
Blades of Balance: Trials of the Hydro Archon Focalors

Not my fanfic. i only share ~~~~~~~~~~~ Bored of her mundane life, Furina yearns to experience something new. Luckily, her wish was about to come true as a man with a mysterious past enters her life. Our protagonist, gifted with extraordinary swordsmanship and an undying spirit embarks on an unexpected journey as he rediscovers himself. Could this be the man she has been waiting for all her life, the one that could save her from this seemingly never ending loop? There was more to him than meets the eye, but that was a risk she was willing to take. As Neuvillette watches with concern, Furina revels in the chaos that unfolds. New chapters thrice a week! Author's Note: This will be a very long fanfic but that doesn't mean the story is slow paced. This fanfic was initially written about 1 month before Fontaine's release but most of the chapters are after 4.0. Why did I choose an OC? Because I felt like Furina deserves better. She needs someone that can truly understand her. Hence, I had to make up my own character. The story gets quite steamy at times and has violent fight scenes as well so its not for everyone. But if you're someone that enjoys an action packed, romantic fanfic with some drama here and there, then this is for you.

DaoisttAYuDl · Video Games
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Chapter 17: Behind Enemy Lines

"So how'd you know that I'd be coming back today?" Kyouya asked, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I have my ways," Furina giggled.

She leaned in and gently rested her head upon his shoulder.

Kyouya cleared his throat before speaking.

"So, anything important happened over here while I was gone?"

"Yes… with the help of that Inazuman detective, the Marechaussee Phantom actually found a solid lead earlier today."

"Oh, you mean Heizou? Wait, you guys found Neuvillette already?"

"Well… all the clues point to one direction. He believes that he has identified the Fatui base. I'm surprised that the Melusines cooperated with him. Usually they aren't so friendly to outsiders."

"Heizou has that effect on people. Anyways, it looks like I'm back just in time," Kyouya smiled.

"You wish to go too?"

"Of course! I'm your best man. There's no way you're thinking of making me sit this out, are you?"

"N-no… it's not that. I just don't know what you might possibly encounter there. Last time you almost died going up against the Fatui.." her voice trailed off.

"Hmm? The way I remember it I almost killed one of them but was abruptly interrupted."

"Kyouya… these people are dangerous. What if something happened to you? I… can't bear the thought of losing you again" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Don't worry. I've gotten a lot stronger since then."

"I see… I can feel it too, Kyouya. You've changed. Witnessing your growth so far has been quite a magical experience for me."

Kyouya slowly leaned in, delicately brushing a stray strand of Furina's hair aside.

She almost stopped breathing upon feeling his soft touch on her cheek, guiding her closer.

Their lips met in a gentle, tender kiss, and the world around them seemed to fade away.

As their lips parted, she took a soft breath, her cheeks flushed. A smile graced her lips as she readjusted her hair.

"As much as I'd love to catch up, we are running low on time," she sighed.

"Right… we still need to breach the Fatui base. When would you like me to head out?"

"So you're determined to go?"

"Of course. Chief Justice Neuvillette has done quite a lot for me. I can't just back out of this operation."

"Alright, then. You'll be assisting Lady Clorinde's unit in this operation."

"Her again? Well, I'm looking forward to it."

"Hmm? It seems you two have gotten awfully close during the trip," her voice carried a hint of jealousy.

"It's not like that! She's just a very reliable and skilled woman!"

"Relax, Kyouya. I'm just teasing you. I know you're not a womanizer."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Buuuut… you do know what happens if you go against me right?" she whispered into his ears as she brought her hand to his neck, making a gesture which imitated a beheading.

Kyouya's eyes widened in surprise.

"O-of course…."

"HAHAHA! Gotcha!" Furina chuckled heartily, her laughter filling the air.

Kyouya closed his fist as he muttered under his breath.

"This brat…"

He pinned her against the seat, getting on top of her on all fours.

Furina immediately stopped laughing and looked at him in surprise.

"Oh, my. You've gotten so bold. This isn't the time or the place though, cutie," she whispered while looking away, feeling quite flustered from the exchange.

"T-that's not what I was… ugh…"

The Aquabus suddenly stopped and the Melusine opened the door to see them in that position.

"We're here," she said, walking away from the vehicle, not caring about whatever those two were doing in there.

They had reached the Maison Gardiennage Headquarters.


"Oh you've done it now," she giggled.

"Why do you not seem worried at all? She saw us!"

"Because Melusines are loyal subjects, unlike humans. They won't go around spreading rumors."

"Right… then I should get going," he said while getting off Furina.

