
Blades of Balance: Trials of the Hydro Archon Focalors

Not my fanfic. i only share ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bored of her mundane life, Furina yearns to experience something new. Luckily, her wish was about to come true as a man with a mysterious past enters her life. Our protagonist, gifted with extraordinary swordsmanship and an undying spirit embarks on an unexpected journey as he rediscovers himself. Could this be the man she has been waiting for all her life, the one that could save her from this seemingly never ending loop? There was more to him than meets the eye, but that was a risk she was willing to take. As Neuvillette watches with concern, Furina revels in the chaos that unfolds. New chapters thrice a week! Author's Note: This will be a very long fanfic but that doesn't mean the story is slow paced. This fanfic was initially written about 1 month before Fontaine's release but most of the chapters are after 4.0. Why did I choose an OC? Because I felt like Furina deserves better. She needs someone that can truly understand her. Hence, I had to make up my own character. The story gets quite steamy at times and has violent fight scenes as well so its not for everyone. But if you're someone that enjoys an action packed, romantic fanfic with some drama here and there, then this is for you.

DaoisttAYuDl · Video Games
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 6: Homecoming

Furina sat on her throne, lost in her own thoughts.

Yet another month had passed by in the blink of an eye. In total, it had been two months since she last saw Kyouya.

The war seemed like it would not end anytime soon.

"I wish I could see him... one last time..." she muttered under a low voice.

Furina ran to her room, her pent-up frustration reaching a breaking point.

With a mixture of anger and despair, she slammed the door shut behind her.

The air became heavy as she let out a scream, her voice echoing through the corridor.

She kicked the furniture around, her movements wild and uncontrolled.

It was nothing like the elegant Hydro Archon everyone knew.

Exhausted both physically and emotionally, Furina collapsed onto her bed, tears streaming down her face.

The room seemed to darken around her.

Her cries softened into whimpers as grief and despair consumed her, gradually sending her into a deep slumber.

She entered the realm of dreams, finding herself standing in the very battlefield where Kyouya was fighting.

As she looked around, her heart skipped a beat, seeing a familiar figure in the distance.

Without any hesitation, she began to run towards him. Her voice echoed throughout the battlefield.

She called out his name with a mixture of excitement and longing.

Kyouya turned back to look at her.

In that decisive moment, their eyes met.

Furina's heart sank as she laid eyes on Kyouya's chest, adorned with the insignia of the Infernal Brigade.

His eyes, once filled with warmth, now held a distant and vacant gaze.

"No... what did they do to you?" she choked out, her voice filled with nothing but grief and despair.

"You sent us out here to die," he shouted.

"No! I... I have to save him, this must be some sort of mind control," she muttered under her breath as she unsheathed her sword, her hands trembling at the sight before her.

Furina realized that she didn't have the heart to fight Kyouya.

As she raised her sword, being unable to focus with a thousand thoughts going through her mind at the same time, she felt a sudden gust of wind.

Before she could react, Kyouya appeared infront of her, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

His sword clashed against hers.

Furina's grip weakened, her sword slipping from her hand as it soared through the sky, landing a few meters away.

She dropped to her knees, feeling utterly defenseless in the face of her beloved.

Tears streamed down Furina's cheeks. She covered her face, preparing herself for the inevitable.

She could feel the sword swing towards her.


Furina's eyes shot open, her scream filling up the room.

She glanced around, grounding herself back to reality.

As she exhaled a heavy sigh, her hand instinctively reached up to touch her cheek, remnants of the tears shed upon it.

"What a nightmare..." she sighed.


In another part of Teyvat, the war still raged on.

With a swift motion, Kyouya charged forward swinging his sword at the man. Damian smirked as he met the icy strikes with equally devastating blows.

Kyouya's determination fueled his attacks, each of his swings acted as a testament to his resolve.

On the other hand, Damian's fury blazed within him, his movements filled with an unstoppable rage as he deflected the relentless strikes.

"HAHA!! I FEEL ALIVE! '' he shouted while parrying Kyouya's swift strikes.

Damian's delusion was glowing brightly in the moonlight.

All of Kyouya's strikes were perfectly parried, eventually taking a toll on his stamina.

