
Chapter 6 Council of the nobles 2

"That´s madness!!!!"

Shouted Aeron Breonfur. His face red as a tomato, twisted full of rage.

"How dare you even say that!!!"

For the past hour the heads of the twelve most powerful noble houses in Mercina have discussed the issues that plagued the kingdom. The great migration of people from countryside to cities after their homes were destroyed in the war. And that even after the anti corruption purge done by the King Haftor there are still many corrupt people sitting on high positions all across the kingdom.

All those issues were addressed and everyone agreed on the solutions. But then came the topic of failing economy and the issue of Mercinian Rieanai sliver coin dropping in value. The most spread currency in the kingdom. From 15% to just 5% of silver in the coin.

As Sigmund noted, it happened because corrupt nobles and officials took large amounts of silver for them self´s. Then after the Church saw that they are not getting punished by the King, they joined in as well. All Father Nataniel used his good friendship whit King Matey to steal silver and commit many evil crimes against nobles and officials who didn't like their increasing presence in the kingdom.

Haftor and his Nobles came up whit a solution. Ask for loan of silver from neighboring kingdoms of Elivat, Kovandar or even the dwarves. But then another proposal was made. Reckon from the Lebilou family proposed a campaign against the Church. His plan involved sending squads of armed men to local churches and chapels.

They would pretend to be bandits to hide their identity, and take the stolen silver back. Of course the Chruch would realize what was going on eventually. But by then it will be to late to take any meaningful action. By then most of the stolen silver would be back in possession of the King. Of course that silver would then be melted and made in to Rienai coins.

Certainly increasing it's value. Considering that then they wouldn't have to pay back all the silver back it was a good proposal. But then Aeron protested. Screaming at the young noble.

"That´s crazy, it would just bring instability to the kingdom and ruin our good relation whit the Church!!"

"Is it a coincide that you are the only one protesting Sir Aeron? We all know that you are Nataniels loyal dog. Or a pig?"

Said Reckon making few of the others nobles laugh.

"How dare you insult me!!!!! Your family is bunch of horse breeders. It is beyond me how are you allowed to sit at the same table as us!!!!!!"

Aeron´s face turns even more red. Breathing heavily he continues to t insults at the young noble. From the other side of the table Haftor watches in amusement.

"My Lord. Should i stop them?"

Says Sigmund. Clearly anoyd at their behavior.

"Let them be Sigmund. They are most amusing."

"But my Lord. We have a lot to talk about."

Sigmund says in protest.

"Haaaaa.... Fine."

Haftor says whit a sigh.

"But first tell me about that noble. He is from Lebilou family?"

"Correct my Lord."

"My I never thought that I would see a member of Lebilou family at this table ever again."

"Indeed. I am surprised as well. Their family lost all of its power after your grandfather Derik Elcekster took the throne. And Elcekster family started to rule the kingdom."

"Aye, my father told me that their extreme loyalty towards the Boren family made them to dangerous. So my grandfather destroyed them."

Boren family ruled the kingdom before the Elcekster´s took over. They founded the kingdom of Mercina, but their miss management of the kingdom in the last years of their rule led to the decentralization of power in the kingdom. Many noble families gained a lot of power and their heads became powerful warlords. Five most powerful families were the Boren family, Breonfur family, Kaster family, Mandelfer family and Elcekster family. A war was inevitable. And in the year 978 of the human age the civil war started.

It lasted for 12 years hence the name 12 Years War. In the end Elcekster family came on top and Derik Elcekster was crowned the king of Mercina. Immediately after the celebrations ended Derik started a violent crackdown on the families who were loyal to the Borens. The Lebilou were one of those families.

"The only reason their family managed to survive was because they breed first class stallions. And they sold for a lot of money. Even yours stallion. Thunder was raised at one of their farms."

"My is that so? Interesting. Well now you can shut them up. I wish to speak."

Sigmund nodes and proceeds to slam his hand on the table as hard as he can. The loud thump grabbed the attention of everyone in the room.

"My Lords be quiet. The King speaks."

Said Sigmund in commanding voice.

Aeron sat down. Everybody in the room could see how nervous he was. Sweating like a pig.

"I agree whit the young Reckon."

Hearing those words Aeron almost fainted. He knew that his chance to keep his position as a head of the Breonfur family was low. But if Church sees that he is of no use to them they would get rid of him. After all, he knows to much. I have to do something he thought.

"My King. I beg you, please reconsider."

"Why should I? Do you have a better option Sir Aeron?"

"Well..... There is an option to borrow silver from Elivat. And! And even the Church!!! Im sure they would be willing."

Aeron said after a short pause.

"Please. Both the Church and the other kingdoms have been using the fact that my father was a terrible ruler to extort money from this kingdom."

"Indeed my King. As you all saw the neighboring kingdoms supported prince Herald. They don't benefit from King Haftor being on the throne."

Noted Sigmund.

"Yes. Do you really think that they would be willing to borrow us 2000 tons of silver. A minimum amount needed."

Said Haftor. Immediatley he followed it up.

"Sir Reckons plan will give us a chance to send a clear message to the Church and anyone who wants to commit foul deeds against us. And of course we will gather, surely, a large amount of silver."

Aeron just sat in silence. He knew that he couldn't come up whit a better option. He lost all hope.

"I know of what are you afraid Aeron. Church will surly try to get rid off you. But what would you do if there was an option for you to keep your position and your fat head on your shoulders?"

"Anything! I would do anything!"

"Gods those he have a spec of honor?"

Commented Lord Geyrat of Whitehorse family.

"No. Is the answer you seek Sir Geyrat. But we all knew that already."

Said Vesterim of Westerdem family.

"Lords be quiet. Im still speaking."

