
Blank Blank Blank Blank Blank...( Strongest Universal Trainer )

I'm currently reading this, I just found this here at Webnovel but it's only till chapter 325 so I will continue it and this will start at chapter 326... I will not edit this mtl cause my purpose is to read this at Webnovel to record my reading time, I will delete this after... The title here is Trainer of the Multiverse.(by Poison_Rage) The mtl title is Strongest Universal Trainer. Personal Ratings: 2.8 Worlds: Pokemon Naruto Digimon Detective Conan ...

Poisontester_Vc · Anime & Comics
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998 Chs


"Bang! Bang! Bang!" With the efforts of Ash and the others, there are no more Genesects left in Soaring in the sky in less than 2 hours, and Genesects who are called serious injury by them are unable to join battle situation.

"Suicune's Hidden Mist Jutsu has gradually dissipated, and his eyes have returned to Genesect again, but now it is too late. Looking at the clansman who is less than 10000 behind him, red Genesect suddenly was shocked.

Even 300000000 million years ago, they would not have fallen to such a terrible position. Unexpectedly, there are only 5 guys, so they are forced to this level.

"While giving you a chance, surrender, or just give me go to hell." Ash Levitate shouted to the same level as red Genesect, with a murderous aura in his eyes.

Ash dares to guarantee that if he does not submit, he will definitely kill the killer, even if he has to bear the consequences. Ash said that for this kind of brainy Pokémon, Ash said that it is impossible to communicate by understanding.

After hearing Ash's words, red Genesect suddenly put red light in his eyes, and the Genesect behind him also glared at Ash and Logia.

"I told you not to hear the answer."

"roar! !!"

Seeing the Red Genesect dare to stare at him like this, Ash suddenly snorted, and Lokia beside him roared, and the huge Spiritual Force immediately enveloped the surroundings.

"Come on!" Red Genesect, frightened by Ash's angry roar, refuted a sentence, suddenly moved towards the other direction and flew out suddenly, leaving his clansman here to resist Ash.

"I'll leave it to you here." Seeing that Red Genesect had escaped, Ash said to Mewtwo and other pets on the side, and then immediately caught up.

"Hateful, I forgot about this." Ash, who was chasing red Genesect, suddenly found that the other side had left his barrier. Suddenly thought of the barrier gap opened last night to allow Alder to leave the barrier to support the nearby city.

What happened in the National Park was too significant, and the movements during the battle were too great. In desperation, the people of Yixiu Alliance could only announce it. At the same time, other regions 'Alliance also announced the progress of the same thing. .

After all, once the crowds are in trouble, they are not cracking a joke, they can only satisfy their curiosity. Under satellite broadcasting, the scene of National Park appears in the eyes of the crowds.

After seeing what National Park is like now, the crowd suddenly sucked in a cold breath, and countless Genesect was actually beaten down by Ash and his four Pokémons one after another.

Especially after hearing the purpose of Genesect, all the people suddenly lit Rage. Although the current era is not very good, Genesect wants to turn the world into their home, which will obviously cause war between humans and Pokémon.

After seeing that Ash no longer keeps his hands, the masses not only did not change Ash, but thought that Ash was the righteous party.

"Where is this guy going?" Ash chasing red Genesect, not at all trying his best to chase, but wondering where the other side is going.

There are almost no more Genesects now, so their failure is doomed and there is no possibility of overturning, but the route of red Genesect's escape is clearly directed.

In other words, the other side is not arbitrarily circling Ash, but purposefully moved towards one direction.

"No matter what means you have, I won't let you go this time." Thinking of this, Ash accelerated in an instant and entered the mode of turning his eyes.

"Space accelerates." I saw Ash's eyes suddenly opened. Around Ash, the space seemed to be all superimposed together, leading to different places.

Ash moved towards a space channel and immediately appeared in front of red Genesect.

"Shinra Tensei." Ash's Eye of God is a fusion of various Dojutsu in Naruto, so no matter which mode he enters, he can use the capabilities of various Dojutsu at will.



Red Genesect only found that Ash suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a huge repulsive force flew himself in an instant.

"Bansho Tennin." Genesect, who flew out, was suddenly enveloped by the attraction force on Ash, and moved towards Ash quickly flew past.

"Hateful, don't underestimate me." When beaten by Ash, red Genesect suddenly became furious, and the cannon behind him instantly erected.

"Damage bomb." Purple's light instantly moved towards Ash.

"Hungry Ghost Path devoured." Ash right hand used Bansho Tennin, his left hand stretched out, devoured the purple light with the ability of Hungry Ghost Path.

"Machamp fist." After swallowing the purple light, the Red Genesect was also sucked into his attack area by Ash at this time.

"Peng!" A huge force instantly flew red Genesect out.

"Particle-Style: Atomic Dismantling Jutsu." A transparent rectangle appeared in Ash's hands, moving towards the direction of red Genesect flying backwards.

"Tzzzzzzz." Where Particle-Style passed by, suddenly was broken down into atoms. Seeing the crowd in this scene, suddenly sucked in a cool breath. Fortunately, the battle around Ash and red Genesect was only unmanned forest, otherwise Things are getting bigger.

"Shoot." Red Genesect flying upside down, seeing Ash's Particle-Style strike, suddenly feels his crisis, and instantly changes into a high-speed form, a side shift, avoiding the incoming Particle-Style.

"Limbo: Border Jail." Ash's eye of God suddenly shrank suddenly, just avoiding the Red Genesect of Particle-Style, and suddenly felt an invisible crisis on his left was coming.