He began breathing heavily.

Damian noticed the opening, his eyes gleaming with malicious delight.

His laughter filled the air as he shouted, "Now it's my turn!"

He swung his sword with a fiery flourish, unleashing torrents of scorching flames.

Flames swirled around him in a devastating whirlwind.

As he moved forward, his sword blazed with fiery intensity. Kyouya mustered his remaining strength to parry the incoming blow.

The clash of their weapons sent waves of heat and frost rippling through the air.

The force of the blow was so strong that Kyouya's sword melted instantly.

Damian's sword struck him with a fierce impact, leaving a deep scar across his left eye.

Staggering back, his hands singed by the scorching heat, his vision somewhat distorted, he realized how deadly delusions can be.

"Looks like it's over for you," Damian chuckled.

Kyouya closed his eyes, recalling his past once more.

The images danced before him.

His family's warm smiles, his days patrolling the streets as a Garde, his last moments with Furina and the tragic memories of Adrian's final breath.

At that moment, he regained his strength, drawing upon the depths of his past to amplify his resolve in the present.

His eyes shimmered with determination as the ethereal glow of his cryo powers formed at his hands.

In a mesmerizing display, a magnificent icy blue sword materialized in his hands, its blade glowing with an otherworldly aura.

Damian observed the scene silently.

"Show me a good time, Kyouya," he said.

The two swordsmen faced off once again.

Kyouya unleashed rapid and precise strikes with his icy blue sword, leaving trails of frost in his wake.

Damian countered with blazing swordplay and explosive bursts of flame.

The clash of ice and fire created a mesmerizing display of combat prowess.

It was a spectacular scene and it seemed like nature itself stopped to witness the two deadly warriors fight for their lives.

Damian staggered back, being unable to keep up with Kyouya's speed.

He finally fell to his knees, unable to gather any more strength as his delusion was taking a massive toll on his body. He wasn't very experienced at using a delusion to begin with.

Kyouya's gaze burned with nothing but pure hatred as he adopted a familiar stance.

That's right, this was the same stance he assumed on the day of his encounter with those gang members, the day he got arrested.

The day his journey took an unexpected turn.

This was his finishing move, the Glacial Surge, one he seldom used.

"STOP! I HAVE A FAMILY! " Damian cried out, desperately shielding his face with shaky hands, tears rapidly flowing down his cheeks.

" Adrian... had a family too. WHOS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF HIS SON NOW?" Kyouya shouted in agony.

Damian had no response. He had accepted his fate.


Kyouya muttered, his voice low and filled with a chilling determination.

With his remaining strength, he dashed forward like a bolt of lightning, closing the distance between him and Damian in an instant.

His sword swiftly found its mark, piercing through Damian's neck with unyielding force.

The impact reverberated through the earth, as if the ground beneath them would tear apart at any moment.

As Damian's lifeless body fell, Kyouya stood there, breathing heavily.

The ethereal glow of his sword faded away, as he collapsed onto the ground.

He had used up all of his energy in that last strike.

The war was over. The Maison Gardiennage reigned victorious.

Kyouya was the sole survivor.

Within a couple of hours, reinforcements had arrived back from Fontaine.

The aftermath of the brutal war laid bare before the Gardes, their vehicles dispersing across the streets.

The air was thick with the scent of iron and gunpowder.

They investigated the scene, tracing the destruction and fallen bodies scattered across the bloody streets.

In their search for survivors, the officers discovered Kyouya, his body lying on the ground.

With careful hands, they loaded him onto the van.

The engine roared, signaling their departure from the battlefield, as they set off to bring the victorious warrior back home.

Inside the van, skilled medics swiftly attended to his wounds, their hands working with precision


After a few hours, Kyouya woke up to find himself in the infirmary.

Sunlight entered through the windows, casting a warm glow on the room.

Sitting by his bedside, was a man reading a book. It was Neuvillette. He closed his book, capturing Kyouya's attention.

He stood up, clearing his throat before speaking.

"Welcome back home, officer. It seems I gravely underestimated you."

"H-home? We're back in Fontaine? "

Neuvillette nodded as he looked at a neatly arranged box positioned behind him.

