
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


Yixi Alliance Headquarters

"No, let's publish what happened, and say that Yu Konoha is our Yixiu Region, please come to Help to catch the plasma group."

"If you go on like this, Alliance's reputation will be ruined, why the time comes how to manage."

In the Conference Hall of the headquarters of Yixiu Alliance, Takai Samson started to talk in his 70s. He is also a veteran in the Alliance. He is still in his 70s and has not retired.

"No, although Takarai's method can save some reputation, it will offend Ash. When the time comes, it's not a matter of a few apologies to solve the problem."

Takai Samson's approach was immediately refuted by Alder. What was preached was more than a blow to prestige. Offending Ash was the main reason for the problem.

"It can only be done now, I believe that Konoha is not afraid to say anything, Kanto Region It shouldn't be because he went to war with us alone."

"And our two regions are too far apart, and Yulong and Oak can't manage here." After hearing Alder's words, Samson Takai said again, this time it was clearly recognized by many of you. .

Once the reputation of Alliance is attacked, it means that Trainer no longer trusts Alliance. This is still good. If immigrants go to other regions, it is called a pit.

"I disagree, reputation can be restored slowly in the future, but to restore Alliance's status in the hearts of Trainers in this way, I will immediately resign." Alder suddenly became angry when he saw that everyone in the room agreed with Samson's method. Too.

He fought for a lifetime for Alliance, especially to prevent the suppression of these old fellows in front of him, arguing for a little interest.

"Alder, now is not the time for willfulness. If we don't do it this time, we may become the weakest region in the Western Hemisphere." Alder's tone barely fell, an old man's voice came out on the other side of the long table.

Ryosuke Shirakawa, the president of Yixiu Alliance, is also the top decision maker, with an age of 8 10 years old, as the saying goes well, good person doesn't live long, bad person lasts for a thousand years, this old bastard The president who has worked for more than 50 years didn't think about cultivating his next term.

"This matter is undiscussed. If you really dare to do this, I immediately quit my immigration. This kind of Yixiu is not worth my loyalty to Alder."

"Peng!" Several old fellows who looked in front of him thought of using others to save their own interests without working. Alder suddenly Rage reached the extreme and went straight to the door. This time he was really disappointed with his hometown.

In the hands of such a group of Leech Life ghost old fellows, Yixiu Region may have no future.

"Forget it, let's do it according to the advice of Takai consultants. Isn't Alder always like this? Just two days later." Seeing Alder fall away, Ryosuke Shirakawa started to talk after a long silence.

But these old hometowns didn't know that it was such a decision that they completely lost everything, even their lives.

Soon, under the planning of several old fellows, a fabricated lie that appeared on the bulletin board below the live broadcast.

Alder, who was sitting in the car, saw the news, suddenly sighed, and then took out his phone and sent a text message to Ash.


"The power of God?"

"It depends on you too?" Ash almost laughed after hearing the words of Fujioka Kikukawa. With these ordinary people who had no power at all, they also delusionally took control of the power of Super Divine Beast. It was really a big joke. .

"Whether you are right or not will be understood immediately." After that, Fujioka Kikukawa, who had merged the power of three dragons, flew in an instant, moved towards Ash, and the intermittent sharp claws bloomed the silver rays of light.

"Yata no Kagami." Looked at Fujioka Kikukawa, Ash controlled Susanoo, condensed Yata no Kagami in front of him, and immediately blocked it.


"Hateful, so hard." Fujioka Kikukawa's claws left no trace on Yata no Kagami, but his hands were hurt by the reactionary force.

"Let's start with your three old fellows first." Susanoo waved his hands and suddenly swept Fujioka Kikukawa aside.


"Tenseigan mode." After hitting Fujioka Kikukawa, Ash with a hand seal with one hand, Susanoo instantly disintegrated, and then a mysterious robe appeared on Ash's body, and 6 behind him were surrounded by Ash.

"That giant hasn't diminished, it should have a great side effect on him, and hurry up now." Fujioka Kikukawa, who flew out, saw Ash's Susanoo disappeared and suddenly thought Ash couldn't hold it.

After hearing the words of Fujioka Kikukawa, the two old fellows who merged Pokémon rushed up instantly, and the old bastard without Houndoom dared not show up.


"Particle-Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu." The transparent all directions suddenly condensed in Ash's hands, and then flung out in the direction of the three old fellows.

"Tzzzzzzz." When the all directions flew to the center of the three old fellows, they suddenly started to grow bigger, and then Tzzzzzzz decomposed everything covered in the Particle-Style into atoms.

This time there was only the final Fujioka Kikugawa. When Ash was about to start his hands, his phone rang suddenly. Although it was not suitable for watching mobile phones at this time, Ash still took it out habitually.

"Really, it seems that Yixiu Alliance and Chengdu Alliance are all the same kind of losers." Ash's eyes suddenly became cold after seeing the content of the text message, and the people of Yixiu Alliance used themselves to save their money. reputation.

It turned out that the text message was sent by Alder. The news announced by Yi Xiu Alliance was very simple. Just a few words, it probably means that Ash was the one they invited to help catch the plasma group, and it was they who discovered the secret of the Fujioka family. Alliance people