
Chapter 12

We returned from the bathroom

" Yo Jack " tom said as Jack came around and Decked him

" Jack Please stop your hurting him " Jessy said

But still Jack kept punching Tom

" Jack " Samantha said " Quit hurting my brother " but he kept punching him

" Zack " Jessy said and Zack came over and pulled Jack of of Tom

Tom was all bloody two missing teeth and a black eye behind Zack was the Assistant Principal And two teachers. One being the Weaseling team Coach and p.e teacher the other was a normal school teacher

" you two don't show up at school on Monday and Tuesday you're suspended for fighting " the V.P said

" Zack Tyler Thank you for stepping in" the p.e teacher said and they walked away with Tom to the nurse

" what was that about ?" Jessy said

" He kept a secret from me , he is Samantha's Brother same with his brother George and I must come clean me and Sam are Dating " ISaid

" Hey guys Just between us call me Jay " The other Jack Said

" ok that way we don't get called the same name " he added

"Sounds good" we all Said

Just as the bell Rings ending lunch

" Well se you guys later " I said