It contained a pristine uniform, the fabric untouched by the chaos of battle.

With a subtle gesture, he instructed Kyouya to don the attire.

"Get dressed. You have an audience with Lady Furina. "

His heart fluttered with joy upon realizing he could finally see Furina again.

With careful steps, got up from the bed, his body still marked by the ravages of war.

Among them, a distinct scar etched upon his left eye, a gruesome reminder of the battles fought and the price he had paid.

As he drew nearer to the box, its contents seemed to shimmer with the promise of a long awaited reunion.

Neuvillette quietly left the room, granting him some much needed privacy.

He took the uniform out of the box and slowly dressed himself.

As he fastened the final button on his shirt, his reflection in the mirror held the spark of a reborn spirit.

He could almost hear the distant echoes of Furina's laughter.

"I made it... " he muttered to himself, his voice filled with happiness.

He stepped out of the room and followed the Chief Justice, his steps echoing through the corridor, anticipation coursing through his veins.

Each step brought him closer to her, his heart ablaze with the hope of seeing her ethereal smile once again.

They entered the elevator together.

"You seem very excited, boy."

"I-I am..."

The two of them got out the elevator and walked through the corridor until they finally stopped at the entrance of the grand courtroom.

Neuvillette decided to wait outside and gestured for Kyouya to enter by himself.

Meanwhile, Furina was kept in the dark about this whole situation.

She was far too depressed to inquire about the troops anymore and spent her days by herself, rejecting most cases that came her way.

As the doors swung open, the woman was initially angry as she wished to be left alone but her eyes widened with disbelief when she got a closer look at who was there.

She felt like her heart was going to explode at the sight before her.

Kyouya entered with a smile, his steps echoing throughout the courtroom.

She got up from her throne and stood there speechless for a few seconds before snapping out of her thoughts.


She hurried down the grand staircase and rushed towards the man she thought she had lost forever.

Her eyes were filled up with tears, reflecting a mixture of joy alongside disbelief.

She jumped into his arms, feeling his strong embrace around her.

He silently placed his hand on her head, petting her gently.

It was as if time stood still so that these two could embrace one another after what felt like an eternity.

Furina looked at his face, noticing the newly formed scar on his left eye.

Her soft hands gently traced the path of the scar.

"Who.. did this to you?"

Her voice was filled with a mixture of anger and sadness

"He's dead," he replied.

Furina smiled as she replied, "Right, no one could do that to you and live to see another day, huh?"

She hugged him tightly, her words muffled against his chest.

"I missed you so damn much."

Her usual elegant demeanor faltered as she embraced her inner emotions in his presence.

"I missed you too, Furina."



Neuvillette cleared his throat, as he entered the room.

His abrupt entrance ruined their special moment once again.

"Sorry to ruin this touching reunion. Kyouya, you have to meet the General. Both of you, please come with me," he said.

Furina got quite annoyed at being interrupted and stomped on the ground like as if she was about to shout at Neuvillette but Kyouya gently held her cheek and smiled.

"I don't mind waiting a little longer. Let's go. "

The grand hall was filled with many political figures and journalists. Kyouya stood tall, his chest adorned with the gleaming Medal of Valor.

He stepped forward, preparing himself to give his speech.

With a stern expression, he dedicated his speech to his fallen brother in arms, Adrian.

He almost broke into tears as he honored the memory of a comrade who would forever be remembered as a hero.

Everyone began clapping in unison, as a tribute to the fallen soldier.

Afterwards he distanced himself from the celebration, seeking solidarity on the balcony as he gazed out into the night sky.

Suddenly, he felt a delicate hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn around.

Before him stood Furina, their difference in height apparent as she stood on her toes, her eyes closed.

She gently pulled him closer by the neck, and their lips met in a heartfelt kiss.

They kissed passionately for a full minute before Furina finally broke away, her cheeks filled with a delicate blush.

She grabbed his hands, as her eyes sparkled in the moonlight. The sound of their footsteps filled up the empty corridor as she dragged him along.

"Let's get out of here," she whispered.

They both managed to sneak out of the hallway while avoiding public eyes.

