
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"I was right in my analysis, Mr. Rekatis." Ash asked with a deflated football in his hand on the 5th floor of the hotel.

"Mr. Ash, you are right. I 'm the one who killed Edmy Mike, but I do n't regret it. Thank you for giving me a chance to surrender." After listening to Ash 's analysis, Rekatis knew himself . The plan has such a serious loophole.

Although he had to go to jail because he killed Ed Mike, he did not regret it because he really loved his wife. For this plan, he even took the initiative to take drugs, which attracted the attention of Ed Mike. , Successfully planned out the plan to kill him.

"No, I said this is not to let you surrender, but to tell you to forget everything that happened today. You didn't do anything today, and I will help you deal with this football."

In Ash's view, Reikatis is indeed a very good person. At least he can do this for his wife. Because of drug abuse, Reikatis's body has reached the point where the lamp is dry. .

With his current body, he can no longer continue to play football, but in order to support his fans, Facade has played to the present, which is enough to prove that he is very responsible.

"Don't forget, although your wife is gone, you still have a son. You do n't want your son to grow up with the father as a murderer." Looked Rekatis was shocked by his words. Ash laughed came to the other side, and then extended the hand and put it on Lekatis' shoulder.

Golden Chakra exploded in an instant, pouring into the within-the-body of Rekatius, evaporating all of its within-the-body's impurities, and began to restore his within-the-body's already declining organs.

"This ~ This is." Feeling the strength of the body's recovery, Rekatis suddenly squinted his eyes, because he knew his body's current state, and exactly the same before drug use was his pinnacle's state.

"There are now 2 boring detective boys in the hotel who have discovered that you are the murderer, so pay attention when talking, and the evidence left will be dealt with by you. Don't courting death to take drugs, otherwise the next time you want to You will not be killed by drugs, but me "

After finishing talking, Ash was about to leave. This time he helped Rekatis because he loved his wife 's relationship so much, so he helped him. If he murdered because of the interests of Ryo, Ash was not so holy. Mother 's look for trouble.

"Are you a god?" Looked Ash left, and Rekates smelled subconscious.

"You can call me God, of course. In this World, I prefer to hear people call me death (Shinigami). Bye, big star." After that, Ash disappeared in front of Rekatis.

Looking Ash's disappeared back, Lekatis knelt on the ground with tears in tears. Today is destined to be his lucky day. Not only was he helped by Ash, but his body was completely restored to the Peak state.

"Shinigami Lord, thank you very much for your Help. I will do my best to help my people in trouble with my life, just like you helped me this time." Reikatis kneeling on the ground, tears in his eyes Swear.

What Ash didn't know is that, because of his random shot today, Rekatis became the first charity star in the world football world in the future football world, and helped a lot of people with difficulties.

On the other side, Conan Kimono Department began to search for evidence when he found that Rekatis was the murderer, but a long time did not find the crucial football.

The football was already received in the storage ring by Ash. How could these two idiots find it, and when Ash just helped Rekatis to heal his body, he also directly wiped off the smoke from his body.

So much so that in the end, Conan 's Kimono Ministry had two people suddenly surprised, apparently already knowing who was the murderer, but because there was no evidence, he could not be convicted, which was undoubtedly a huge blow for the two of them .

"Hateful, impossible, since the incident, Rekatis has been in the hotel, and the football impossible was taken outside by him, why would he not find it." Between the corridors, the service department Heiji Rage thumped the wall Say it at once .

Just now he and Conan tested all the footballs prepared by the hotel, but none of them had a smoke reaction, so they were hit hard.

"It is indeed impossible, and immediately after the incident, we rushed to the scene, and he did not have the opportunity to get rid of the smoke from the shoes and football. What is going on."

Conan also felt a little strange, especially because the smoke reaction was not so easy to erase. Even if it was cleaned, it would be measured, unless you use special methods or wait for time to pass.

"Is that the guy doing it again." Suddenly, Conan thought of Ash's meaningful smile to him, and suddenly made him feel uncomfortable.

"Who? You said the one named Ash?" After hearing Conan's words, Heibu quickly thought of Ash, but then shake one's head said: "He is also impossible, and it is not easy to wipe out the smoke reaction. Things, and how to explain the football, I can't find a trace at all."

"Yo, it seems that you are having a problem." At this moment, Ash's voice suddenly came, and Conan Kimono raised his head once, and saw Ash holding a deflated football in his hand and shaking with them Said.

"Sure enough, you did it, why." Seeing the deflated football in Ash's hands, Conan suddenly knew he was right.

"But how did he do it? Obviously there was nothing in him just now." Heiji on the side of the service was also surprised. When he re-checked the smoke reaction, there was no place for Ash on his body.