
BlackWolf Origin

Title: **BlackWolf Origin ** In the realm of Eldoria, where dreams intertwine with destiny, Synoh's journey unfolds. At the tender age of 7, he forms an unbreakable bond with a wolf named Fel, only to discover his legendary father, Fenrir. Inspired by his father's legacy as a royal guard who defied conventions for love, Synoh aspires to become a general and carve his own path. The narrative weaves through Synoh's years at the knight academy, where he encounters Lux, his best friend and rival with dreams mirroring his own. As they graduate and embark on separate paths, their destinies converge once again in the prestigious Division 12. Synoh, now a captain, leads a formidable team of knights, including the skilled Yuta, Kenny, and Nisa. As Synoh and Lux rise through the ranks, their achievements capture the hearts of villagers and earn admiration from nobles and royalty alike. Little do they know, their fates become entwined with the spirited Princess Akane. The story takes an unexpected turn as Synoh and Akane, initially perceived as adversaries, find common ground after an incident during escorts.Their connection deepens during a mission to escort Akane to the Cran Empire, leading to shared laughter and unexpected camaraderie. Meanwhile, Lux, harboring unrequited feelings for Akane, feels a sense of betrayal as he watches Synoh and Akane grow closer. Tensions rise as their intertwined destinies unfold, and the bonds beyond blades are tested in the face of love, loyalty, and the challenges that Eldoria presents. "BlackWolf: Origin" is an epic tale of friendship, love, and the pursuit of dreams against a backdrop of magic and medieval intrigue. Hi this is the author,I hope you guys likes this story and thanks.

Synoh04 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

25: Unexpected

Chapter 25: Unexpected

After Synoh and Lux bring the Chief to the Captain, all of the villagers gather around to see the mole. The villagers very shocked cause it their Chief, they think that Chief might get trapped by someone. This because the Chief is the most helpful and the most loving by villagers. Then Captain Alistair told the Chief to confess.

The Chief just smile evilly and then he said...

Synoh:Here the mole.

Captain Alistair: Hmm.

Villager 1: What? Why he?

Villager 2: Tell me they catch the wrong person?

Villager 3: This is a dream right?

Captain Alistair: You hear the villagers whisper you name and all of them disbelief cause you are the mole. You better confess to redeem yourself.

Chief: (Smirk) Alright, you got me. You guys!! I'm your Chief and I'm glad that you guys are my people!! I'm not the mole!! The knight wanted you all to believe I'm the mole!! Please trust me!!!

After hear the speech,some of the villagers start attacking the knight to save their Chief.

Villager 1: That means, you guys have other motive when searching in our house!!!

Chief just looking at the chaos he make and he smiled evilly but when he wanted to see the knight reaction he realised that the Captain Alistair just smiled at him genuinely and that make him shocked.

Captain Alistair: Then shout!!! Stop!! Or you guys gonna pay!!!

Captain Alistair use her water magic call Water magic"Water jet"(this attack like a laser that can thrust anything)

She then appoint it at the sky as a warning.

The villager see it and stop. Before the Chief can say anything, Captain Alistair then said...

Captain Alistair: Just stay there, we will wait after the rescue success and we will learn who lying!!!

The Chief shocked!!!

Chief: What you mean?

Captain Alistair: (Smile) You don't realise that one of division is gone, and my vice captain and the one that capture you also gone.

Chief: That means...

The villager just stay quiet and the father of the kidnap daughter comes forward and just stare the Chief.

Meanwhile the other division with Lux, Synoh, Captain Elara, Vice captain Jack,Ursa and the division 10 knight go using the tunnel is the Chief house.

Captain Elara: Stick to the plan.

Other: Understood.

The plan is if they found the mole, they will ask the mole to tell the secret road and if they found the secret road they will go to attack immediately and one division will wait at the village. This because they got the information that the bandit might contact the mole everytime, so without losing any advantage,they immediately attack.

As the chaos erupted in the village square, the revelation of the Chief's betrayal sent shockwaves through the gathered crowd. The villagers, torn between loyalty to their leader and disbelief at the accusations, grappled with the unsettling truth unfolding before them.

Amidst the confusion, Captain Alistair's calm demeanor stood in stark contrast to the turmoil surrounding them. With unwavering resolve, she addressed the Chief's protestations, her words carrying a weight of authority that commanded attention.

As the villagers' emotions threatened to boil over into violence, Captain Alistair's decisive action quelled the unrest, her display of power serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of disobedience. With a single gesture, she asserted control, her water magic crackling with latent power as she issued a stern warning to those who dared challenge her authority.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the hidden tunnel, Synoh, Lux, and their comrades pressed forward, their resolve unshaken by the revelation of the Chief's treachery. With each step, they drew closer to the heart of the bandit's lair, their determination fueled by the knowledge that the fate of the village hung in the balance.

As they navigated the labyrinthine passages, their senses attuned to the slightest sound or movement, they remained vigilant, knowing that the slightest misstep could spell disaster. With the weight of their mission pressing upon them, they steeled themselves for the inevitable confrontation that lay ahead, their unity as a team their greatest strength in the face of adversity.

With each passing moment, the tension mounted, the anticipation of the impending battle heightening their senses as they braced themselves for the final showdown. With the fate of the village and their comrades hanging in the balance, they knew that failure was not an option.