Meanwhile Neuvillette began frantically looking for Kyouya around the grand hall.

He noticed that Furina was missing as well.

Putting two and two together he realized that they had both run off.

He felt a bit infuriated at this as there were esteemed guests that wished to talk to Kyouya but ultimately he composed himself.

"That boy has gone through a lot... I should let him have this night," he muttered to himself.

On the other hand, the two of them had already reached Palais Mermonia.

They were at the topmost floor, standing right in front of Furina's suite. The two of them began laughing at each other's face upon thinking about what they had just done.

Kyouya glanced at the familiar sight before him.

"I remember the last time we were here..."

"Yeah, that grumpy old man interrupted us back then. But not this time," she smiled upon opening the door and pulling him inside.

"I like where this is going..."

"I'm sure you do, cutie."

Furina gently pushed him onto the couch, his body sinking into the soft cushions.

She jumped onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly.

Their laughter filled up the room, creating a warm atmosphere as they enjoyed each other's company.

She caressed his chest gently.

"Finally, we're together again," she whispered.

At this moment, Kyouya felt whole again, as if a part of him had finally been restored.

Suddenly his stomach began rumbling. He had not eaten since waking up in the infirmary.

"Oh, you poor thing! You must be so hungry right now."

As Furina spoke, she snapped her fingers summoning a couple of hydro spirits.

They carried exquisite dishes on a service tray and set a table for the two of them.

Furina's eyes softened as she noticed Kyouya's battered fingers.

He still had not fully recovered from the war.

She gently grasped his hands and whispered,

"Tonight, I'll feed you myself."

Furina gently guided the food into his mouth using her own hands.

He was being fed by the Hydro Archon herself. It was quite the experience.

At the end of the meal, Furina rested her head on his shoulder, finding peace as he held her close. After a while of embracing each other, she looked up at him intently.

Kyouya realized it was finally time.

She got up, reaching her arm out. He took her hand and was led towards her bed while his heart pounded rapidly.

Furina took the lead as she began undressing. She gracefully tipped her hat to Kyouya and placed it on the table nearby.

Next, she slowly removed her gloves. Kyouya watched with anticipation as she tossed them away.

Afterwards, she began slowly slipping out of her coat. He could see her tremble a bit as she stripped.

It became clear to him that she was putting on a facade despite being just as inexperienced as he was in this field. He promptly reached out and held the coat for her.

Kyouya gulped as he saw her unbuttoning her shirt. He couldn't help but admire her smooth white skin which glowed with an otherworldly aura in the moonlight.

Finally, she slipped out of her shorts, revealing her black lingerie. He stood there speechless, admiring the ethereal beauty before him.

He turned her around slowly, to find her blushing.



"L-like what you see?" Furina asked, her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, giving away her slight embarrassment.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," Kyouya replied with a mischievous grin on his face as he swiftly unhooked her bra. Her eyes flared up with unspoken desire as his fingers brushed against her soft cheek.

Kyouya gazed into her eyes as he pulled her closer, their bodies pressed together intimately. Her body trembled under his strong yet gentle touch. Their lips met in a passionate kiss, a mixture of desire and tenderness.

The world around them seemed to fade away, all their worries were gone in an instant as they surrendered to the intoxicating sensation. Their tongues moved in perfect harmony as the silent room was filled with the sound of their kisses.

As she pulled back from the kiss, a soft gasp escaped her lips. Gazing into Kyouya's eyes, she silently expressed her longing for more.

Furina had been separated from him for a very long time. She thought that she had lost him in the war but after all this time, he was finally standing before her.

She had dreamt of this exact situation on countless nights and was ready to release all of the pent up frustration onto him.

"No one's gonna interrupt us this time," Kyouya whispered, as he brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

He gently pushed Furina, their eyes locked in an intimate gaze, until she landed on the bed beneath them.

Immediately, he got on top of her on all fours.

His lustful gaze sent shivers down her spine, but she couldn't help but respond to him, her body betraying her as it arched into his touch.

"I'm all yours tonight," Furina whispered, as she surrendered herself completely to him.

The air was filled with silence as they stared at one another for a bit.

"Please don't ever leave me like that again."