Haftor ordered them. At which two Nobles went quiet.

"I want you. Areon Breonfur to use your connections to the Church and All Father Nataniel. To get us some valuable information."

"But my King. If I were to do that I would be in great danger."

"Right now you said that you would do anything. Were you spouting lies?"

"No. Of course not. Never!"

"Then is there any need for this? Say yes and you will keep your position and of course if a need arises you shall be protected. Do you accept?"

"Yes, my Lord."

Aeron knew that he had no choice but to accept. If he refused he would eventually be replaced by his sons or someone loyal to the king. If he is not killed by the church by then of course.

"Good. Now that matter is done.... Reckon!"

"Yes my King!?"

"You will be in charge of the operation. I except good results from you."

"Yes my King. But may i ask why me?"

At that Haftor just laughed.

"Hahaha..... Is it now obvious? You are the one who came up whit the plan and you shall execute it."

"Of course my King. But there are a lot of people in this room, whit more experience then me."

Haftor looked around the room. Shifting his gaze from one noble to another.

"Of course there are. Consider this a test. If you fail you shall be replaced."

Reckon knew that this was a chance to propel his power even higher. There was no way that he would refuse it. But he knew well that he and his family would suffer if he failed. I will still do it!!! As long as I breath, my family will not go back to breeding horses to survive. After all I promised you, didn't I? Dear Isabelle. His resolve was firm.

"Understood my King. I shall not fail you."

Haftor nods in satisfaction and continues.

"Besides i heard about you two years ago. We all know the story of how you brought power back to your family. I was impressed when i heard it, and Im still impressed now. You defeated Leonard Arex in a duel of honor. And after married his sister Maryan."

"Thank you my King. I suspected that their family would fall apart after the death of Lord Erfrost Arex. And when Leonard Arex started drinking his life away whit his so called friends. I knew that I had to act."

Leonard, Maryan and Reckon were close friends, even though their families were bitter rivals. They meet at the temple of the Holy Mother.

When children of the nobles and rich officials in every kingdom which worships The Elder One. Reach the age of 10 they are send to the temple of the Holy Mother for a year to learn everything about The Elder One and the lesser Gods and the two Holy Wars fought between the Holy Ones and the Dark Ones. They were good friends since then. Until all of them got more involved whit their families and their rivalry.

"My is that so? I never knew the whole story. How sad." Said Sigmund.

"Indeed. But gentlemen we have more issues to discuss. Let's move on the next one. Sigmund if you will?"

"Ah yes..... Of course my King! The next issue that needs to be addressed is....."

Sigmund was interrupted by loud knocking on the doors. Knocking continued, getting louder and stronger.

"Sigmund? I thought that everyone from maids to guards were informed that an important meeting is going on in this room. I told you to inform them!" Said Haftor in an angry tone.

"I....I did my King. I swear."

Knocking now became loud banging on the doors. Seeing how angry Haftor was getting, Sigmund quickly opened the doors. Readying his vocal cords to scream at whoever the fool was, but when he opened the doors he did not scream. He stood there for a few seconds then he asked the man.

"What is it?"

Deep and raspy voice answered.

"It is important my Lord. I must speak whit the King."

Everybody in the room instantly knew who the man speaking was. They all grow worried. Because when that man comes, there is always a serious reason for it.

Sigmund let's the man come inside.

His nam was Yernor Dawn. Leader of the Mercinian intelligence and special forces unit called Greencoats.

"My King I carry important news."

"Speak Yernor."

"My agents located in Larvik informed me that a large force has been amassed in the village of Jerila some 20 kilometers from Larvik. Sleibian forces my King."

Silence filled the room. Everyone knew what that meant.

"War" says one of the nobles.

"We just finished one and now another begins."

"What!? How!? Why!? Why now!!! Richard you fucking cocksucker! You attack me now of all times.... Shit!!!!."

"My King?"

Haftor just now notices that he was speaking out loud.

"My... I apologize"

Haftor clears his throat and stands up.

"How many are there sir Yernor?"

"Ten thousand at least."

"Have they began their march?"

"As far as we know. No my King."

One of the nobles then stands up.

"Sleibians. Bah! I have fought them many times. They are nothing but bunch of dirty peasants led by a King who murdered his own son out of pure jealousy! We will crush them easily!"

Noble who said that was Borna Kertsar. A veteran of the third war whit the Imperium and both wars whit Sleibia.

"Still Lord Borna ten thousand men is a lot. And we just disbanded our army." The one who said it was Sigmund. It was an obvious truth. Fighting back will be difficult now.

"Listen well! Nobles Geyrat Whitehorse, Erickser Omerkster. Because of your vast experience in battle against Sleibians. You shall ride to Larvik and organize the defense of the town. You shall depart immediately!"

"Yes, my King!"

Both nobles stood up and left the room.

"Borna Kertsar you and Sigmund will be my advisors in this war!"

"It will be an honor my King."

"Good. The rest of you go to your domains and gather men. After you do ride towards the town of Larvik."

All of the nobles stand up and start leaving the room one by one.


"My King?"

"Send the word to other lesser nobles they are to do the same."

"I will. Immediately!"

Haftor was left alone. He sat down tears in his eyes. Not because he was sad. It was frustration. Him killing his brother. Taking the throne and being a king. Not seeing his wife and children in weeks. He kept it all inside, but it was to much. His emotions got better of him. Thank The Elder One he was alone. After all, Kings can't show to much emotion.

Oh boy this one i long. My pacing is all over the place :). Oh well as I said before I do it for fun.

If some of you guys happen to like it thats a plus. And i write slowly. So if you like what you see follow my "work" and rate it if you want.

Chapters will come eventually

Dominik_Vidakoviccreators' thoughts