She smiled as Kyouya stepped out of the bus.

"Get ready. You'll be leaving for the operation in an hour."


The Melusine got back in the Aquabus and started the engine.

"I'll get him back safely. Don't worry, Furina."

"I have complete faith in you," she said, looking into his eyes with a warm smile.

Kyouya stood there, watching the Aquabus as it drove away. Taking a deep breath, he headed inside.

He noticed Navia and Charlotte talking to Clorinde.

"Seems like serious stuff… I probably shouldn't interrupt them," he mumbled.

He tried to slip past them but Navia's sharp eyes noticed him.

"Kyouya, you're back!"

Within a moment's notice, she excitedly ran up to him, giving him a big hug.

"Good to see you too, Lady Navia."

"Hey… I told you to just call me Navia, didn't I? Drop the formalities. We're friends!"

"Sorry, I still haven't gotten used to that, Navia."

"Were you trying to avoid us just now, Captain?" Charlotte asked as she approached them.

"I uh…"


Navia stepped back, crossing her arms as she pouted at him.

Clorinde simply sighed before leaving.

"Hehe… what were you guys talking about?" he asked.

"Oh you know how it is between me and Clorinde."

"I actually don't… but I won't pry."

"Whatever. Were you really going to leave without even so much as saying hi to me?" she looked at him with pleading eyes.

"No, Navia. I just have an important appointment so I'm kind of in a rush."

"Ah, look at our valiant Captain. It's his first day back in Fontaine and he's already on another assignment!" she chuckled.

"Wow…the Maison Gardenniage really have you working to the bone huh?" Charlotte asked while taking notes.

"N-no it's not like that. I volunteered by myself."

"Wow! You're such a workaholic, Kyouya," Navia giggled.

"Anyways, I'd love to catch up with you two but I have to head out… like right now."

Navia let go of his arm and stepped back.

"Alright, but when you get back you better tell me all about Inazuma. I'm just dying to know about your duel with the Shogun!" she said with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Yes, Captain! You absolutely cannot leave out a single detail. It'll make for such a fantastic article!" Charlotte squealed in excitement.

"Of course. Now if you'll excuse me…"

He waved the two of them goodbye before leaving.

His footsteps echoed through the bustling station and the young officers began cheering for their esteemed Captain as he passed by.

Exchanging pleasantries with them, he made his way to the station's cafeteria.

He grabbed a quick bite to eat and relaxed for a bit. Feeling replenished, he decided to head back to his office.

As he settled onto his seat, his eyes caught a glimpse of Clorinde approaching with a determined expression on her face.

"Here already, huh?" he sighed.

In her hands, she held a thick casefile, its contents bearing the mark of Heizou's thorough investigation. She entered the room and stood beside him.

"Heizou just wrapped up the investigation. We know where Monsieur Neuvillette is."

"Yeah, I've been told. That detective sure works fast."

"Ah, I suppose Lady Furina has already briefed you."

"Huh? You knew she was in there?"

"Well… of course. I'm the one that told her you'd be arriving today after all."

"Just why did you do that…"

"Because she told me to keep her updated. How is this relevant?"

"Whatever… let me see the file."

Clorinde laid the casefile on Kyouya's desk, opening it to reveal the wealth of information contained within.

She began to explain the details, her words painting a vivid picture of the perimeters, the evidence collected, and the potential suspects.

"They're holding him hostage at a warehouse up north. It appears this particular warehouse is used for manufacturing delusions."

"But why though?"

"They were planning on using him as leverage to blackmail Lady Furina."

"They will really do anything to get their hands on the Gnosis, huh?" he sighed.

His keen eyes scanned the contents of the file.

Clorinde placed a reassuring hand on Kyouya's shoulder.

"Hey, I know you're nervous but right now, you're stronger than ever. I just know these Fatui scum don't stand a chance with you on our side."

Kyouya nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Lady Clorinde. We WILL bring him back safely."


Half an hour later, they gathered the troops. Three vans were waiting for them.

Kyouya got on while Clorinde settled next to him.

It was a silent drive to the warehouse. The Gardes sitting across them seemed to be lost in their own thoughts.

The Gardemeks were also accompanying them. These automatons were specialist Clockwork Meka associated with the Maison Gardiennage.

Each Gardemek had a serial number associated with it to ensure accountability.

An hour had passed, and the vans finally came to a stop in front of the ominous warehouse.

As the engine fell silent, an air of tension enveloped the team, each soldier aware of the high-stakes mission that lay ahead.

Clorinde loaded her gun as she looked at Kyouya.