"I won't," he replied.

He pinned Furina against the bed and began kissing her again. She gasped softly as her body trembled at his touch. Her hands roam over his body, exploring every inch of him as her fingers traced the lines of his muscles.


Furina kissed him back passionately and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, pulling him in closer. The feeling was intoxicating, unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

She had led a rather sheltered life upto this point, but with him, she could finally let loose and explore a side of her that she didn't even know existed. As the seconds turned into minutes, he pulled away from the kiss and stared into her eyes as he licked his lips, savoring the taste of her saliva.

Without wasting a moment, he moved onto the next stage, pushing himself inside of her. Furina let out a soft gasp, feeling the fullness of his member stretching herself open, filling her up completely.

She winced in pain, looking back at him intently. This was a new feeling to her but she tried her best to keep her composure.

"Go on," she whispered.

As Kyouya drove himself deeper into her, she could feel her body tightening around him, the sensation of being filled to the brim sending waves of pleasure throughout her entire being. Her hands clasp together tightly while her nails dug into his skin as she tried to hold on to something steady amidst the chaos of emotions swirling within her.

Neither of them had experienced something like this before and gave into their primal urges.

"More!" Furina screamed, her voice filled with desperation. She wasn't quite sure what this feeling was but she wanted more of it.

Her moans become louder and more frequent, surrendering herself fully to him. The sound of flesh meeting flesh filled the room, drowning out everything else as he continued to ravage her, driving them both closer to climax.

"Ah... I'm about to....," he moaned.

Furina locked her legs around him tighter and pulled him in for a deep kiss. The sensation was too much for him. With a fluid motion, he pushed his hips against her own one last time, finishing inside her.



He got off and lied next to her, breathing heavily. A wave of satisfaction washed over the two of them, leaving them both spent and content in each other's arms.

"That was... fantastic," she whispered.

Furina turned to look at Kyouya only to see him staring at her with the hunger of a wolf, his eyes filled with nothing but lust and desire.

"You just can't get enough of me, huh? " she chuckled.

He got up again and turned Furina on her back. It seemed like he still wanted to taste her some more.

"H- hey! What are you doing!?" she shouted, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Without hesitation, he drove himself inside of her once again, the hunger in his eyes palpable. He took her breasts in his hands, squeezing them gently before pinching on her nipples between his fingers, eliciting a soft cry of pleasure from her.

His movements were rough and demanding, his hips grinding against hers as he tried to find that perfect spot within her that would send both her over the edge once more. Her body kept trembling under his touch. She didn't expect the sudden assault but it felt incredibly good.

"Mmmph, don't stop!" she moaned.

She covered her face as she didn't want to be seen like this.

The bed creaked beneath them as they moved in unison, each thrust sending a shiver down her spine and heightening the intensity of the sensations coursing through her body.

Kyouya pulled her hair as he thrusted in deeper. Losing herself to the pleasure, she moaned louder than ever.

He gently grabbed her by the neck, tilting her head upwards. She puckered her lips up as if expecting this.

Her loud moans were swiftly silenced with a deep kiss as he released his semen inside her one last time, filling her up completely as they both collapsed in a heap on the bed, spent and exhausted from the passionate encounter that has just taken place.

"Thank you...," she whispered.

Furina looked over to see Kyouya had already passed out. She pulled him closer, as he drifted away into a peaceful slumber in the warmth of her chest.



The morning light illuminated the room as Furina woke up.

She looked at Kyouya's sleeping face next to her and admired how peaceful he seemed.

"So cute."

She stretched her limbs and let out a long yawn.

"That was a night to remember," she smiled while caressing his messy hair.

"I think it's fine for me to be a little late today."

Whew! That’s the end of Chapter 5. This one was relatively hard to write because describing sex scenes in writing can get so awkward. I don’t know if I was able to properly convey what was happening through my writing but I hope you all enjoyed it. I have exams coming up so no new chapter for the next few days. Hopefully, those of you who have read up to this chapter have become somewhat invested with the story. I hope you will continue reading this because I have a lot more in store for you guys. Stay tuned, the story only gets more hectic from here.

DaoisttAYuDlcreators' thoughts