
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


After leaving the 3K Hotel, Ash and Ayane came to the tram station. It is much faster to make a tram in Japan than a long distance. Although the plane is also fast, it is a bit troublesome before boarding.

So Ash and Ayane chose to take the tram back to Tokyo. After buying the tickets, Ash and Ayane came to the waiting station. After the tram stopped, the two went in.

"I wanted to create a chance for you and Xiaolan, but now it seems not easy." Ayane said, holding Ash's arm, taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"I found that the character has changed a little since you came back from abroad, and I dared to laugh at me." Looked Ayane's mischievous smile, Ash replied a little speechlessly, and then took Ayane to the tram seat.

"En?" Suddenly, when two people were about to sit down, Ash saw a very familiar person sitting in the front seat.

"Miwako, why are you here?" Ash suddenly started to talk after seeing the man. The woman sitting in the front row turned back unexpectedly after hearing Ash's words.

"Ash, Ayane." Seeing Ash and Ayane, Miwako was also a bit surprised that 2 people would appear here. He came to Osaka this time to escort a prisoner named Kokura 1000 back to Tokyo. This guy is a drug smuggler.

There are contacts under influence in Tokyo 's earth, at least the drugs in Tokyo are almost transported by the gang where this guy is located. This time the police received the news from the informant and immediately rushed to Osaka and caught this. people.

"Miwako elder sister, I haven't seen you for a long time." Seeing Miwako, Ayane said happily. Although Ash has many women, they will not dispute with each other. After all, they know that Ash is not an ordinary person .

In addition, before confirming the relationship in advance, Ash also told them that there are other women in advance, so there will not be too many disputes.

"Yeah, you guys didn't know to ask me to come out in Tokyo. Every time I contacted me, I knew what kind of things to do." Miwako said sullenly after seeing Ash.

"Che, I told you not to be a policeman. I have no time to blame me." Ash took Ayane to the opposite seat of Miwako and sat down. He saw the man handcuffed beside Miwako.

"What's going on with this guy." Ash asked after looking at Kokura 1000. He seemed to remember that this was a case in a plot, but it was not very clear.

"He called Kokura 1000, a drug smuggler. In order to catch him, our police took a lot of effort." As you can see, Miwako's face was a little pale, which shows that he had suffered a lot.

"I remember that the crime of drug smuggling like him seems to be directly shootable, why do you have to waste time to get back to Tokyo." Looked a pair of Kokura 1000 made by Asherang, Ash said wrinkled frowned.

"Boy, pay attention, don't treat me with those junk drug dealers on equal terms, fuck you. But I'm the biggest drug smuggler in Tokyo. Do you police want to convict me?"

"I advise you better still"



When Kokura 1000 heard Ash's words, suddenly he said arrogantly. He looked like a boss, but he didn't know that he hadn't been caught yet. As a result, he was kicked by Ash sitting opposite. Up the abdomen.

"Did you call me boy? Return my uncle? How old are you TM." Ash kicked again and again, and Kokura 1000 made a sudden feeling of stomach acid rising, and was smitten as soon as he wanted to vomit. Ash put a foot on his face and swallowed back forcibly.

"Hey, lightly, this guy knows a lot of drug smuggling gangs in Tokyo, and he is also trying to find more drug smugglers." Seeing Ash continuously made Kokura 1000 look like he was dying, Miwako suddenly blocked.

"Hu ~ hu ~" It's hard to get out of breath. This time, the Kokura 1000 is much more honest than before, and I understand that Ash can't talk like Miwako. This is a master who beats people.

"Sergeant, I need a cup of coffee." After feeling a lot of pain in the abdomen, Kokura 1000 intentionally proposed that she wouldn't dare to provoke Ash, but also wanted to disgust her and let her drink tea.


"Drink your M, sit down for Laozi." After hearing the other side's words, Ash kicked again on the other side's face. Fortunately, there were fewer people in the carriage where they were, otherwise, they thought it happened. What violence?

"By the way, Ayane doesn't know about Yingli's things, right, let Miwako tell you about it." Suddenly, Ash thought of the matter of receiving Yingli as if he hadn't told Ayane yet. In order to avoid the embarrassment of when the time comes to meet, Ash asked Miwako to explain the situation to Ayane.

"Ah ~ I can't think of Ash having this hobby." After listening to Miwako talking about Feiyingli's situation, Ayane said with a surprised look Ash, this is the rhythm of asking the mother and daughter to take it all in.

"Slow wordy, this is what happened anyway." Ash shrugged said after seeing Ayane's surprised expression, and looked towards the clothes that Miwako was wearing.

Light purple's professional OL outfit, the narrow skirt is just at the knee, and the long straight legs under the knee make people want to stop.

"How many times have I told you, try to wear sportswear when handling cases, you not only affect the action, but also what to do if you tear the clothes when you fight with the gangsters." Looked at the professional attire of Miwako, Ash wrinkled frowned The head said.

"Okay, let's change the line after we go back. It's more verbose than my mother." After hearing Ash's words, Miwako sighed, she knew that Ash would say her, and she was also quite aware of Ash's potential desire for them. high .

But this is a good thing in their eyes, at least Ash cares about them, so just like now, Ash's words make Miwako's heart so happy.