"It's now or never," she whispered.

"Let's get this show on the road," he smirked while stepping out of the van.

He glanced back at Clorinde, who nodded at him.

With a simple gesture of his fingers, he signaled to the officers and Gardemeks to follow his lead. In perfect unison, they all fell in behind him, ready to support their Captain.

The trio of vans parked nearby, filled with additional troops, followed them.

Kyouya marched forward while Clorinde and the rest of the Gardemeks followed him.

His heart pounded with anticipation as he approached the imposing entrance of the warehouse.

He stepped back and motioned to one of the Gardemeks to break the door apart.

The automaton rammed through the door.

The loud clang of the battering ram echoed through the air as the door swung open.

Kyouya wasted no time, rushing in with a determined expression on his face.

The interior of the warehouse was dimly lit, with crates and supplies scattered haphazardly around the vast space.

The officers and Gardemeks followed closely behind, their weapons at the ready.

The silence was broken by the distant sound of voices.

Kyouya paused, signaling for the others to stay quiet. They followed his lead, moving stealthily toward the source of the noise.

The whispers grew louder, and soon, the group could see a dim light coming from a room ahead.

He ordered the officers to surround the perimeter.

As they closed in on the room, he could feel his heart racing.

With a swift hand gesture, he signaled for the officers to breach the room.

They moved as one, entering with precision and speed.

Inside, they found a group of Fatui skirmishers, surprised by the sudden intrusion.

The officers aided by the Gardemeks engaged in a fierce but controlled battle against the Fatui forces.

Kyouya's focus never wavered as he took on his opponents with calculated strikes and agile dodges.

His sword danced with deadly precision, each swing finding its mark as he expertly dispatched the skirmishers.

Amidst the chaos, his eyes scanned the warehouse, searching for any sign of Neuvillette.

"Fuck… where are they hiding him?"

He knew they were running out of time as the Fatui could just move Neuvillette somewhere else.

The battle seemed to stretch on forever due to the sheer number of Fatui soldiers at the scene.

"You guys, handle the situation here, I'm heading to the second floor!"

he shouted while running up the stairs.

"I'll come with!" Clorinde shouted from behind him.

He turned back to see her running towards him and smiled.

In perfect sync, Clorinde's shots rang out with unbelievable accuracy, while Kyouya's sword danced with lethal precision.

Together, they formed an unstoppable duo, pushing all the Fatui operatives. They had cleared out the second floor all by themselves.

Kyouya thought back to the war.

The last time he fought alongside a close comrade like this was with Adrian. He couldn't help but feel a tear trickle down his cheek reliving those memories.

Finally, the last of the Fatui operatives fell to the ground, defeated.

The floor fell into silence once more, save for the heavy breathing of the duo.

Kyouya exchanged glances with Clorinde as they continued their search through the warehouse.

Suddenly, three Fatui Skirmishers appeared before both Kyouya and Clorinde, their muscular frames and high-grade weaponry was quite the sight.

As Kyouya tried to reach for his sword, Clorinde put a reassuring hand on his shoulder.

"We don't have much time. Go ahead, I'll handle them," she said confidently.

With a silent nod, Kyouya dashed to the next room with thunderous speed. He knew Clorinde had his back.

Meanwhile, Clorinde's grip on her gun tightened, her stance firm as she locked eyes with the skirmishers.

As the first Skirmisher lunged towards her, Clorinde easily sidestepped his attack, her movements fluid and precise.

In a seamless display of marksmanship, she fired her gun with, hitting her target square in the chest and sending him staggering back.

The remaining two Skirmishers closed in.

Clorinde's focus remained unwavering, and she deftly avoided their strikes, never missing a beat.

Each shot she fired found its mark, weakening them through their protective armor.

Her heart raced with the intensity of the battle, but she remained composed and calculated.

The skirmishers, despite their imposing size and weaponry, struggled to keep up with her.

She unsheathed her sword and with a swift stab, the last soldier was defeated.

"Done and dusted…"

Her voice trailed off as she glanced towards the room where Kyouya had gone. She took a moment to catch her breath.

As she stepped forward, she stopped in her tracks upon hearing the distant sound of gunshots echoing from downstairs.

She knew she had to provide backup to the rest of her unit.

"You got this, Captain," she mumbled to herself before dashing down the stairs, her gun ready in hand.

She had complete faith in Kyouya's skill and knew he could handle whatever lay ahead as she focused on aiding her fellow soldiers in the fierce battle below.

4.2 can't come soon enough :"

DaoisttAYuDlcreators' thoughts