A very angry Jermyn stared at his culprit. Except for the sharp jawline and scarlet glowing eyes under the hood, he could not make out any other feature to identify the man.
A slender figure with hardly any muscle stood in front of him. He looked weak if nothing else.
"Are you the one who took my treasure?" he asked.
Jermyn was not expecting any answer. There was never a truthful thief. He would observe their reaction and judge if they stole it.
His eyes fixated on any body motion that could expose the supposed criminal.
"Yes!" stunning everyone who was around.
Who would confess to such a thing?
An idiot?
Maybe the hooded person was an idiot?
Jermyn was most perplexed. That answer didn't contain an ounce of respect or fear of the Aidyn {I will switch the family name to this...it has more historical meaning than the former.} family.
He felt his dignity and pride take a critical hit.