"So your right hand, I will subordinate you politely ~ pa!" After that, Ash snapped his fingers, and the two Shadow Corps appeared instantly, and then put his hand on the institution that fixed the right hand of 2 people. The right hand of Conan's kimono department was cut down entirely.

"Hateful." Seeing that I was about to lose my right hand, whether it was Conan or the clothing department, I was all sweating. The sudden injury may be very painful, but what is more terrifying is the waiting for the painful step by step.