
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"If I didn't guess wrong, your aim should be to find Rethram. Isn't it right?" Suddenly, Ash turned the conversation, lay bare the truth with one remark, and got the real purpose of Ghetsis, in the memory of Akroma After that, Ash knew quite a lot about the plasma cluster.

Like Kanto and other regions, in the region of Yixiu, the legend of Divine Beast is also circulated, and there are still two, known as Reshram and Zekrom, which can burn the world and burn it.

Rethram, Dragon Fire Element double and super Divine Beast, the whole body is white, the eyes are water blue, its head has cloud-like hair, the face is like White Wolf, the neck has 2 rings of white refining, it The claws are connected with its feathery wings.

The abdomen is full of white hair, the thighs have thin stripes, the main parts of the knees, 3 claw feet and the heels are white, the tail section is also surrounded by 2 rings of white refining, and the tip has cloud-like hair, making Rethram more Elegant feeling.

Rethram's tail also has the same function as a jet engine, allowing it to achieve high-speed flying, and it can also affect a certain range of climate by burning its own tail.

Zekrom, the super Divine Beast on the shoulders of the Dragon Electric Department, most of the body's color is Pewter, but some parts of the body are grayer.

Zekrom has blood red eyes, a small horn on the tip of the nose, a bright blue crown on the top of the head, a black wall bone on the neck, and a shoulder like something like an armor or shoulder guard. The roots of the wings have the same armor, the fan-like wings spread outward, and the inner ends of the two wings have wing spines.

The lower arm is like a baseball glove. Inside is a black hand with 3 claws. The front part of Zekrom's waist is Black. There are thin stripes on the abdomen and thighs. The main parts of the knees, 3 claw feet, and the heel are Black. It is a huge cone with spikes, similar to the engine of an aircraft, and the inner and outer end bands are also black.

Like Resilam, Zekrom's tail can also affect the climate in a certain range, allowing it to release a powerful lighting current.

These two Pokémon are Guardian of Yixiu Region, but they are also opposites. According to rumors, these two Pokémon will help them obtain the heroes they admit to help them create a more perfect world.

Rethram assists heroes who want to create Real World, while Zekrom assists heroes who want to create an ideal world.

It is a pity that although the purpose of these two Pokémons are all the same, the practice is completely different. Rethram is more inclined to reality. He will test the hero's mind and strength. Once recognized, Rethram will without the slightest Hesitation's go to Help summon his hero.

Zekrom is completely different and tends to be ideal. He will test the hero's mind and perseverance. Once he is recognized, he will assist the hero without the slightest hesitation.

When Ash heard this legend, he almost thought it was transmigrated back to Naruto. This is clearly the basic feeling that Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama only saw.

One method is too aggressive, the other is too idealistic, so that every time the heroes assisted by the two sides will be opposed, and the final result will be a fiasco.

The purpose of Ghetsis is very simple. It is to use N 's power to get Rethram 's recognition. Similar to Ram 's focus on mind and strength, Ghetsis adopted N before he let him touch any other people. Contaminated.

Ghetsis hopes that N 's heart is pure, so that he can pass the test of Rethram. As for the fusion gene, he wants N to have a strong strength, also for the test.

It's a pity that N failed again in the operation to subdue Reshiram, and failed to achieve Reshiram's desired result, which caused the plasma group to suffer a lot. Similarly, N was also at that moment, finally understood Ghetsis.

Ghetsis wants to use the N that has conquered Rethram to conquer the whole world. This purpose is also very consistent with Rethirham's purpose, so Ghetsis did not choose a softer Zekrom.

After N escaped, Ghetsis was constantly searching for N's ​​​​whereabouts, but he was unexpectedly discovered by Ash at this time.

"I want to use the power of God to help you conquer the world?"

"I really don't know whether to say that you are naive or that you are confident. It is estimated that only you idiots can come up with this idea." Ash said with a mocking look at Ghetsis.

Trying to control the power of God, if it is finally found, the end is not the misery of Normal, let alone the guy of Ghetsis also wants to use N to conquer Rethram.

N is not an idiot, although in childhood has not been in contact with the outside world, but whether it is good or bad can still be clearly distinguished, when the time comes Even if N really conquered Rethram, I am afraid it will not help Ghetsis.

"What the hell do you want!" In the face of Ash's sarcasm, Ghetsis was not angry, but not at all lost his calm, because he knew that his trump card had been exposed.

Once Ash revealed the news of N, I am afraid that the plasma group's plan will be postponed for several years, or even forever, Ghetsis is about to enter old age, and there is not much time for him to re-implement this plan.

"Although it's a bit cruel for you to say so, I agree with your thoughts, but it's a pity that your ambitions are destined to have no good results. Enjoy your few days in this World."

Having said that, Ash didn't wait for Ghetsis's answer, and turned off the video directly, because the positioning device was already Lock On finished, then just go for a trip in person.

In fact, Ghetsis 's ambitions are at least irrelevant, at least his idea Ash is agreed, no matter in which world, only strength is king, if you want peace, you must have a formidable power to make other sides dare not Start any war