
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Wipe, what legendary breed in the flames and the sea, it was originally something created by the ancient Psychic to control Divine Beast." It turned out that Ash suddenly discovered that inside the Blue Water Bead and the Fire Red Bead, there are humans .Similar to Spiritual Force.

And the main body of these 2 beads is a mold that can be used to store Spirit Force that's all, countless years down, the Spirit Force in these 2 pearls has become a lot less, even if you can really control Gulaton and Haihuangya, estimated to be able to control at most for 2 somewhat clocks and then lost control.

After discovering this fact, Ash suddenly showed a disdainful expression, and then squeezed his fist with his left hand. 2 pearl suddenly cracked and completely changed into a loser.

"What did you do to destroy the sacred item that can control Divine Beast like this." Seeing Ash's move, Archie suddenly shouted, in order to find these 2 pearls, Archie used almost all the natural resources of the water fleet.

"You still have to think about how to survive from my hands, give it to me." After hearing Archie's words, Ash suddenly sneered, and then the Black Shadows immediately appeared from Ash's shadow and began the slaughter operation.

No one knows. At this moment in the night, in the Sea Territory near Petalburg City, there was an inhuman massacre. Almost 1000 people's lives ended in the hands of Ash's Shadow Corps.

"Hateful, I never thought I would lose to your little demon." In the end, Archie was completely terminated by Ash after leaving his last words.

"These all are the subordinates you secretly cultivated?" After determining that there were no people alive in the base except for her and Ash, Ariana looked at the Shadow Corps and told Ash.

"No, this is one of my abilities. These Shadow Corps not at all have any consciousness, strength is not too strong, but they have Immortal Body. Unless I die, their life is infinite."

Ash explained to Ariana the situation of the Shadow Corps, but it was no secret to hide anyway. After the water fleet was settled, Ash came to the place where the water fleet was holding the Emperor Tooth and Gulaton.

"You two are Gulaton and Aegean Teeth." Looked at the two huge Divine Beasts in front of him, Ash suddenly wondered.

These two Pokémon strengths barely reached the level of super Divine Beast, really counted, it is only the Peak of Divine Beast, according to where he heard from Logia, these two goods as a whole pinch.

"En?" Saw 2 super Divine Beast not at all responding to himself, Ash suddenly looked closely, and found that these two goods are still asleep. At the time, Lokia also said that these two goods each passed a period of time Wake up once, flick your ass and go to Rest after playing, the cycle comes back to the start.

Since these two goods are still asleep, Ash did not force them to wake up. Anyway, after waking up, they would have to fight one more time to conquer. It is more in line with Ash's idea to force conquer directly like now.

I saw that Ash took out two empty Pokéballs, moved towards Aegean Tooth and Gulaton, and threw them over. After encountering them, the two of them suddenly turned into two red lights and entered the Pokéball.

Ash is not afraid that these two goods won't listen to themselves when they wake up, when the time comes directly let Logia and Ho-Oh go up to abuse 2 times and then obedient.

Then Ash took Ariana to leave the seabed base and returned to Petalburg City. I did n't know how Ariana was caught by the water fleet. The whole body was soaked. The long hair of the coffee roll was also attached to the cheek 2 Water drops dripping.

The white dress has some light in the wet condition, the water drops slide down the Black stockings, and the feet wear low-heeled sandals. At this time, Ariana looks very soft.

"You ~ what do you see ~" After seeing Ash's gaze, Ariana suddenly turned with a red face, and then squeezed her long hair with both hands to let the water flow out.

She hadn't noticed when she was in the base of the water fleet just now. Now she looks almost transparent.

"Put it on first." Ash heard this after hearing Ariana's words. She took off her coat a little embarrassedly and handed it to Ariana. After the latter took it, she put it on her body immediately.

A smell of Ash's exclusive smell was smelled by Ariana, and the exquisite little blush was cute.


"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden conspiracy of Special Mission."

"Reward the special experience copy once, this vice will be part of the strength of the Imprison host, only part of the ability transmigrated will be retained, and the countdown will start at ten minutes."

"What!" The system that hasn't appeared for a long time, suddenly appeared, and released a mission that made Ash a little speechless.

"System, what's the matter, what does this special copy mean? And, why should I limit my strength?" Ash was very upset and meditated on the system.


"Special copy, in view of the fact that the host main world's mission has been completed by more than half, the system's special reward copy, which reward is very rich, and 100% of the special copies have infinite gems, as for which one , it is random."

"Infinite gems?" After hearing the system's answer, Ash had to admit that he was moved. He hasn't found traces of infinite gems for a long time. Now that there is a world with 100% infinite gems, he has no reason to refuse.

"Since it is a special copy, you should not use the copy card on my body. How about the time of this World?"

"Also, how high is the value of the world battle strength of the special copy!" Although it is very exciting, Ash still has to ask clearly, if the military force value of the special copy is too high, then there are infinite gems , Ash may also get very good Low, after all, the system has prompted Imprison his strength.


"Special copies are also considered to be casual copies. The military force value is not high. The military force value reserved by the system for the host is sufficient to stand within the special copy."

"Because it is a special copy, the main world time of the host after the transition will be completely frozen until the host returns."