
Blades of magic and destiny

Embark on a thrilling adventure with "Blades of Magic and Destiny," Join Jacob Mallory, an ordinary engineer turned hero, as he is transported to a world of swords and sorcery. With the aid of Nova, an AI chip embedded in his mind, Jacob must navigate treacherous battles and unravel dark conspiracies to save this war-torn realm. From epic sword fights to jaw-dropping magical encounters, "Blades of Magic and Destiny" immerses readers in a captivating tale of courage, friendship, and self-discovery. With each twist and turn, Jacob's journey will keep you on the edge of your seat, eager to uncover the secrets of this enchanting world. Prepare to be spellbound by the perfect blend of action, mystery, and technology in this unforgettable saga. Don't miss out on the adventure of a lifetime – pick up "Blades of Magic and Destiny" today and experience the magic for yourself!

SeniorTycoon · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The capital

Jacob sat by the stream, the cool water reflecting the soft light of dawn. He gazed into the distance, his thoughts wandering back to Serath's final words. The weight of his promise and the uncertainty of the future pressed heavily on him. He knew he needed a goal, something to strive for in this chaotic world.

"I need to find a purpose," Jacob muttered to himself, staring at his reflection. "Something that will give meaning to this journey."

Jacob pondered the question. "I want to master both swordsmanship and magic," he decided. "To reach the pinnacle of both arts. to be strong enough to live a long and good life without care for dangers"

'Affirmative,' Nova replied. 'Setting long-term objective: Mastery of swordsmanship and magic. Initial steps: Locate training resources and suitable mentors.'

Jacob nodded, feeling a sense of clarity. "Let's start by getting to the Holy Kingdom of Paladina. There, I might find the resources and knowledge I need."

As he sat in contemplation, a sudden alert from Nova interrupted his thoughts.

'Hostile presences detected. Eight individuals approaching with hostile intent,' Nova warned.

Jacob's hand instinctively went to the hilt of his sword. He positioned himself behind a tree, listening intently.

The bandits moved through the underbrush, their whispers barely audible. "He looks alone," one of them said. "Easy prey."

Their leader, a bald man with a scar across his forehead and another across his mouth, stepped forward. "Surround him. We take everything he's got."

Jacob waited until they were close before stepping into the clearing. "Looking for something?" he asked, his voice steady.

The bandits halted, momentarily surprised. "Brat , hand over your belongings," the leader demanded, drawing a rusty sword. "And maybe we'll let you live."

He noted their malnourished state and tattered gear, realizing they were likely beggars turned to robbery.

Jacob's eyes narrowed. "You chose the wrong target."

In a blur of motion, Jacob unsheathed his sword. He moved with precision and speed, disarming and incapacitating the bandits one by one. The leader lunged at him, but Jacob parried and delivered a swift, fatal strike. Within moments, all eight bandits lay on the ground, unmoving except for one.

Only one, a young bandit about eighteen years old, remained conscious but uninjured. Jacob quickly tied him up, ensuring he couldn't escape. "What's your name?" Jacob asked, his voice firm.

"Th-Thomas," the young bandit stammered.

"Thomas, you're going to guide me to the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Paladina," Jacob instructed. "And don't even think about trying to deceive me. I will know if you're lying."

Thomas nodded vigorously. "I understand. I'll take you there."

Jacob searched the bandits and found a small carriage with some provisions. They had enough food to last three days and a small stash of coins: three silver and twenty-seven copper.

In this world, the currency was straightforward: a copper coin was the lowest denomination, ten copper coins equaled one silver coin, and ten silver coins equaled one gold coin. Their meager haul reflected their dire circumstances.

As they began their journey, Jacob noticed the young bandit seemed nervous and hesitant. "Hey, how did you end up with this group?" Jacob asked

Thomas hesitated, then sighed. "My parents... they were in debt. The bandits offered them one silver coin in exchange for me. ."

Jacob fell silent not saying anything but his eyes become softer

Using Nova to verify Thomas's directions, Jacob set off with him toward the capital. The journey took several days, and along the way, Jacob got to know more about Thomas's past. And experience while also training in swordmanship with Nova's guidance

As they traveled, the landscape shifted from familiar plains to dense forests and rolling hills. The air grew cooler, and the sense of approaching something grand filled Jacob with anticipation.

"Thomas," Jacob said one evening as they sat by the campfire, the stars twinkling above them, "what do you want to do once we reach the capital?"

Thomas looked thoughtful, staring into the flames. "I don't know," he admitted. "I've never had a chance to think about the future. It was always about surviving the next day. O-of course that in case lord is willing to let me live"

"You have that chance now," Jacob encouraged. "Think about what you want for yourself. There's a whole world of possibilities out there."

Thomas nodded slowly with joy brimming in his face. "Maybe... maybe I can find honest work. Something that doesn't involve hurting people."

Jacob smiled. "That's a good start."

Their journey continued, and as they drew closer to the capital, the signs of civilization became more frequent. Roads became well-traveled paths, and they encountered more travelers and merchants. The sight of the grand city walls in the distance filled Jacob with awe and determination.

Jacob approached the grand gates of the capital of the Holy Kingdom of Paladina, a mixture of awe and apprehension coursing through him. The towering gate, adorned with intricate carvings and glinting in the sunlight, stood as a testament to the kingdom's grandeur and power. As he neared, he couldn't help but notice the numerous guards stationed at various intervals.

Clad in light steel armor that gleamed brilliantly, the guards moved with practiced efficiency. Their vigilant eyes scanned every individual and carriage that sought entry into the bustling city. The sheer number of guards, combined with their sharp, disciplined demeanor, spoke volumes about the strength and wealth of Paladina's capital.

Jacob watched as one group of guards meticulously checked a richly decorated carriage, their movements quick yet thorough. Nearby, a few more guards were detaining a couple of fellows who appeared to have caused some commotion. The swift and decisive manner in which the guards handled the troublemakers was a clear indication that order was maintained with an iron fist in this city.

The sight filled Jacob with a sense of security, but also a keen awareness of the formidable power that governed the Holy Kingdom of Paladina. With a deep breath, he stepped forward, ready to pass through the gates and into the heart of the mighty capital.

When it was his turn he paid entrance fee of 10 copper coins for both of them , the guards on the gate just went through his carriage realizing they were poor travelers without any suspicious air about them, they let him and Thomas through

The streets were bustling with activity, filled with the vibrant life of the city.

Upon entering the city gates, Jacob turned to Thomas. "This is your chance to start anew," he said, handing him two silver coins. And the carriage "Use them to build a better life."

Thomas's eyes welled with tears of gratitude. "Thank you, kind lord. I promise I'll make something of myself."

Jacob watched as Thomas disappeared into the bustling streets, feeling a sense of hope for the young man's future. With a deep breath, he turned his attention to his own path.

"Nova," Jacob said, stepping through the gates of the capital. "Let's find Nashea and begin the next chapter of our quest."

'Affirmative, host. Commencing search for Nashea in the capital of Paladina,' Nova responded, as Jacob moved forward with resolve.