
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Very good, Minister Sakaguchi, you have heard it, and follow the instructions of Brother Miki. There is not much time now." After listening to Ash's analysis, Officer Mudden suddenly said to Minister Sakaguchi of the Ministry of Railways.

"I'm understood, it's the only way now." Minister Sakaguchi pondered, and now he really can only trust Ash, so he mobilized all the people in the headquarters to start the tram to other routes.

On the other side, Officer Shiratori also received notice from Officer Mumu and sent a bomb removal team to start looking for bombs at the railroad junction.

Before 6 o'clock, the police finally recovered all 5 bombs safely. At the same time, the tram stopped after changing the line. No one was injured. As the loop crisis was lifted, Ash drew the bomb on the road map with a pen Where you are, I hope you can guess the identity of the other side.

"So that's how it is, old bastard, but it's not that dare." After looking at the road map for half an hour, Ash finally determined who the bombaholic was.

"Brother Miki, do you already know who the prisoner is?" After seeing the appearance of Ash's Rage, Officer Mudden suddenly started to talk, and they could only count on Ash's analysis.

"Ah ~ look closely at the places where these bombs are placed to see if there is anything in common." Ash took a map from the side and placed it on the rail route map.

Then on the map, the location of the bomb was drawn with a pen. After reading the map, Officer Mumu not at all found something strange, but Officer Shiratori saw it.

"I understood, all these bombs are near houses and buildings designed in English style, and they were designed by Professor Moriya after returning home. Is it the murderer?" Police Officer Shiratori, as Second-Kage Fu, naturally has some understanding of architecture , So after seeing the map near the bomb on the map, suddenly thought of what Ash wanted to express.

"Now go to Professor Moriya's house to investigate, Shiratori, you go to the search warrant in the bureau." No matter whether Ash's analysis is correct or not, the police officer will not stop this matter, even if there is a chance, he will find the prisoner, If not then he can't bear it.

Soon, Ash entire group came to Mori Valley Emperor 2's home. In fact, before this bomb incident, there were several cases related to Mori Valley Emperor 2 not long ago.

Some time ago, Emperor Moriguchi 2 3 10 years old almost all the buildings designed before were set on fire. At that time, the police thought that this thing was only done by people who hated Moriguchi 2, so not at all suspect Morigudi 2 Now , it seems that they have let go of a very cruel criminal.


"So that's how it is, although this accident is a bit weird, but also not impossible happened, you suspect me based on this clue?" In the living room of Mori Valley Emperor 2, Mori Valley Emperor 2 took a mouthful of tobacco pipe , And then looked at Officer Mumu and Ash and the others and said, a leisurely look.

"No, the prisoner is you, I can be 100% sure about this." Ash on the side saw the other side was the bomb offense the moment he saw Emperor Moriguchi 2.

Evidence one, Mori Valley Emperor 2 has the smell of gunpowder, he also smelled it when he came to the other side birthday party before, but because Mori Valley Emperor 2 was an architectural designer, Ash did not care too much at the time.

But this time it was different. Ash had also smelled the bombs he had found at the railroad track, and the smell of Mori Valley Emperor 2 was exactly the same, except that only Ash's nose could smell it.

Evidence 2, Ash found that Moriguchi 2 has been avoiding his line of sight since he first came, or that he is unwilling to stare at himself. This situation means that the other side is guilty or dissatisfied with himself. Both are available.

"Oh ~ I've heard Daimyo of Detective Konoha long ago. I don't know what evidence you say I am a prisoner?" Ash's words made Moriguchi 2 stiff, and then he managed his expression quickly.

A pair said casually as before, but Ash can see it, the other side is very nervous, the heartbeat is super fast, Ash's ears, nose and eyes are not cracking a joke, let alone so close to the face distance.

"Yes, Brother Miki, tell me your reasoning." Officer Mumu can only listen to Ash's reasoning now, otherwise he will be completely impossible to solve the case with his ability.

"If my analysis is correct, the arson incident in a period of time in the recent period, the most serious loss should be Professor Moriya, you are right, your house is almost completely inundated by fire, even if it is renovated, it is already impossible."

"But you don't seem to care about it at all. There is today's bomb incident. If I didn't manage to dispose of the bomb, if the bomb explodes, you will lose the most."

"Because there are buildings of your design near the place where you placed the bomb, you also said such a paragraph at your birthday before, saying that many young architects now lack awareness of beauty, they should treat themselves Works are more responsible."

"And what you have done recently is to practice these words, I didn't expect what you said these words, but after the explosion happened today, plus I saw you on the wall just now I finally understood the building I designed."

"The reason why you want to destroy your work is because you have a feeling of dissatisfaction with the works you designed before, or you are satisfied with the original design of these designs, but the effect of the implementation makes you feel dissatisfied."

"I understood, these works are not completely symmetrical buildings." Officer Shiratori heard the reasoning of Ash, and glanced at the photos hanging on the wall. Upon closer inspection, Officer Shiratori discovered the mystery.
