
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


When he saw the score that had not been completely burned out, Asahi finally understood the cause of his father's death, because in that score, Aso Kyu 2 explained everything with notes.

Originally Aso Kyu 2 wanted his wife to hand over this score to Asahi Mae after surrendering, hoping that Asahi Mae can forgive his father, but didn't expect to be killed.

After learning that his father was being killed for drug trafficking because of himself, suddenly thought of wanting Retaliate. Although the former village chief died, his son and three other murderers are still at large.

To this end, Asahi Shikai changed his name to Asai Honka, and began to investigate the evidence that his father was killed.

But things have been going on for years, and even if there is no evidence at all, it is just like doing it yourself, killing the enemies who killed his father.

But while he was planning the killing plan, Ash appeared in Kanto as Shinigami. After learning about the website where Ash could be entrusted, Aso wrote his own experience on that website.

Because only Ash can see the reply on that website, Ascension Reality does not worry about its identity being discovered by those on Moon Shadow Island.

Today is the day when Asahi is ready to do things manually, but didn't expect Ash will accept his commission after seeing his experience and come to Moon Shadow Island, which is very grateful to him.

"Shinigami, I must tear down your identity." After hearing Officer Mumu's words, Conan thought of Must to grab Ash.

"Crash-bang." At this moment, Soaring in the sky suddenly floated down a piece of white paper with densely packed words, and almost the entire Soaring in the sky was enveloped by white paper.

"What happened." Seeing the white paper falling in Soaring in the sky, Officer Mumu sent someone to pick up a piece of paper, and then looked at it. The white paper said that all the prisoners who killed Aso Kei 2 were killed.

"Hateful, there are people like this, what the police do." The people who waited for Ash to come outside Ancestral Hall, suddenly saw Rage after seeing the content on the white paper.

"That is, even if these people were allowed to go unpunished for more than a decade, the police are becoming increasingly useless." After seeing the content on the white paper, many people began to criticize the police for their incompetence.

Seeing this scene, although Officer Mumu's face was not very good-looking, but there was no way. The fire had burned everything out, and they could not find any useful clues at all. Finally, they could only close the case with suicide.

"Who did this, it's all fake." Heiyan Chenji, Yingchuan Kawashima and Nishimoto Ken and those who participated in the killing of Aso Kei 2, after seeing the content on the white paper, suddenly complexion greatly changed.

"Yeah, my father impossible would do this kind of thing." Heiyan Chenji's daughter Heiyan Lingzi also refuted, using her father's identity, Heiyan Lingzi got a lot of oil and water. Once her father was caught, then she Can't stay on Moon Shadow Island anymore.

"Didn't expect The police came so many people this time, are you so afraid of me?" At this moment, a voice that seriously damaged the police's face came from Sky and appeared as Shinigami Ash.

Although the ability of Ash is restricted a lot, but Taijutsu is not restricted, so shaving, Yuebu, Lan feet are all still there, and what surprises Ash is that although his eye of God is left by Imprison only three- Sharingan by tomoe.

But he can use Kamui, although it is also restricted a lot, but at least Kamui's ability can become his rampant capital in this World.

With his current strength, Kamui has only one minute of blur time, but it is enough for him to pretend to use it.

"Wa, Lord Shinigami."

"Shinigami Lord is so handsome!"

The appearance of Ash, suddenly caused a lot of people exclaimed, especially when they saw Ash actually Levitate out of the sky, cheered.

"Impossible, how could humans have Levitate in the sky for no reason." Conan looked Levitate in Ash in Soaring in the sky, suddenly shocked, because Sky has no helicopters and nothing to borrow.

"Shinigami, hurry obediently surrender, you can't run away this time." Officer Mumu held a big horn to Ash yelled in the sky.

"Catch me?"

"Are you sure?" Ash, hiding under the mask, said with a slightly curled corner of his mouth, and then disappeared into a distinguished space vortex in everyone's shocked eyes. When they recovered, Ash was already standing outside Ancestral Hall Inside the cordon .

"I'll accept your few lives." After that, Ash rushed towards Ancestral Hall.

"Gun shot." ​​Seeing this scene, Officer Mud suddenly yelled at the surrounding police officers, and at the same time sent a part of the police to protect the few guys in Heiyan Chenji.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!" The gunshots kept ringing, which scared a lot of people, but what shocked the police was that the bullets they shot through Ash's body as if Ash simply and them No longer the same dimension .

"How could this be the case." Conan, who was also protected by the police, saw this scene in front of him and was calmed down. In Conan's eyes, everything can be clearly explained by science.

But the appearance of Ash made him messy, completely unable to see how Ash escaped the bullet.

In less than a few seconds, Ash had arrived in front of the Big Fatty of Heiyan Chenji. Just as Ash extend the hand was about to grab Heiyan Chenji, a beautiful silhouette suddenly appeared.

"Hah!" Miwako suddenly stood in front of Heiyan Chenji, then a Rolling Kick moved towards Ash's temple kicked over.

"This Little Lass is really lifeless." Ash unable to bear smiled when he saw that one of his girlfriends actually shot against him
